Sunday, July 24, 2005


this blog has been rather abandoned... oops. But it's cos I prefer blogging on my MSN Space. Dunno why though. Anyway, I want to blog about my weekend but feeling a bit tired. So shall blog about my obsession with bubbles. =)
Was at a chalet last night (refer to MSN Space for more details) and was blowing bubbles, bursting bubbles, etc... But when I blew the bubbles, I began to admire the beauty of the bubbles, catching the colours of the rainbow, floating higher then slowly settling to the ground before it burst. Bubbles are so beautiful yet they're almost unreal. They're barely there and easily destroyed. Kind of like our hopes, our dreams, our wishes, our aspirations... To us, we all hold our dreams dear to us, it's perfect, maybe a future that we want or something that we want to do. But yet, the world around us, the people, society seems to destroy this wishes, they make it seem like something impossible. Too many dreams trampled on, hope taken away. But yet, we still continue hoping no matter how many times others have burst our bubble.. That's the beauty of bubbles, our hopes and dreams...

Anyway, what I blogged just now is really random and I barely know what I'm talking about, it just seem to just come out from my mind as i blogged. Interesting, isn't it?

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