Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day! (belated...)

Ok... It was really tempting to copy my entry from my MSN space but I decided not to... But some of the content will be repeated, so ya...

Anyway, Valentine's Day. For me, the day has never been so much about all the "mushiness", the cliched flowers, chocolate and stuff. It's mostly just another day with the exception of my mum who always give me something and wish me "Happy V-Day!" So ya... This year wasn't really much of an exception. Got to thank Shu Mei for the keychain though. =) And duh, my mum. Whee! New handphone pouch. Cuteness.. Yep. Then the few smses on that day itself.
But what I'll remember most abt this year's V-day was that time after school... Apart from a scrumptious steamboat dinner at my relative's place, I got a "gift" that I liked. Haha. Laughter. No, it's not really a gift but ya, I laughed a lot and was in a good mood so thanks. Yep. That's about it...
This line, I have to repeat what I said on my MSN space. Even though I didn't wish many pple "Happy V-day" or give u all gifts/notes, I just want to say I love you pples a lot still, ok? Mostly directed to my closer friends... Pls dun be mistaken. =p

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