Saturday, June 04, 2005

Enjoying myself? I hope so.

Hmm.. Realized my blog entries have been a bit serious so this one shall be quite carefree and humourous?
Yesterday, CIP... Hmm... Went around asking people to donate money. Flag Day mah.. Then realized that I'm actually more thick-skinned than I thought.. Actually dared to go up to strangers and asked for donations, regardless of gender, age, race, etc... Warmed up quite fast and got quite a bit of donations. Then after a while (1hr or so) , took a break. Needed a sugar boost. So got some milo then it was straight back to work.. Started at 8 and only stopped at 10 plus for a half an hour break. then went around in the hot sun in the middle of orchard road to get more donations..
After that, met up with HPPS gals. Teresa, Nikki, Fishie, Sammi and Melody. Mel's not from HPPS but she came along anyway. Had lunch. Walked around. Memories came back... Cos we walked past Famous Amos and a little booth that sold those personalized gifts.. Yep, primary school memories just can't seem to fade. Played cards. Tempted to go into arcade courtesy of someone.. But ya, restrained myself. Had to admit though, quite sure I can still play at my previous standard.. =P a bit egoistic, i have to admit. Then watched Monster-in-law. Had a good laugh, something i really needed.
After that, walking from Cineleisure to Taka...That was a laugh... Thanks to Sammi and Fishie, there was quite a interesting conversation about er... forget it. Anyway, the discussion was whether it was hygenic or not.. About at least marrying for the experience of having it. Basically, the conversation consisted about all these and more... But to have this conversation in the middle of Orchard Road... Lol. It was funny lah. But had to pretend not to know those two...
Then walked around in Kino for a while, looked at books, anime, manga, etc.. Went Kalms and started looking at the cute Tatty Teddys.. Sammi was going crazy about it lor... =) Then joined them for a quick dinner then headed for family carecell.
For gel, my mum asked us to do some personality test and guess what? I managed to predict my results quite well... I mean, I guess i would be quite in the centre.. Turns out I'm an introvert but my second strongest is that i'm an extrovert.. Interesting, isn't it.. Anyway, the strengths of the introvert was supposedly suffers in silence? as a wife, would listen to husband.. rite.. that is so not me lah. Faithful, guess so. Diplomatic? Nah. Got good insights. What a joke.. Good to have in "conflict"? Not sure.. Weakness for an introvert was fearful, unmotivated, indecisive...Quite true. Very slow to get their thoughts out.. Depends. very compromising... Yep. I think so. Got will of iron. At times. Quite stubborn way. Sometimes. Need external motivation. Yep. Guess I'm really phlegmatic then. =)

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