Monday, June 13, 2005


Been busy so haven't been blogging.. Even now, I'm supposed to be finishing my holiday homework but have to do a quick entry first, k?
5-7 Jun
Stayover at my dad's house with my cousins. Basically just slacking away playing PS2, computer games, gameboy advance sp and television. Had most fun dancing away and maintaining my previous standard? Really miss the arcade, i guess. So was just slacking. Normally slept at 2,3 in the morning.. Then wake up at 10 or 1... yep. I woke up at 1 in the afternoon on one day. =p

8 Jun
Went over to auntie's hse and watched dvd with another cousin. Then later, she brought me for karaoke with her friends. That was fun. Surprisingly, i knew most of the songs even though it was mostly chinese. Started singing at 7:30pm and ended at 10:45pm? Not bad... Want to elaborate more but due to time constraints... Maybe some other time.

9- 10 Jun
NUS camp at Science Centre... Shalln't write much about it though.. Had to report at 8 in the morning.. We were all splited up... "We" referring to the 5 of us in our class that applied. So went and sat with my group. The usual division between guys and girls.. So our group was quite quiet? Had some chemistry activities first in the lab.. Then after that a break... Then more science activities.. Lunch, then the building of a rocket.. Trying to launch it and everything... Then got briefed about the take home experiment.. At first, everyone found it hard but in the end, most of us either discussed online or ask parents, etc.. And finished the experiment.
The second day was math and biology activities. The math activity was a bit hard.. But we managed to get some answers. Then the biology race was fun. Our group beat the fastest timing by 5 mins... =) But had to wait til the end before knowing whether we won or not.. =( Then there was the preparation for the presentation of the take home experiment. That was quite funny.. One of the guy had this unique presenting style, problem is there was a lot of flaws in his presentation.. Oh ya, our mentor was kind enough to treat us to ice cream after lunch. Anyway, prize presentation. Our group won 2 prizes.. Surprise, surprise. We only expected to win one. =) So that concluded the whole camp. Dunno how was my performance in the camp... Shall have to wait and see whether i get in or not.. I really dunno whether i want to enter nus or not.. See how lah.

11 Jun
Piano lesson, cell outing, service.
Cell outing was fun, went west coast park. loitered around then later went orchard to take neoprints. only the girls went lah. spent around $40, plus minus a bit... Then rushed back to church. Sermon was about family.. At first i thought it didn't relate to me.. I mean my family is quite happy and not much problems.. Until... I thought about my father... Those who know my family story would know what I mean.. I started being a bit moody. Thinking about why I didn't try to spread God's Word to my father. Could it be because of what happened? And i still beared a grudge.. I really didn't noe.. Had to go out to altar call and just release all possible anger once again. Felt better after that. Went manna and bought a cute doggie bookmark.. The bible verse should help encourage myself.. =)

12 Jun
Went for lunch with relatives... Then later went orchard road. window shopping.. but ended up spending $50 on a skirt and a top.. White skirt.. Quite innocent?? Then the top... well.. wouldn't bother describing it. Had fun walking around with my relatives lah.. Looking foward to another trip to orchard but this time, only with my mum. =) Oh ya, found out jonathan had chicken pox. So he and my mum will be staying at home with me. Good. I won't be that lonely then. =)

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