Sunday, November 20, 2005

Back after 2 weeks

Hiya... I'm back after 2 weeks... The absence was because I was grounded. Don't ask about it, ok? Lol... Time to recount my 2 weeks of holidays... Quite a lot to blog about but I'll try to summarize, ok?

8 Nov: Choral nite fund-raising... Haha. Class theme, collared tee-shirt + tie... Haha. "koped" a mickey mouse tie from my dad... was trying to tie the tie the whole night... Lol. Poor doggie. I was practicing on big doggie... Dun kill me, k? [comment directed to glo, kor and gan jie] Oh ya, was talking to gan jie.. Being random. We were sitting on the track and just talking... Lol. Some pple tried to discreetly walk over and er.. check on us. Had to shoo them away. Oops? Anyway, went out ot grab a bite and ended buying maggi mee and er.. walking back from coronation plaza to school... all the while eating maggi mee... =p That's about it for that day...

9 Nov - 11 Nov: Chalet! Ok... it's really too much to blog about but what can I say? It's weird to have ur ex-classmates in a chalet organized by ur close friends... lol. Anyway, it was fun lah... NFSU2. =) Need for speed. Yes kor, i know I'm bad at driving.. But hey, it was fun... The events. Shall just give them names... Ordering McDonalds and getting "stalked", groccery shopping, almost getting strike by lightning, barbeque... all these. all so memorable...

12 Nov: IRS exhibition... Haiz. Was chosen.. Had to wear the "banana" suit... Actually, it's our school blazer. Problem was glo brought shoes for me but it was too big so was walking around in sport shoes... =p haha. anyway, the best part was when the exhibition ended... Could break our board... gan jie joined in too. =) Had lunch with char, deb and gan jie b4 rushing to church... Hmm. was asked to draw a graph of our mood... honestly, the graph was a bit too dreamy? it wasn't accurate.. especially the middle part... like i was that happy... hah. right. those who know me know what I mean. Service.. ok. Here's the highlight of the day... Was worshipping.. Jump jump when it just came to me why I've stopped enjoying para para... Cos subconsciously, I compare the joy i experienced to worship... I'm really most as ease and hyper during worship... Though there are times when I'm also quite hyper... But not in church... More on that later. Had dinner... The girls were commenting on me being quiet... I gave them the answer "I'm always like that"... Ouch. Lying's no fun... But seriously, I'm not like that... Oh well... After a while, I had to join in the conversation... It was getting tiring saying "I'm always like that"... That's for that day...
13 Nov: Parents wedding anniversary... Some memories... that's all I shall say...

The rest of the week was just lazing around... Spending quality time with my mum... Helping her to do "market research"... Lol. Er... there's more to blog about ... But got to go... It's way past my bedtime. I'll blog more tomorrow about fri and sat... Quite a few things to blog about on those two days....

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