Friday, December 30, 2005

Malaysia trip. Ups and downs. Literally?

I'll try to avoid making this entry about my trip to Malaysia a boring recount... But if it is, er.. sorry.

Long drive up to KL... Slept most of the time. In fact, as long as I'm in car for long enough, I'll fall asleep. =p Stayed at the malaysian equivalent of a condo. Loaned to my family by my uncle's friend. Did a lot of window shopping. Emphasis on "window". In fact, in this whole trip, I only bought 1 shirt. Not bad. But ya. KL was actually just going to malls and eating. Nothing special.

Hmm... Let me do a quick comparison of the views from each of my room's window.
Kuala Lumpur. I could see the Petronas tower and all the other towers. It was nicer at night with all the lights shining against the darkness.
Penang. Hmm... The ocean and the sky. The first day, I saw the view after sunset. The sky wasn't dark yet, instead it was filled with streaks of orange, red and pink. In the morning, the view would be just blue meeting blue. It was hard to separate the sky from the sea.
Now, which do you think I liked better? The answer would also be the answer to which place I preferred overall...

Penang. Was happier and had a chance to relive some of the past memories. The memories I had of my innocence. The butterfly farm, the fruit farm. Went there on a previous trip 3 years ago... Some things changed, some things stay the same. Even just being able to get butterflies onto my fingers long enough for a picture was so satisfying... Enjoying the view from the fruit farm as I ate my lunch which consist of fruits and ice kachang. =) Even things like these which don't cost much brought laughter to my face. But now, as I think about it, something's tugging inside me. Tears are about to fall. Cause I don't know how long it will be before I'm so happy again. Anyway, one more memorable part of my stay in Penang.

Para-sailing. Before trying it, I was dreaming about it, wanting to have that experience. But once I had the chance, I was fearful. Hesitant... Oh well, at least I did have that experience in the end. The real thrill is when you're taking two steps on the beach and in a few seconds, you find yourself up in the sky. Hmm. It was nice just enjoying the view from above... But yep... Doesn't feel right blogging about it so that's all...

In fact, I'm no longer in the mood to blog... But actually, this is all I want to blog about. So don't expect anymore entries on my trip. But if you have any questions about my trip, feel free to ask me, ok? That's all. Good night.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Remembering how to smile.

Ok... This entry will be completely random... Judging from the title and all.
The week after camp, no major changes or anything to the way i live my life but I know I tend to be happier and more light-hearted now. SP course, spending quality time with my mum (which involves training of muscles cos I had to help pack the house and was moving boxes up and down)... But ya. Was smiling and laughing quite often, no issues to weigh me down.. At least if I don't think about them. But since there's nothing to remind me of the issues, I was fine. The way I live became a nice routine. Business in the day. At night, just time to settle down and rest. Watching shows til 11, doing my TAWG, listening to music, randomly sending smses and falling asleep.

Highlight of the week: Friday and Saturday!
Went to orchard road to SALT people. The group I was in was supposed to stay at Far East Plaza. Hmm. A learning experience. Didn't noe that I was that thick-skinned but since it's for God, anything's possible. After that, went window-shopping and lost track of time... =p Oops? Had to rush for family cell x'mas dinner. Hmm... Ya.

Saturday, piano then went Jurong Point to shop for x'mas presents... Ah... I miss the arcade... Oops? Guilty. But ya. Bought presents then went home then went to church. Hmm... The part that I feel like mentioning is during service. We were sitting on the floor and I was amused by something. can't remember what. But anyway, it just hit me that I was happier than I've been in a long time. That amused smile that I always like. It's on my face more often. I think I know why... It's due to several things, events, people, situation... Oh well. Just wanted to say thanks. To those that place a smile on my face. And hmm... I hope I can keep smiling even when school term starts. But this time, I'm assured. I'm starting to think that I'll be fine. =)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Infused - Youth Camp 05

Ok... This is my second draft of my entry on church camp... Had some change in ideas and all so I've decided to rewrite everything. I don't think all those reading would be interested in a activity by activity recount so will blog about the things that touched my heart.

The first night's service: Defuse
Hmm... The sermon spoke to me about things that I didn't want to confront with for a long time. Anger, softening of my heart, sin... I guess it's time to be honest. Anger in my heart towards, him - my father. It's not easy typing it out but yes. After a talk with jeann on sat, I realize that though God spoke to me, it's still a struggle to let everything down. But on that night, it was a relief to cry out the tears that I've been waiting to release.

Hmm... Actually, for the second day's service... I was still dealing with the same issue though the sermon topic was different. But yes, it's hard to let go of something that's so complex. A burden that's been eating at me for so long. Then, there were the war games at night. Hmm... There were some things that I really enjoyed. The unity as a team... Even though we had to go against the other "army".

The third day's morning service: Infused for Impossibilities
Ezekiel 37 - The valley of dry bones.
Ouch. The emotional pain when I recalled the valleys in the past year. And I kind of had an idea of the valleys that I would encounter in the new year. Ouch. My heart can already feel the pain. Yet, God spoke to me and reminded me. There would not be any obstacle that I cannot handle. God would fill me with His Strenght.

Night service: Infused with God's mantle
The whole key point of the sermon or at least the part that impacted me most was dying to myself. Dying to myself. No, it's not a physical action. Rather, it's dying to my rights, my dreams, my ambitions. At first, before the service, I felt that there wasn't really anything that I held onto that dearly... Other than my parents and jonathan, of course. But God spoke to me and asked me, "Would I be willing to not take art as my humanities subject next year?" Ouch. I didn't realize that I held on to that decision, that choice so much. It hurt when I gave up my art lessons and it's always been a regret that I had to give it up. But now, when I could fulfil my dream again and now God's asking me to let it go. It hurt so much. I was holding on to it and took a well to let it go. Even now, if God says not to take art as one of my subject, I will give it up. Reluctantly. I admit. But I will. That really taught me how to give up something close to my heart. But yes, I still have to work hard to improve myself in that area. As you will realize if you read on...

The last day's sermon: Made for mission
I didn't really think I would be as touched by God that day but I was wrong. That shows why God's God. =) When we went for altar call, God spoke to me and gave me my answer to a question that I've been asking for a long time. How did I get into NUS High? My confidence level has been low this year so that question was really uppermost in my mind as some people know... But God answered me. It's because God chose me to be there. That's the reason why. It was by God's will that I got in. So it was really a relief to hear the answer.

Hmm... Due to time constraints, shall end the blog entry. But have you all realized? The entry's only about how God touched me. One or two more things I want to blog about. Dinner after camp and saturday... And lastly, I want to thank several people. Shall blog about it on my MSN space, most likely, ok? Good night.

Monday, December 05, 2005

quizzes... a break from entries

The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to good manners and elegance.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.