Friday, December 30, 2005

Malaysia trip. Ups and downs. Literally?

I'll try to avoid making this entry about my trip to Malaysia a boring recount... But if it is, er.. sorry.

Long drive up to KL... Slept most of the time. In fact, as long as I'm in car for long enough, I'll fall asleep. =p Stayed at the malaysian equivalent of a condo. Loaned to my family by my uncle's friend. Did a lot of window shopping. Emphasis on "window". In fact, in this whole trip, I only bought 1 shirt. Not bad. But ya. KL was actually just going to malls and eating. Nothing special.

Hmm... Let me do a quick comparison of the views from each of my room's window.
Kuala Lumpur. I could see the Petronas tower and all the other towers. It was nicer at night with all the lights shining against the darkness.
Penang. Hmm... The ocean and the sky. The first day, I saw the view after sunset. The sky wasn't dark yet, instead it was filled with streaks of orange, red and pink. In the morning, the view would be just blue meeting blue. It was hard to separate the sky from the sea.
Now, which do you think I liked better? The answer would also be the answer to which place I preferred overall...

Penang. Was happier and had a chance to relive some of the past memories. The memories I had of my innocence. The butterfly farm, the fruit farm. Went there on a previous trip 3 years ago... Some things changed, some things stay the same. Even just being able to get butterflies onto my fingers long enough for a picture was so satisfying... Enjoying the view from the fruit farm as I ate my lunch which consist of fruits and ice kachang. =) Even things like these which don't cost much brought laughter to my face. But now, as I think about it, something's tugging inside me. Tears are about to fall. Cause I don't know how long it will be before I'm so happy again. Anyway, one more memorable part of my stay in Penang.

Para-sailing. Before trying it, I was dreaming about it, wanting to have that experience. But once I had the chance, I was fearful. Hesitant... Oh well, at least I did have that experience in the end. The real thrill is when you're taking two steps on the beach and in a few seconds, you find yourself up in the sky. Hmm. It was nice just enjoying the view from above... But yep... Doesn't feel right blogging about it so that's all...

In fact, I'm no longer in the mood to blog... But actually, this is all I want to blog about. So don't expect anymore entries on my trip. But if you have any questions about my trip, feel free to ask me, ok? That's all. Good night.

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