Thursday, February 10, 2005

CNY here again...

Quite a bit 2 blog about...
Tue had CNY celebrations in school then just 2 irritate kor, wore a pink shirt... =)
Then after CNY celebrations, I rushed back to HPPS with hui shi, gloria and kor.
Just said "hi" to the teachers then rushed down 2 quadrangle where everyone else was there. Everyone = sammi, teresa, most of the boys...
Then talked to sammi and teresa and watch the boys attempt to play soccer... (boys, dun kill me, k?)
Was running btw HPPS frenz and NYGH frenz...
But a while b4 i left, the rest of the RI boys came... Bad timing...
Some people really haven't changed lor... But nvm..
Oh ya, 4got 2 mention that kor shouted "Jose" so loudly just for fun... We were being wu liao lah..
Kor just gave Jose a new nickname.. "Mr Sunshine"... He wore bright yellow lor..
Then after that, gan jie forced me to say "bye" to Nicolas before I could go...
Then sammi also agreed and made me go over to where Nicolas was lor...
Unfair! Then after that, went j8 to have lunch and walk around.
Went comics connection and the 4 of us bought matching crosses... Just different colours..
Then went gaga over the things in gift-a-name.. And as usual, took neoprints.
After that, saw michael and elisha...
That's another long story... Not going 2 bother...
Then first day of cny, not much, just the usual visiting of family members...
Oh ya... couz and her boyfriend and my mum had fun teasing me lor...
Cos i was about 2 follow couz and boyfriend to the boyfriend's relatives hse..
Then couz's boyfriend said something like "I have many male cousins." then mum started making comments and couz promised to see whether got any suitable guys...
Sigh... My mum! believe it or not???
Then watched "Seoul Raiders" at 11:20...
Wah! Very tired after that.. Only slept at 2..
Then today, went visiting... in a pink cheongsam.
Kor, if u read this, dun crinch...
Couz had fun messing with my hair and put eyeshadow for me...
Mum asked me not 2 wear my specs somemore...
Very tiring lah... Everything a bit blurred...
No choice lah. Only once a year. Whew!
Better go now lah. Getting a bit tired...

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