Friday, May 06, 2005

Gep events...

Got to do a very quick summary about the day’s events…
Let’s see. I’ll just fast forward to the public speaking competition.
Bah, I dislike all these gep events.. Each time I entered, let’s say the audi, I have 2 try to not look around, be oblivious of the people around me. Anyway, it was rather funny today lah.
Can’t deny the fact that these events caused me lots of embarrassment (?), it provides a lot, a lot of laughter. Yep, was trying 2 control my laughter throughout the competition thanks to the interesting “show” by some people in the auditorium. Anyway, noticed a trend in the presenting style of guys. They tend to use a lot of self-flattery? Shall not mention the names of the school in case it gets too sensitive and the people can’t take the criticism. Pity Glo and Hui Shi who had to be the mc and cut people off half-way… That’s not a nice job but hey, someone’s got to do it. Due to time constraints, got to go. Might elaborate further later? Depends.

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