Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Finally, some time to really blog. Been occupied so haven’t been blogging. Quick summary of what happened over the long weekend.
Walkathon in the morning from school to SMU. Sighs. Not what I want to do on a sat morning, Wasn’t in the mood lah. Just wanted to stay home and rest but hey, wishes don’t come true.
Walkathon over, body combat at SMU. I think I need a punching bag liao. Quite “fun” to just punch/kick the air. Then after that, go home lah, what else?
Went home, rest then go church. Cell. Service. My mood that day wasn’t very good so I guess was a bit quiet and didn’t take part in teasing Brother Kah Fei. Shall help them next week. Then for service, it was “Straight Talk with Pastor Darrick and a mystery guest”. A lot of comic relief lah. All the cues on the screen to tell us to “applause”, “thundering applause”, “lol”, “rofl”, etc.. Due to lack of mood to continue to blog about service, shall stop now. All I have to say that it was really meaningful and helped a lot.
Not much to blog about. Other than the trip to Mount Faber after dinner. Just went there and admire the night view of Singapore. It’s not the nicest but hey, at least it’s something. Just letting the wind blow, I was so contented at that moment. I mean, moments before, hearing my favourite Disney songs on the radio then the cooling breeze. I felt I went back in time to primary school when I was so carefree. Enjoying these simple thing so much. Sighs. I really need to just chill out more. And I don’t mean slacking in front of the computer screen. =p

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