Tuesday, June 21, 2005


If anyone actually notices... Just updated my wishlist, goals and dislike column.
starting to know myself better, i guess.. Feel like just being random in this entry so bear with me, k? If you can't, then you can always choose not to read this blog, u noe?
Anyway, realized a lot of things about myself and already starting to worry about what that will mean... Aiyah, dun feel like writing thoughts down here, so that's all for now...
Might abandon this blog temporarily... Will be busy.. Got some things i need and want to do first...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Youth Conference! IGNYTE!

Woohoo. I'm finally online after 3 days. Been going to church and spending more time there than i've been at home. From wed to fri, been staying there from around 9am to 9pm.. Not bad, ain't it? Anyway, shall write a long entry about the youth conference cos it rocks! Yep, i'm hyper in case u didn't realize!! =)

Tue Nite
Concert only for Passion! Minisstry youths. It was a good start to the IGNYTE conference! The sermon talked about now being a time for Divine Confrontation and talking about sin... That was the really freaking part about how things that the youths of this generation think as normal is actually worshipping of other gods like Baal.. Cutting of yourself, abortion, witchcraft, pornography... i noe not all youths think of these as normal but all these is actually an indirect worship of other gods.. Didn't realized it till now.. Then the altar call was about choosing our allegiance. Whether we are going to stand with God or not, there should be no neutral party cos that's equal to siding with the devil.. Ya.. made me realize that I should really make my stand.. Thanks to the concert, was hyper when I went home.. Couldn't sleep til 11 plus, 12...

IGNYTE conference. Was supposed to be for SPs, leaders.. But guess some of us were invited.. And i still don't really understand why. But nvm. it was fun and i learned quite a bit. The workshop was really educational, talking about how to nurture others, makes me really wish that i could have signed up for the previous SP course but due to conflicting schedules.. Sighs.. Nvm. There'll always b the next one..

We were split up into groups for lunch and for games.. Had to bribe hannah tan to eat the honeydew.. Lol. The games were quite fun, i guess. The one where we were blindfolded was a bit scary cos we climbed up and down stairs, etc... then the victory dance was really funny. seeing the whole group do those actions. still laughing whenever i think about it.. but ya.. enjoyed myself.. something i didn't think was really possible since i'm not really close to the SPs, leaders, etc... expected to felt out of place but in the end, everything turned out quite ok..

Dinner at adam hawker centre.. Finally, a break from Macs. =p Then went for prayer meeting. Sermon was about building a house of Godly influence by arming ourself. sighs.. realized how much i haven't been arming myself.. not reading the Bible consistently.. And letting other things take up so much of my time... Like the computer.. I know i'm on the computer now but at least I'm blogging about the conference so ya..

More games.. Morning devotion... Lunch. Coming up with cheers. Then the games stations.. Some were kinda gross.. the sticking of masking (spelling?) tape to your feet and then later pass it back to the adult leader and they were to be recycled.. and yes, we were all barefooted.. Balancing of marble between ur nose and your lips... and doing funny actions.. Captain ball with ping pong ball, stealing from other teams if you can.. Lol. directing your team mate who's blindfolded to retrieve coloured balls without using words.. so imagine all the sounds that we had to invent.. Then the trying to burst balloons tied around opponents's ankle while defending your own.. Time flew when we were having fun..

Met glo and shao at macs for dinner... Too bad chloe had to rush for.. Shao almost killed me, i guess... But luckily, i survived.. Unfair pple, bullying me.. purposely planned my b'dae present 2 mths in advance.. Making me suffer from curiousity. Hmph. Met kenneth, glo's team mate from the nus camp then went back to church for the concert.. Everyone was so hyper.. atmosphere was so .. suitable? But ya.. The happiness that comes from worshipping.. can't describe it with words. anyway, jerry from singapore idol came as a special guest.. Sang 2 songs and kinda shared his life story..

Then the sermon.. had to try not to smirk cos some of the content seemed to fit kor so nicely.. but ya.. shao never accpept God as her Lord and Saviour.. until... to be continued.. i went up for altar call without glo and shao and just longed for the fire of God.. As usual, full of energy after that and was jumping in front.. leaving shao and glo on their own after that... there was this adult who kept talking to shao and when i went back to my seat.. turns out shao said "yes" to receiving God.. but i knew it couldn't be that way.. so later.. after asking shao.. she said "yes" only to keep the adult quiet.. Only shao can do something like that. felt like laughing and hitting my head against the wall at the same time...

morning devotion.. one quote i feel like throwing in.. "love doesn't make the world go round, but love is what makes the ride worthwhile." the pastor shared this cos he was talking about 'IGNYTE your Passion!" About remembering your first love, God. Repent and Revival.. The repent part especially spoke to me... Oh the illustration about vertical passion for God and horizontal compassion for souls... Interesting... And reminds me of what i haven't been doing.. altar call.. meaningful. But only now do i realize that there are still things i haven't let out..

The workshops... signed up for "Believe it or not- facts, fiction, faith" and "It only takes a spark". You probably can guess the content of the workshops from the title but shall elaborate.. Believe it or not was talking about how do we noe what is real. A bit of discussion about the Da Vinci Code which is a fiction in case u didn't noe.. Most things in there are really just lies.. But ya.. Went for a quick lunch then came "It only takes a spark". Talks about relationships, crushes, etc... Differentiating infatuation (crushes) from love... Shall not list down everything but ya.. the course was interesting.. but also impactful... i guess? If you want to know more, i still have the notes... but dun want to just throw everything in here.. it'll be quite a lot.. Rounding up of the conference..So sad.. wanted this to just continue.. there was this satisfaction in just doing this for so many days... Being in church, learning about God.

Dinner. At Macs again... Then later.. a minor food fight.. with fries.. Lol. Actually, me and delia started it... I didn't throw anything but watched and laughed away… and ya.. prompted delia to continue.. oops.. dun kill me after this, k? walking back to church.. full of jokes and laughter.. Then the concert.. I didn’t feel that hyper compared to thurs.. dunno why though.. jerry came again.. Hannah, Chelsea & Christabel decided to shout "We love you, Jerry!" … Lol.. Laughing away lor.. Sermon was about the fire of God.. The sense of urgency.. the never knowing when the people around you would die.. and then you’ll realize you missed a chance to tell them about God.. A lot of things was said.. But after the altar call, I became high.. Really hyper.. jumping about.. and everything.. but it was a nice way to end everything….

Youth service cancelled cos youths serving for Parent's day.. responsible for giving gifts to the parents... Then the sermon.. The times that i felt like punching the wall.. felt like crying. past memories... The sermon was about Leadership in the Family thru serving others.. Serving with heart of love, effectively giving, serving with fervent prayer... Altar call.. God just spoke to me.. The past came back.. things i didn't realize all seem so clear.. I cried.. The sorrow in my heart.. Thanks for the support, gals.. My frenz realized my sorrow.. Their encouragement and comfort warmed my heart.. Didn't expect so many of them to care.. but ya. realized that i've been fed lies by the devil.. But after my own problems, the friends around me too broke down.. Why? Why is it that happiness never last long.. Things got emotional.. Dinner, sambal stingray, sambal sotong & kangkong.. some of them felt like eating chilli so ya.. brought it to macs and ate outside.. the mood was weird.. sometimes laughter, sometimes anger. walking back to church.. opening up our hearts.. but still.. i noe that the problems that each of us face are still there.. hopefully, with God's love and His strength, we can get through all this. And we must really open up to each other.. jo & bel, if u ever read this, you'll understand.. there are still things we're not telling each other, that i'm sure of.. but let's help each other, k?

P.S. sorry about spelling, grammer, punctuation.. had to rush thru this over 2 days... lack of time.. some things r vague, i realized. no time to elaborate. sorry.

Monday, June 13, 2005


Been busy so haven't been blogging.. Even now, I'm supposed to be finishing my holiday homework but have to do a quick entry first, k?
5-7 Jun
Stayover at my dad's house with my cousins. Basically just slacking away playing PS2, computer games, gameboy advance sp and television. Had most fun dancing away and maintaining my previous standard? Really miss the arcade, i guess. So was just slacking. Normally slept at 2,3 in the morning.. Then wake up at 10 or 1... yep. I woke up at 1 in the afternoon on one day. =p

8 Jun
Went over to auntie's hse and watched dvd with another cousin. Then later, she brought me for karaoke with her friends. That was fun. Surprisingly, i knew most of the songs even though it was mostly chinese. Started singing at 7:30pm and ended at 10:45pm? Not bad... Want to elaborate more but due to time constraints... Maybe some other time.

9- 10 Jun
NUS camp at Science Centre... Shalln't write much about it though.. Had to report at 8 in the morning.. We were all splited up... "We" referring to the 5 of us in our class that applied. So went and sat with my group. The usual division between guys and girls.. So our group was quite quiet? Had some chemistry activities first in the lab.. Then after that a break... Then more science activities.. Lunch, then the building of a rocket.. Trying to launch it and everything... Then got briefed about the take home experiment.. At first, everyone found it hard but in the end, most of us either discussed online or ask parents, etc.. And finished the experiment.
The second day was math and biology activities. The math activity was a bit hard.. But we managed to get some answers. Then the biology race was fun. Our group beat the fastest timing by 5 mins... =) But had to wait til the end before knowing whether we won or not.. =( Then there was the preparation for the presentation of the take home experiment. That was quite funny.. One of the guy had this unique presenting style, problem is there was a lot of flaws in his presentation.. Oh ya, our mentor was kind enough to treat us to ice cream after lunch. Anyway, prize presentation. Our group won 2 prizes.. Surprise, surprise. We only expected to win one. =) So that concluded the whole camp. Dunno how was my performance in the camp... Shall have to wait and see whether i get in or not.. I really dunno whether i want to enter nus or not.. See how lah.

11 Jun
Piano lesson, cell outing, service.
Cell outing was fun, went west coast park. loitered around then later went orchard to take neoprints. only the girls went lah. spent around $40, plus minus a bit... Then rushed back to church. Sermon was about family.. At first i thought it didn't relate to me.. I mean my family is quite happy and not much problems.. Until... I thought about my father... Those who know my family story would know what I mean.. I started being a bit moody. Thinking about why I didn't try to spread God's Word to my father. Could it be because of what happened? And i still beared a grudge.. I really didn't noe.. Had to go out to altar call and just release all possible anger once again. Felt better after that. Went manna and bought a cute doggie bookmark.. The bible verse should help encourage myself.. =)

12 Jun
Went for lunch with relatives... Then later went orchard road. window shopping.. but ended up spending $50 on a skirt and a top.. White skirt.. Quite innocent?? Then the top... well.. wouldn't bother describing it. Had fun walking around with my relatives lah.. Looking foward to another trip to orchard but this time, only with my mum. =) Oh ya, found out jonathan had chicken pox. So he and my mum will be staying at home with me. Good. I won't be that lonely then. =)

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Enjoying myself? I hope so.

Hmm.. Realized my blog entries have been a bit serious so this one shall be quite carefree and humourous?
Yesterday, CIP... Hmm... Went around asking people to donate money. Flag Day mah.. Then realized that I'm actually more thick-skinned than I thought.. Actually dared to go up to strangers and asked for donations, regardless of gender, age, race, etc... Warmed up quite fast and got quite a bit of donations. Then after a while (1hr or so) , took a break. Needed a sugar boost. So got some milo then it was straight back to work.. Started at 8 and only stopped at 10 plus for a half an hour break. then went around in the hot sun in the middle of orchard road to get more donations..
After that, met up with HPPS gals. Teresa, Nikki, Fishie, Sammi and Melody. Mel's not from HPPS but she came along anyway. Had lunch. Walked around. Memories came back... Cos we walked past Famous Amos and a little booth that sold those personalized gifts.. Yep, primary school memories just can't seem to fade. Played cards. Tempted to go into arcade courtesy of someone.. But ya, restrained myself. Had to admit though, quite sure I can still play at my previous standard.. =P a bit egoistic, i have to admit. Then watched Monster-in-law. Had a good laugh, something i really needed.
After that, walking from Cineleisure to Taka...That was a laugh... Thanks to Sammi and Fishie, there was quite a interesting conversation about er... forget it. Anyway, the discussion was whether it was hygenic or not.. About at least marrying for the experience of having it. Basically, the conversation consisted about all these and more... But to have this conversation in the middle of Orchard Road... Lol. It was funny lah. But had to pretend not to know those two...
Then walked around in Kino for a while, looked at books, anime, manga, etc.. Went Kalms and started looking at the cute Tatty Teddys.. Sammi was going crazy about it lor... =) Then joined them for a quick dinner then headed for family carecell.
For gel, my mum asked us to do some personality test and guess what? I managed to predict my results quite well... I mean, I guess i would be quite in the centre.. Turns out I'm an introvert but my second strongest is that i'm an extrovert.. Interesting, isn't it.. Anyway, the strengths of the introvert was supposedly suffers in silence? as a wife, would listen to husband.. rite.. that is so not me lah. Faithful, guess so. Diplomatic? Nah. Got good insights. What a joke.. Good to have in "conflict"? Not sure.. Weakness for an introvert was fearful, unmotivated, indecisive...Quite true. Very slow to get their thoughts out.. Depends. very compromising... Yep. I think so. Got will of iron. At times. Quite stubborn way. Sometimes. Need external motivation. Yep. Guess I'm really phlegmatic then. =)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Been wanting to blog these past two days but didn't get the chance.. Dunno whether anyone ever checks my blog liao but doesn't matter. Shall still blog..
Anyway, on Monday, my mum brought Jonathan and I to MacDonalds. Yep, it was to pacify Jonathan cos he was crying away. Anyway, after that, when we came out of Mac, someone called my mum and I was just standing there looking towards the sky... Then this whole calmness just came over me.. I mean the sky was getting dark as it was late evening, the sun was setting so the sky was just this whole sea of colours. At that moment, everything seemed so tranquil, I could forget everything that's been bothering me lately.. But had to snapped out of that mood soon lah... But now, it makes me want to just chill out and enjoy nature more than ever.. So maybe.. Mite make a trip to the beach soon. =)
Oh ya, one more thing that I wanted to blog about.. Rewind to Sunday... The Sunday Night movie was Armaggedeon.. When watching it, this question came to my mind.. If you knew that today would be your last day to live, what would you do? Interesting question? Sighs... Anyway, recently, been watching too many shows that all make me start having the attitude that we should treasure every single day of our life. I mean, we'll never know how long we live.. Sighs. Don't ask why recently I've become reflective.. It's freaking me out too but already getting used to this new side of me..
P.S. Realized that I don't sing songs to myself only when I'm down like what Gloria said, it's also because sometimes, I'm just reflecting on something. Interesting revelations about myself! =)