Saturday, October 28, 2006

the next few days...

Whee! Exams start on wednesday and I haven't really started studying yet.. Uhohh. Next few days, I'll have to force myself to study and revise. Anyway, I'm thinking that the next few days would be the most tiring and draining days of the whole year. If I can get through these few days, I'll be really contented. The realization of how "well-prepared" I am for the exams is starting to hit me rather hard. And to add to that, I do have expectations that I want to meet. To obtain a certain range of marks for each subject. But it's really unrealistic right now. I'm not even putting in the effort. That's why I know my marks are so going to fall short of my expectations. I'm not being pessimistic, I'm being realistic. Yes, some might say I should stop spending time blogging and all, but I can't study now. My mind's in this state which I dislike immensely. Of all times, right before the exam. If it was during the holidays, at least I can listen to my head and give it what it wants: which is a lot of sleep and rest. But now, I can't afford to do that.

Oh joy! I just got a phone call from some person in church who tells me that I'm in the sub-committee for the leadership camp in December. 0.0 Did I sign up for that? I don't seem to recall anything along those lines. But anyway, the thing is, that's a meeting tomorrow from 2-4 which means there goes another 2 hours of studying time if I do go.

Forget it. I'm resorting to rather desperate measures. Shall bring my notes along with me when I go out, so that I can read it on the bus or something. But right now, shall go play the piano again. I wonder why the piano's calling out to me so much nowadays. Yeps, I know the answer.

~ I woke up this morning, feeling kind of blue~

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