Sunday, October 22, 2006

saturday's roller-coaster ride

Due to the time now, I really should go to sleep. But I've got to keep my blog active and since I'm still up, why not blog a quick entry? So it'll just be words, ok?

Smses. SPC. Disappointment. Boredom. Wishes. Phone calls. East Coast. Barbeque. Breakwater. Waves. Seashells. Temperature. Frisbee. Memories. "Responsibilities". Cycling. Cross Country. Memories. Missing. Testing the limits. Wind. Loneliness. Cutting cake. More cycling. Songs. Triggers. Failure. Barbeque. Going through the motions. Photos. Getting away. Car ride. Mahjong playing. Apologies. Pushing everything to the back. Hoping.

I might/might not elaborate on this entry... But on a side note, I've changed quite a bit. It's gradual. But the whole day at the beach just made me realize how often I'm physically some place but my mind's no longer there. Family over friends or friends over family? Once, I didn't have to even think about the answer. I promised and was naive enough to think that things could always remain that way. But that's just another thing I was in denial about...

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