Sunday, October 30, 2005

last week of school. mood swings.

Ok, I can't be bothered to tell how my whole week was like so I'll just blog about the highlights.
On tuesday, went Botanic Gardens. Slacked around for 5 hours or so. Pigged out on junk food. Walk around. Talk with friends. Stone. Doodle. Actually, only sketched one pic but it was nice lah.. If only I didn't wear black. The sun was beating down on me as I sketched. That contributed to my tan. :p
Fast-foward to thursday.After school, went Junction 8. Walked around. Gan Jie had a hair cut. She looks even more chio now. Took neoprints... We're getting better at taking and decorating them... Haha. But ya, even as I'm so happy. I can't help but think of what was to come.
Friday. The last official day of school. I was upset. Over results and several other things... I knew my marks all along. But the confirmation... I passed. That much, I should be thankful for. But it's because of moderation. The utter dissapointment in myself. My pride has taken yet another bashing. I was upset. So many times I was on the verge of tears. And I just gave in. I had to resort to hiding in the toilet cubicle to let my tears out before going for assembly. I didn't hide how upset I was and all but I refuse to cry in front of most of you... Then after school, I was really pissed off and upset cause I was running late for piano. I was listening to my newest CD, some chinese love songs and all. And I was on the bus. Gan jie, you should be able to guess what happened. Ah well... To the rest of you, all the best in guessing. Had piano. Cheered up a bit... Was just stoning and slacking the night away...
Saturday. Lit sem. How can I not cheer up? Lol. Watching the plays and all... Lol. I'm getting repetitive but the MOV play was really funny and interesting. And Sly Lock can rap... Haha. So sad. Missed gan jie's presentation. But they chose to go first and never tell us. After lit sem, had some time to kill b4 going for cell so went gan jie's hse. Ate lunch. Watched parts of shows and all. Lol. Then she scare me by exaggerating how long 93 will take to school, that area... Anyway, reached church early. Loitered in manna... Bought something. Eyeing one of the notebooks too. Haha. See how. Might buy...
Cell. Confusion during Gel. Heehee. Played traffic light. But only 1 grp got it. Ah well. Hmm. Fast foward to service. Oops, forgot to mention. Signed up for youth camp! =) =) Me happy! Ok. Back to service. Worship. Wasn't really in the mood to jump or anything. Jumped lah but not as hyper... Announcements and all. Yeh! The new name of the youth ministry was announced. IGNYTE! =) The memories that the word brings back. June conference! Ok. I'm hyper now.. =p Anyway, sermon was about "3 Gifts to God"... Felt so guilty. Been neglecting my TAWG.... Anyway, went for altar call and apologized to God. Forgetting my previous concerns about various issues. Just concentrating on Him alone. As usual, after that, my mood gets better. But I've realized that if I only seek God's presence on Saturdays then of course, I won't grow and in a way, be moodier... So must constantly remind myself to do TAWG. =p
That's all for this week... I think....

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