Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hyperness during festive season

Haha. I've been relatively hyper the past few days... And considering that it's school term now, I'm pleasantly surprised. Compared to last year, this year's shaping up to be less moody? Haha. Oh well. I shall start with Friday. Was hyper from morning onwards. Heehee. The school celebration was short and sweet. Hmm. A lot of amusing things. Like the cross-talk. All the chinese idioms. Haha.
Then went back to hpps. More amusement... I think it's the first time the girls and guys interacted so much. Haha.
What followed was memorable. It's been covered by the rest but I'll just write a brief paragraph about it. Caught "Memoirs of a Geisha" with gan jie, glo, shao, sammi, zx, gab, nic, bryan and samuel. Lol. Try focusing on the show when there was entertainment provided by -cough- others. Ya... Then after the show, more laughter..
-cough- Dr Crab -cough- Haha. Yep. =) Dinner at Swensens. Hmm. A lot of laughter as discussion about the movie went on. Pft. Got bullied. But haha. A lot, a lot of laughter. Too many personal jokes. But yep, that'll b a day I remember... =)
Then yesterday, reunion dinner. -cough- Haha. My poor cousin. He's the same age as me but he was mistaken as a kid. The restaurant charged us for 6 adults and 2 kids... It's supposed to be either 7 adults +1 kid or 5 adults + 3 kids... They must think he's below 12. Poor cousin. Haha. Then when a guy posing as "Cai Sheng Ye" came, he gave hongbaos to my cousin and his younger sis and totally ignored me. Haha. I think I'm too old... Haha. No longer considered a kid. But oh well. I can't say I mind.. Heehee.
Today, lol. My mum's favourite time to doll me up... Yep. My hair was messed with by my auntie and mum. And they wanted to apply make-up on me! Dots. Haha. Yep. But overall, it's been a few days of laughter and joy. Hope it stays that way. =)

Monday, January 23, 2006

7 things.

SE7EN things that make me smile:
1) Cute puppies
2) Amusing behaviour/speech by others (though I think it's more of a smirk...)
3) Seeing my friends
4) Scenic views
5) Thinking of some memories
6) Receiving presents
7) Jonathan (how could I not include him? haha)

SE7EN ways to win my heart (right now):
1) Talk to me on the phone (haha...)
2) Go with me to some place random like er. Sentosa (haha... personal joke)
3) Make me laugh
4) Just spend time with me actually
5) Bring me to watch "Memoirs of a Geisha".
6) Buy me a stuffed toy.
7) Let me be part of your life..

Disclaimer: Please note that this part is really not that accurate... Yep.

SE7EN things I believe in:
1) God.
2) Jesus.
3) That I won't get a boyfriend before the end of the year. =p (this comment was due to Shao. haha.)
4) Solitude is both good and bad for me.
5) Outwardly, I'm crazy and don't make sense...
6) Inwardly, I know what I'm talking about and it does make sense.
7) Love is another double-edged sword, just like solitude.

SE7EN things I'm afraid of:
1) Losing people that I care for.
2) Others being able to read my mind...
3) Failure.
4) Letting some people enter my heart more than I'm willing to let them in.
5) That I'll sink into depression
6) Not knowing myself
7) That I'll hurt others

SE7EN things that I do everyday:
1) Sleep
2) SMS
3) Listen to my MP3
4) Live
5) Eat
6) Talk
7) Think

SE7EN people I want to see right now:
1) Gan Jie
2) Glo
3) Shao
4) Sammi
5) Someone.
6) Jonathan
7) Gloria Tan

SE7EN people who should also do this:
1) Glo
2) Renee
3) Gloria Tan
4) Sammie (if you haven't already done this...)
5) Joseph (if you haven't already done this...)
6) Delia
7) Isaac

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Old videos

Hmm. Realized that I blog about my childhood/the past a lot. This entry is no exception. Parents were watching some videos taken in 2002. Lol. That was so interesting to see how I was like then.
Hmm. Try picturing this. Short. Like below, 150, i think? Short hair before my shoulder. Straight fringe. Spectacles (not much difference from now, though... haha). But anyway, seriously, I look so blur and "gong" as my dad put it. And my mum just added another adjective to describe me. "Nerdy"/"geeky"... Haha. But ya, it was just interesting to see the physical differences.
But as usual, after the physical comes the "internal body"... my character and personality. In Primary 5... Hmm. For that, should really ask my classmates then but when I think of primary 5, I split it into two halfs. The first half of the year when my studies were just hopeless and the second half of the year when my results improved dramatically and yet, I learned how to play more. Arcade. Friendship with Samantha. But that only covers me in school. Hmm. I guess "childish" would be the word to describe me. But I don't really use "childish" as a negative term, it's just an adjective. In a lot of ways, I was still like a child. Innocent. Easily satisfied with what life offered.
But now. Oh well. Enough of comparisons. I do too much of that. But if you want to compare, just think. Primary 5 compared to Secondary 3... Isn't it obvious how different I would be? But at times, I know there are quite a few similarities... After all, I still have the diary entries from then. =p Haha.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Unlike me... so unlike me.

Yes yes, I know the normal thing is to blog about school and all but don't feel like doing that, so too bad. =p Just want to blog about how my behaviour today was so unlike me...
Went chinese new year clothes shopping with my mum and her friend..
Far East Plaza. Mum had this idea of me in boots... Ok... And a denim dress... It was ok but I just had something against the pink collar... Anyway, mum was fixated on the idea of me buying new shoes and outfit so yes... got 2 pair of shoes... One's a slipper... Pink though. Yes kor, don't cringe... Then got a top that's pink and blue... Long sleeve collared shirt.. But yes. The thought of buying so much never occured to me... Especially not at Far East... Oh well... Shall comfort myself that it's due to CNY... But unfair, guys don't really need to dress up as much as girls. Pft... Haha.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 - Happy New Year!

Hmm. I guess it's normal to put one's New Year resolution/s on their blogs... But for me, I don't know. I haven't really put them down into words so whatever I'm going to type next is just the first things that come into my mind.

1) Do my TAWG regularly... at least every alternate day.
2) Improve my grades = no more slacking as much as Sec 1 and 2...
3) Complete at least the 2 disney jigsaw puzzles that I've bought but haven't done.
4) Learn to play the guitar (ok.. this was just random but since there's a guitar in my room, why not?)
5) Be more fit physically (benchmark: improve my 2.4 timing by a minute??)

Hmm.. That's all for now. Feeling too lazy to think of some more... Besides, it'll be nice if I even fulfil half of those resolutions. =p