Sunday, January 22, 2006

Old videos

Hmm. Realized that I blog about my childhood/the past a lot. This entry is no exception. Parents were watching some videos taken in 2002. Lol. That was so interesting to see how I was like then.
Hmm. Try picturing this. Short. Like below, 150, i think? Short hair before my shoulder. Straight fringe. Spectacles (not much difference from now, though... haha). But anyway, seriously, I look so blur and "gong" as my dad put it. And my mum just added another adjective to describe me. "Nerdy"/"geeky"... Haha. But ya, it was just interesting to see the physical differences.
But as usual, after the physical comes the "internal body"... my character and personality. In Primary 5... Hmm. For that, should really ask my classmates then but when I think of primary 5, I split it into two halfs. The first half of the year when my studies were just hopeless and the second half of the year when my results improved dramatically and yet, I learned how to play more. Arcade. Friendship with Samantha. But that only covers me in school. Hmm. I guess "childish" would be the word to describe me. But I don't really use "childish" as a negative term, it's just an adjective. In a lot of ways, I was still like a child. Innocent. Easily satisfied with what life offered.
But now. Oh well. Enough of comparisons. I do too much of that. But if you want to compare, just think. Primary 5 compared to Secondary 3... Isn't it obvious how different I would be? But at times, I know there are quite a few similarities... After all, I still have the diary entries from then. =p Haha.

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