Monday, January 23, 2006

7 things.

SE7EN things that make me smile:
1) Cute puppies
2) Amusing behaviour/speech by others (though I think it's more of a smirk...)
3) Seeing my friends
4) Scenic views
5) Thinking of some memories
6) Receiving presents
7) Jonathan (how could I not include him? haha)

SE7EN ways to win my heart (right now):
1) Talk to me on the phone (haha...)
2) Go with me to some place random like er. Sentosa (haha... personal joke)
3) Make me laugh
4) Just spend time with me actually
5) Bring me to watch "Memoirs of a Geisha".
6) Buy me a stuffed toy.
7) Let me be part of your life..

Disclaimer: Please note that this part is really not that accurate... Yep.

SE7EN things I believe in:
1) God.
2) Jesus.
3) That I won't get a boyfriend before the end of the year. =p (this comment was due to Shao. haha.)
4) Solitude is both good and bad for me.
5) Outwardly, I'm crazy and don't make sense...
6) Inwardly, I know what I'm talking about and it does make sense.
7) Love is another double-edged sword, just like solitude.

SE7EN things I'm afraid of:
1) Losing people that I care for.
2) Others being able to read my mind...
3) Failure.
4) Letting some people enter my heart more than I'm willing to let them in.
5) That I'll sink into depression
6) Not knowing myself
7) That I'll hurt others

SE7EN things that I do everyday:
1) Sleep
2) SMS
3) Listen to my MP3
4) Live
5) Eat
6) Talk
7) Think

SE7EN people I want to see right now:
1) Gan Jie
2) Glo
3) Shao
4) Sammi
5) Someone.
6) Jonathan
7) Gloria Tan

SE7EN people who should also do this:
1) Glo
2) Renee
3) Gloria Tan
4) Sammie (if you haven't already done this...)
5) Joseph (if you haven't already done this...)
6) Delia
7) Isaac

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