Thursday, March 23, 2006

Books... world of my own.

Recently, I've gone back to reading a lot, or at least more than the past few months.

Since young, I've "devoured" books by the dozen but after primary 6, I've stopped reading as much. Or at least, I haven't just sat down and concentrate on reading. Til recently. Been making weekly trips to JE regional library and spending 1 hr there each time, just browsing or actually reading. Anyway, been finding some nice books to read, those kind that just make me tune out everything and I just can't stop reading and can't bear to put the book down. How to know I'm crazy over that book? When I stay up way beyond my bedtime and turn on my bedside light just to read... Found some lines in one of the latest books I read that were so touching and so meaningful that I actually saved it down...

Then, my latest craze... Books written by this author zhang xiao xian... Yes. Chinese books written by this author. The one I'm reading and enjoying right now is "Ba tian tang huan gei wo"... Direct translation: Return heaven to me. The book's actually a lot of short essays/pieces on various topics compiled together... Most of them touch on the affairs of the heart and relationships, etc... Maybe when I'm free, I'll translate some over to English and post them on my blog... I wanted to do a reflection of what I've read so far from that book in this blog but decided against it. Maybe some other time?

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Saturday craziness... -blinks-

Hmm... Ok. Yesterday was my first day on the computer after 5 days away at OBS so it became a time of catching up on my friends' lives through their blogs... As usual, I became kind of affected by what I read as usual and started getting a bit reflective. (Disclaimer: reflective no longer equals moody, ok?) Ok, fine... To be really honest, I think that if anything else had cropped up, I probably would have broken down. I was that close to crying. =p But it was only for about 5 minutes, ok?
After that, went to KAP and had lunch... Lol. Yay! Samantha agreed to go for Games Day! Whee! Anyway, Games Day was fun and amusing and during the short service, I got a reminder of certain stuff that I forgot since 2004... After that, dinner again with the same group of people. Lol. Hmm... Can't blog about it much. So sad. Anyway, after going home, was just so caught up in a book and also being amused. Anyway, I really feel like saying "Thanks!" to those who made me smile or laugh in one way or another yesterday & today! -cough- It really made my day and I cheered up a lot. =) Hmm... Should I do a special mention section? Lol. Anyway, it depends. Hmm. Don't feel surprised if I go around thanking people. Haha. Ok... I think I'm becoming too hyper. =p

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Outward Bound

There was a reason why my title didn't include the word "School", I think. -shrugs-
Since most people have been to OBS, I feel that there's no need to blog about the 5 days in great detial. I'll just blog about the highlights of each day or so plus a bit more.
Monday: My watch was Eng Soon. Too bad there was no girls from my class in Eng Soon. But I survived quite well. =) I learned how to kayak! Capsizing is fun! It was interesting to koala bear hug the kayak. Lol. I like kayaking too much for my own good! =) It supports my opinion that my "element" is water.

Tuesday: Those hiking bags are heavy! Trekking 3 over kilometres with that bag and two 2l water bottle isn't easy... Ouch. Shoulder ache. My sleeping pattern's all upside down. Dozed off and woke up quite a few times... Haha. Thanks didi for covering Mei and I with a poncho. If not, we'll probably catch a cold or something. =p Cooking outdoors was interesting. =) Didn't get food poisoning! Lolz...

Wednesday: Height element (aka. Inverse tower)! Ok... I'm really unfit. Took forever to get up there. My leg was shaking... Literally. But it was a good experience. I learned to just not give up and continue trying. Now, I guess I understand the logic behind the idea that only when you're placed out of your comfort zone and faced with challenges, then only would you know your true strengths and subsequently, your limits. I wasn't afraid of the height, which is good. The view from the inverse tower was great! Actually, as long as I can see the sea or something, I'm normally happy. =)

Thursday: Sea expedition! =) We had to kayak from Pulau Ubin to Sembawang beach.. Whew. Tiring. My kayaking partner (aka Lu Xin) is nice. Haha. I kept forgetting to apply sunblock and all. And he reminded me. Thanks! Anyway, kayaking there was tedious but hey, I'm in the sea. That just rocks! (I think I like water too much...) Set up camp and cooked dinner. Dinner tasted good! =)

Friday: Had to kayak back from Sembawang beach... In half the time compared to Thursday cause we were on a tight schedule. We set off early in the morning and as we kayak, we could see the sun rise. It was so nice! -gush- Went back to pulau ubin and packed up, etc...

I feel that the entry's kind of short but it's because that's just a recount of what I did but hmm. It's time for the 2nd part of my entry on OBS.

OBS was about stepping out of our comfort zone so there wasn't the use of the "luxuries" of normal life, it was just the bare necessity. I was kind of shocked to realize what I miss the most about my normal lifestyle: my handphone. I realize that I'm seriously overdependent on it and what it means to me. Contact with people that I hold dear... Each time I star-gazed or looked at the night sky which means almost every night, I'll just start thinking about people in the mainland and how much I wish they were with me.
Thursday night/Friday morning, I was supposed to be on sentry duty so I was still awake while dear didi and meimei fell asleep. Pft. Haha. Just joking. I know we're all tired. But anyway, I just went to the stone ledge and sat there and just stoned... And thought about stuff. Seriously, I just wished that some of those who I missed were there with me.. To just star-gaze and talk... Anyway, when I was stoning, it was high-tide... So the whole atmosphere and all was almost perfect. =) Nice to have the chance to stone at the beach. =) No need to go sentosa and stone, at least not that soon. =p Anyway, OBS was a nice break... So march holidays weren't all that wasted.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


I don't think this entry will make much sense since my thoughts are rather disorganized as usual. =p But seriously, I couldn't come up with a better title because today's entry will cover quite a few things.

A few people have been blogging about the Johari/Nohari window and how it cannot be used to describe a person accurately. In fact, it seems senseless to waste time on this "window", right? Personally, my reasons for asking people to do my Johari & Nohari window were...
1) Fun. Amusement... It was interesting to see how people viewed me as...
2) Comparison. It wasn't to find out who I was. Rather, it was to find out how much of what people think wasn't true or to put it simply, a facade. -blinks- I'm not making sense, am I? Oh well... Next topic. I'll have to edit this part of the entry some other time.

Anyway, over the past one week, I did get moody for one day... Which is kind of surprising. Considering that my mood last year was just this constant moodiness. =p Oh well. Here, I apologize to anyone of you that had to put up with that last year and part of this year. =p Anyway, back to the original topic. I was moody over something that I didn't really expect. Results. After my results last year and all, you would think that I've gotten more used to failure. But this time, I guess it was my pride and ego that was hurt quite badly. I had relatively high expectations for that subject. Strange but true. So when I didn't meet that expectation and did worse than expected, it was quite hard to bear. I almost broke down in class... Note the "almost". I got out of that moodiness soon afterwards though. Then only at home, after showing parents that result, did I finally break. But yes, I just feel like typing out this weird logic that I have. Basically, it's not good to aim high. Because the higher you aim, when you fall, the distance from your aim is more so you get hurt more. Warped? But it applies for me. But there's always exceptions.

Over the course of this week, there were so many things I wanted to blog about but now, I'm just not in the mood. Anyway, would those who actually still visit my blog just tag and say that you people do? Thanks. Because I'm getting tempted to just change the URL of this blog and make it a private blog or something. Since no one's reading. At least, I don't think so.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Joy of life

~I've found it. But at times, I just forget~

Hmm... I'll just be blogging about the previous days, I think...

I was extremely hyper and just looking foward to the next day even though there was a major biology exam. In fact, I was hyper right after my chemistry test. Sylvie can vouch for that! =) We went to popular to buy some things and I finally spent my voucher on a CD. It's the new one, the "Greatest love of all". =) Hmm. I wonder why it's filled with love songs... Haha. Then we went around the night market looking at bags and all while waiting for my Ramly burgers... Whee! I had such a good appetite. Bought two home to eat. -slurps- Anyway, back at home, I was being really high... Haha. I pity those who had to put up with me like gan jie, glo and sammi. Thanks so much! But ya.
I was still hyper even with the biology exam in hours and could really rest and "sleep" in school minutes before the exam. Proness? Haha. After the exam, went back to NY. =) Saw those 3. =) Went out to orchard with glo and gan jie. Bought yet another CD. This one was some "Piano Hits" thing... Yep. Then went j8. Neoprints! =) It's been ages since I took with them so ya... And glo glo was nice! She bought me a blob blob! =) Haha. Then celebrated grandma's dinner.
Last piano lesson with my piano teacher... Stopping lessons with her so ya... Went back home and was attempting to start on my homework when I took a break to just reorganize my neoprints... -side-tracking time-
Neoprints... To some people, they might not see the purpose of taking neoprints. After all, it's just some minature pictures that people pay outrageous amount of money for. Yes, it might seem like a waste of money but to me, it's just like personalized photos. Capturing past times. Funny how an inanimate object could invoke emotions within me.. That was what happened on Saturday. Flipping through my old book of neoprints, a few particular pictures just tugged at my heart. And I guessed I was on the verge on breaking. In fact, I probably would have... Thanks glo. Yep. It didn't help that I was listening to piano hits so it set a very "moody" mood... (Does that make sense?) Anyway, gloria was talking to me and I cheered up a bit... Which meant that I just didn't think about the issue much after that. But after talking to her, it was time to rush to church. Somehow, I just think of everything too much whenever I'm in church so this saturday was no exception. Ouch. The issues that bothered me came up again. I don't want to elaborate much so ya. Leave it, ok? But then again, no one reads this blog so it's fairly ok but still... =p Haha. I'm not making sense again. Anyway, that's that. Didn't go for dinner with pple from church cause parents wanted me to eat with them so couldn't say "no". Not much to blog about for that day other than the fact that I was forcing myself to stay up due to homework so ya...
Pft. Dad woke up me at 9... I wanted to sleep in til I realize that the whole family was going swimming! =) Whee! Haven't been swimming in ages. So went to Bukit Batok Swimming Complex and just played with my bro at the kid's pool... Haha. Imagine me sliding down the slide meant for kids. Rofl. Then afterwards, had the chance to swim a few proper laps. Ok... I've not swam proper laps for about a few years so it took a while to get used to everything. Pft. I have totally no stamina at all... Oh well. Anyway, after a few laps, joined my mum and bro again. Played water a while before swimming a few more laps with my mum. =) Yay! Private coach! Haha. But ya, my mum could help me watch my swimming stroke and all and corrected me on a few things. So ya. Had to miss D&D cause of homework overload... =( Went home and ya... the usual. Homework, a few breaks, etc... That's about it. =) Now, I'm not hyper yet not down... Things should stay that way.

Ok... I just realized that I didn't cover what I wanted to... Namely, the title. But I'm really not in the mood to blog now. So I guess I'll cover it some other time. That's all for today. =)