Thursday, March 23, 2006

Books... world of my own.

Recently, I've gone back to reading a lot, or at least more than the past few months.

Since young, I've "devoured" books by the dozen but after primary 6, I've stopped reading as much. Or at least, I haven't just sat down and concentrate on reading. Til recently. Been making weekly trips to JE regional library and spending 1 hr there each time, just browsing or actually reading. Anyway, been finding some nice books to read, those kind that just make me tune out everything and I just can't stop reading and can't bear to put the book down. How to know I'm crazy over that book? When I stay up way beyond my bedtime and turn on my bedside light just to read... Found some lines in one of the latest books I read that were so touching and so meaningful that I actually saved it down...

Then, my latest craze... Books written by this author zhang xiao xian... Yes. Chinese books written by this author. The one I'm reading and enjoying right now is "Ba tian tang huan gei wo"... Direct translation: Return heaven to me. The book's actually a lot of short essays/pieces on various topics compiled together... Most of them touch on the affairs of the heart and relationships, etc... Maybe when I'm free, I'll translate some over to English and post them on my blog... I wanted to do a reflection of what I've read so far from that book in this blog but decided against it. Maybe some other time?

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