Saturday, March 18, 2006

Outward Bound

There was a reason why my title didn't include the word "School", I think. -shrugs-
Since most people have been to OBS, I feel that there's no need to blog about the 5 days in great detial. I'll just blog about the highlights of each day or so plus a bit more.
Monday: My watch was Eng Soon. Too bad there was no girls from my class in Eng Soon. But I survived quite well. =) I learned how to kayak! Capsizing is fun! It was interesting to koala bear hug the kayak. Lol. I like kayaking too much for my own good! =) It supports my opinion that my "element" is water.

Tuesday: Those hiking bags are heavy! Trekking 3 over kilometres with that bag and two 2l water bottle isn't easy... Ouch. Shoulder ache. My sleeping pattern's all upside down. Dozed off and woke up quite a few times... Haha. Thanks didi for covering Mei and I with a poncho. If not, we'll probably catch a cold or something. =p Cooking outdoors was interesting. =) Didn't get food poisoning! Lolz...

Wednesday: Height element (aka. Inverse tower)! Ok... I'm really unfit. Took forever to get up there. My leg was shaking... Literally. But it was a good experience. I learned to just not give up and continue trying. Now, I guess I understand the logic behind the idea that only when you're placed out of your comfort zone and faced with challenges, then only would you know your true strengths and subsequently, your limits. I wasn't afraid of the height, which is good. The view from the inverse tower was great! Actually, as long as I can see the sea or something, I'm normally happy. =)

Thursday: Sea expedition! =) We had to kayak from Pulau Ubin to Sembawang beach.. Whew. Tiring. My kayaking partner (aka Lu Xin) is nice. Haha. I kept forgetting to apply sunblock and all. And he reminded me. Thanks! Anyway, kayaking there was tedious but hey, I'm in the sea. That just rocks! (I think I like water too much...) Set up camp and cooked dinner. Dinner tasted good! =)

Friday: Had to kayak back from Sembawang beach... In half the time compared to Thursday cause we were on a tight schedule. We set off early in the morning and as we kayak, we could see the sun rise. It was so nice! -gush- Went back to pulau ubin and packed up, etc...

I feel that the entry's kind of short but it's because that's just a recount of what I did but hmm. It's time for the 2nd part of my entry on OBS.

OBS was about stepping out of our comfort zone so there wasn't the use of the "luxuries" of normal life, it was just the bare necessity. I was kind of shocked to realize what I miss the most about my normal lifestyle: my handphone. I realize that I'm seriously overdependent on it and what it means to me. Contact with people that I hold dear... Each time I star-gazed or looked at the night sky which means almost every night, I'll just start thinking about people in the mainland and how much I wish they were with me.
Thursday night/Friday morning, I was supposed to be on sentry duty so I was still awake while dear didi and meimei fell asleep. Pft. Haha. Just joking. I know we're all tired. But anyway, I just went to the stone ledge and sat there and just stoned... And thought about stuff. Seriously, I just wished that some of those who I missed were there with me.. To just star-gaze and talk... Anyway, when I was stoning, it was high-tide... So the whole atmosphere and all was almost perfect. =) Nice to have the chance to stone at the beach. =) No need to go sentosa and stone, at least not that soon. =p Anyway, OBS was a nice break... So march holidays weren't all that wasted.

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