Sunday, March 05, 2006

Joy of life

~I've found it. But at times, I just forget~

Hmm... I'll just be blogging about the previous days, I think...

I was extremely hyper and just looking foward to the next day even though there was a major biology exam. In fact, I was hyper right after my chemistry test. Sylvie can vouch for that! =) We went to popular to buy some things and I finally spent my voucher on a CD. It's the new one, the "Greatest love of all". =) Hmm. I wonder why it's filled with love songs... Haha. Then we went around the night market looking at bags and all while waiting for my Ramly burgers... Whee! I had such a good appetite. Bought two home to eat. -slurps- Anyway, back at home, I was being really high... Haha. I pity those who had to put up with me like gan jie, glo and sammi. Thanks so much! But ya.
I was still hyper even with the biology exam in hours and could really rest and "sleep" in school minutes before the exam. Proness? Haha. After the exam, went back to NY. =) Saw those 3. =) Went out to orchard with glo and gan jie. Bought yet another CD. This one was some "Piano Hits" thing... Yep. Then went j8. Neoprints! =) It's been ages since I took with them so ya... And glo glo was nice! She bought me a blob blob! =) Haha. Then celebrated grandma's dinner.
Last piano lesson with my piano teacher... Stopping lessons with her so ya... Went back home and was attempting to start on my homework when I took a break to just reorganize my neoprints... -side-tracking time-
Neoprints... To some people, they might not see the purpose of taking neoprints. After all, it's just some minature pictures that people pay outrageous amount of money for. Yes, it might seem like a waste of money but to me, it's just like personalized photos. Capturing past times. Funny how an inanimate object could invoke emotions within me.. That was what happened on Saturday. Flipping through my old book of neoprints, a few particular pictures just tugged at my heart. And I guessed I was on the verge on breaking. In fact, I probably would have... Thanks glo. Yep. It didn't help that I was listening to piano hits so it set a very "moody" mood... (Does that make sense?) Anyway, gloria was talking to me and I cheered up a bit... Which meant that I just didn't think about the issue much after that. But after talking to her, it was time to rush to church. Somehow, I just think of everything too much whenever I'm in church so this saturday was no exception. Ouch. The issues that bothered me came up again. I don't want to elaborate much so ya. Leave it, ok? But then again, no one reads this blog so it's fairly ok but still... =p Haha. I'm not making sense again. Anyway, that's that. Didn't go for dinner with pple from church cause parents wanted me to eat with them so couldn't say "no". Not much to blog about for that day other than the fact that I was forcing myself to stay up due to homework so ya...
Pft. Dad woke up me at 9... I wanted to sleep in til I realize that the whole family was going swimming! =) Whee! Haven't been swimming in ages. So went to Bukit Batok Swimming Complex and just played with my bro at the kid's pool... Haha. Imagine me sliding down the slide meant for kids. Rofl. Then afterwards, had the chance to swim a few proper laps. Ok... I've not swam proper laps for about a few years so it took a while to get used to everything. Pft. I have totally no stamina at all... Oh well. Anyway, after a few laps, joined my mum and bro again. Played water a while before swimming a few more laps with my mum. =) Yay! Private coach! Haha. But ya, my mum could help me watch my swimming stroke and all and corrected me on a few things. So ya. Had to miss D&D cause of homework overload... =( Went home and ya... the usual. Homework, a few breaks, etc... That's about it. =) Now, I'm not hyper yet not down... Things should stay that way.

Ok... I just realized that I didn't cover what I wanted to... Namely, the title. But I'm really not in the mood to blog now. So I guess I'll cover it some other time. That's all for today. =)

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