Sunday, March 27, 2005

Changes to my life..

Back from Malacca at long last even though it was only a 3d/2n trip...
It was my 6th time going there.. but this time, i spent so much $$... feels so guilty..
As usual, just went to the normal few places but each time I go malacca, there are a few things that i just must buy like keychains, batik shirt, etc...
Then ate like durian chendol that was so sweet... twice...
Breakfast was continental breakfast and my dad got me hooked on eating bread with butter and sugar.. Very sweet but doesn't really mattter, I have a sweet tooth...
Bought a nice necklace and decided to buy for my 3 closeset frenz too... Kor, relax, it's not those "girly" necklaces, i think u'll like it.
Just walked around, bought things, ate and slept. Quite relaxing actually
And of course, even though i brought hw there, who actually does hw during the holiday?? =p
Due to lack of space in the hotel room, i slept on the floor.. It was actually quite fun sleeping in the sleeping bag. Very cozy...
Not much more to write about other than my shock at the fact that i spent quite a bit on this trip and that i bought some things i didn't think i'll buy again... which equals to buying repeats of some souvenoirs...(is that how u spell it?) but anyway, was quite glad to b back in singapore. just missed blogging, msn, etc...Sigh, how addictive technology is..
Anyway, in the few hours i was back, just found out some things i wish i never found out... But then again, if i didn't find out, i would b kept in the dark which i dun like.. Conflicting, isn't it?? Oh, did i fail to mention that 2 nites ago, i had this dream that freaked me out... It seemed so real but if it comes true, my life will so be turned upside down... But sincerely hope it's just a dream...
Being quite random today cos in the mood to just rattle off. So sorry if my blog entry gets confusing...

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