Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Just slacking 4 a while...

Sheesh, just the third week of the year and so many problems...
It's like all my problems snowballed and just hit me at the same time.
Have anyone of you ever feel that you don't fit in?
You long to fit in but you just can't?
Example: In church, i only have those few friends that I can talk to and sometimes when i'm with them, it still seems like i dun exist. I dun noe. Maybe it's just me but still I feel that although i'm more comfortable in church now compared to last time, I still feel that I dun belong completely.
There is this clique?
Btw, if any1 from church reads this and feels bothered, sorry. It's not intentional but this are what I feel at times..
I guess rite now, I'm trying to find out who I really am. Not just being someone else just to fit in and make friends. I dun noe, this mite seem vague but i feel like i've lost my identity.
Compared now to the times when we were younger, then all our problems seem so trivial. but life was still so peaceful and happy, this pure happiness...
Now, my life is still filled with happiness but of a different kind...
Ok, what I've been saying doesn't make sense, rite? sigh...

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