Monday, January 31, 2005

Me happy for now...

So much happened on sat and sunday but not enough time to blog so here's a summarized version of what happened...
Finally, my piano arrived after 7 years of learning piano...
But not tuned yet so it sounds horrible..
Rushed for cell and had to run to catch the bus but conviently 4got that i strained my thigh muscle so after boarding the bus, my leg started hurting and i only ran 100m!!!
Then cell was quite fun, played a game then started sharing our goals for the year.
Then after that, went 2 manna to buy the hillsong piano score bk that i've been eyeing for 3 weeks.. Finally...
Then was checking out the book... So nice... start obsessing over hillsong...
Then service... I dun noe why, but church is the one place where I seem to cry or at least shed tears very often... And i always feel especially guilty..
But fast foward to sunday!
Went for IMprint meeting and heard about the different sections. Then after that, fill in sign-up form and finally chose illustrations as first choice..
then rushed to grandma's hse 2 help with spring cleaning then went to marina to buy my new bowling ball! Yah! now got reactive one liao.. =)
After that, went back and do some hw and then went auntie's hse for her b'dae celebration then rushed hm 2 clear up somemore hw and only slept at 11...
A rather busy sunday...
That's all lah
i want to go and play the piano liao... bye pples.

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