Monday, January 03, 2005

New Year, new class, new bloggie...

Finally made all the changes 2 my blogskin after an irritating half an hour of com going crazy on me, as usual...
Today, first day of school, so many changes!
Different class... *sniffs* No longer with gan jie and kor and debbie...
Then after sitting arrangement was decided, turns out i m sitting in the front of the class... First row! So sad... Not used to it cos last year, always sit at the back.
But at least glo was in the same class.
Now have 2 recesses and also released half an hour later.
But most of the teachers still the same... *sniff sniff*
This year, very few GEP juniors, guess most of them went RGS.
Very tired now even though today was very slack... So got to go soon. Shall try to blog more regularly from now onwards...

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