Monday, January 24, 2005

Shao's b'dae

Weekend too busy so never blog..
Fri, went to Shao's hse... lol
Ate pizza and then later started wrecking the kitchen with cornflakes..
Mixed chocolate with cornflakes, raisins, lime and lemon bits... Yummy.. Very sweet.
Played with shao's puppies! So cute!
I want to hug muffin and pet regal...
I miss the dogs...
Oh ya, we helped hui shi overcome her fear of dogs or at least those two.
Then brought the dogs for a walk to the park and then went to shell to buy water for us and the dogs..
However, the dogs not used to drinking from our hands so had to wait til we went back to shao's hse..
When walking back, passed a hse that was not locked and a big dog came out!
Glo started running til shao told her to stop.
Shao was trying so hard to calm the big doggie down.Luckily, we reached shao's hse b4 the dog came after us! Whew!
Then after a while, was the bbq..
We were "force-fed" by kor's family..
Then after eating, go play with the dogs again!!
Finally left at 9:30pm...
So sad...

Then sat, had to miss cell and church cos meeting mum's friends...
Went to Geylang for durian. Had durian for dinner!
Then went to mum's friend's hse and only left at 10!

Severe lack of sleep!

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