Tuesday, April 10, 2007

colourgenics result

Tried out this colourgenics test and this was the result... My personal comments are in italics. Mhmm.

At this particular time you are feeling the results of extreme stress and you are seeking a 'way out' but you are pushing too hard. Obviously you need peace, tranquillity and contentment. Your temperament is such that you are hoping, unrealistically perhaps, that your desires will shortly be fulfilled (even if at this time you are not quite sure what those true aspirations may be!).
Hmm... How true? Haha. But a few questions for myself. Am I pushing too hard? Am I hoping unrealistically?

You dislike playing the field in every sense of the word. When you develop a relationship it needs to be a close fulfilling one, one that has deep meaning for all parties concerned.
Lol. Haha. I think I don't really need to comment on this? All those who know me well should know whether or not this is true.

All the problems that you have been experiencing of late seem to have become a part of your life and there is little that can be done to change the situation. Your emotions run high - but even though you feel as if at times you are about to burst, this situation will pass. Try to release your pent-up emotions by participating in some extra physical activities like running, swimming, whatever. There must be some favourite pastime, not necessarily strenuous, that can help you to relax.
Hmm. I like the first two lines? How to release pent-up emotions? Maybe I should take the advice given and go running/swimming. Not such a bad idea. Now if only I can find time... Actually, if I have time for myself, I'll be able to relax already.

All of the stress and strains resulting from disappointment have led to agitation and anxiety. You have been going out of your way to make a good impression, but you have reservations as to the likelihood of succeeding. You feel that you have a right to accomplish all that you set your mind on but you have become helpless and distressed when circumstances have gone against you. The idea of failure is most upsetting and this can even mean utter dejection. You see yourself as a scapegoat and you feel everyone in your sphere of influence has tried to take undue advantage of you. You are trying to convince yourself that your failure to achieve standing and recognition is not of your making but indeed of those around you.
I think the first line is quite true? But the rest of it is just inaccurate. I guess failure doesn't affect me that badly. And I really don't think that everyone in my sphere of influence has taken undue advantage of me. My failure is not due to those around me. Yeps. This is the one paragraph I really disagree with.

Since in the recent past all of your hopes and aspirations have been denied you, you are now convinced that the future will hold nothing but anxiety so therefore 'why bother?' You would love to get away from it all, to escape from the trials and tribulations of this mundane existence and fall into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, which will protect you from the lack of appreciation and give you the chance to start afresh.
As if. The first line is so not true. The future holds so much more for me. But yes, I would love to take a break and get away from everything and rest, then after I'm refreshed, I'll face everything once more. Yeps. What lack of appreciation? I disagree. There are still people who take the effort to appreciate me for my actions and in a way, that refreshes me?

Hmm.. I think that's enough analysis of the results? =p Yeps. I shall go on to my next blog entry topic. =)

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