Sunday, April 01, 2007

twix makes my day

Whee! I've got two and a half packs of twix left at home. Whee! I think I'm being addicted to twix. Once I start, it takes lots of willpower to stop. Heehee. Guess I'm just following the stereotype of girls liking chocolate and eating it a lot? =p Mhmm. Then again, that's pretty normal. Lol. Ate two yesterday while attempting to do homework. Then ate one just now. I'm trying to limit myself to two a day... But honestly, I think that's not possible? =p

Haha. Anyway, shall do a quick recount of yesterday and today. Hmm. Didn't manage to do much homework yesterday. Oh well. Service was different. The various ministries set up booths and we were asked to walk around finding out more about the ministries and maybe even join one. Used to be in drama&dance but stopped going since late last year. I've been thinking about joining a ministry again but which one? I'll list all down first... Worship. Genesis. Ignyte Host. Celebration Host. Tech team. Prayer Task Force. Dance.

Worship's out cause I can't play drums. My singing is ... Let's just say that's not an option. =p Keyboard... Can't. Guitar. Uhhuh. Right. Not yet anyway. So ya... Might consider joining worship some time in the future but not anytime soon. Mhmm.
Genesis. Possible. Decoration. Graphic Design. Photography. Areas that I enjoy doing. So ya... But somehow, there's this hesitation.
Ignyte host. Talk to the first time visitors after service. 0.0 I'm not sure... Possible but it depends.
Celebration host. Nah... Somehow I don't think that's for me.
Tech team. I've not much interest in it honestly. So ya... Except maybe RGB?
Prayer Task Force. Possible. That's one option I'm seriously considering.
Dance. I've tried it and that's not really the area for me?

Hmm. I'm not going to jump into making a choice anytime soon. This is one area that I want a clear assurance from God before I make any decision.

Skipped FUEL and went to Great World City with my family and some of my mum's friends. Yeps. Hmm. Not much to blog about? Wait. I take that back. Lol. Mum was passing some photos around. I thought it was of the Chiangmai trip only then I saw this photo that had a lot of red and white... Anyone got it yet? Next hint. White skirt. Red jacket. There. Yeps. I can't believe I didn't see the photos before?! Oh well. Just looked through them. To you 3, I can spot all of you in various photos even though my uncle focused on me. Yeps. Rofl. I am amused. I am not going to show the photos to people unless you're like one of the selected few. Mhmm. Ohh! There's like the pictures of me in a dress. Once for elmi jie jie's engagement and once for a wedding. Lol.

I want to go Great World City again! There's this nice, big Christian bookshop which was closed by the time we finished dinner. >.< So couldn't walk around the shop. Bah. Then the kids went to the arcade so tagged along. Was helping my bro play those games and earn some tickets. Got permission to try out DDR. Bah. The machine was kind of sad? Yeps. Oh well. DDR's not enjoyable unless it's challenging. So ya. But nevermind. Don't intend to go to the arcade there. I rather walk around the place. Lots of nice shops. I think. Based on looking at the directory. Lol. Anyone up for joining me? Heehee. Actually, that question isn't a question. Those who I do go out with, be prepared for me pestering you all to go there. =p Yeps.

Came home and attempted homework. Note the use of the word "attempted"? Lol. Ended up staying up quite late but didn't really finish that much homework. Oh well. Heehee.

Hmm... I'll make it public on my blog so that I would have to be accountable. Intending to do a three-day liquid fast from tuesday to thursday. Would start it tomorrow but since lunch is taken up by physics make-up lesson, there's no point fasting. Let me make it clear first. I am not neglecting my health. I intend to eat during recess and at dinner. But I'm just not going to eat during lunch. Instead, I'll try to find someplace in school to be alone and just spend time in God's presence. There are some questions that I'm seeking answers to. And apart from that, I'm praying that God will intervene in various situations. My church's Easter event is coming up and I'm really hoping that various people can make it. Normally, that wouldn't be possible but then again, faith and hope has been what keeps me believing. No reason to stop, ya? There.

Time for dinner. Then back to work.

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