Sunday, April 09, 2006

100th post

Never thought this blog will last so long. My 100th entry! This blog was started at the end of 2004, after I came back from Youth Camp. In the 1+ year that has passed, this blog has recorded so much of what happened. My various mood swings, the more interesting and memorable events that have occured throughout last year and part of this year has been recorded down. How much things have changed... What I tagged on gan jie's blog and what her entry was about just reminds me so much of everything. I'm really too sentimental.
Anyway, I realized that I'm reading too much again... I know I've blogged about that but time to get even more specific. When I was young, the fiction books were always some fantasy/action books. But now, the genre has changed to romance and stuff like that. Why the "stuff like that"? Well, it's cause I don't specifically go for romance books but the books that I've been reading talks about many issues in life that I've always tried to avoid. Relationships, love, life, death, memory, etc. These topics have always tend to make me more "reflective" which used to equal moodiness. But now, I'm coping better, I guess. I get reflective and just think about what I've read but the moodiness doesn't come that badly anymore. But anyway, so many quotes and phrases that I really like... Hmm.
I really want to blog and write on every single phrase that I like from the books that I've read but it just doesn't seem appropriate. Don't ask me why, I have no idea myself... Even the play "A Beautiful Companion" and that whole night, there were so many things that I was thinking about but I just can't seem to put them down into words. But as I said, so many things have changed yet so many things stay the same. And somehow, all my reflections and all always seem to revolve around the same few things/people... Oh well.

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