Thursday, April 27, 2006

Dedicated to you. =)

Since you asked and me being nice and all, I shall dedicate this whole entry to you and er... ya, just write about you. =)
Hmm. It's been a short time since I started to know you, as in talk to you and all. Not just aware that you exist. Haha. Anyway, how have you impacted me/influenced me?
Ok. For some weird reason, I can't seem to write. Writer's block. Probably due to my reluctance to write about this on my blog.
Well, one of the impact's that fine system that you implemented... Pft. It cost me like $4 already, rite? Oh well. At least I haven't had to pay for the past 1+ months. Hmm. That really helps when it comes to controlling my mood. And er ya... Dunno if you remember the one MSN conv we had and you were kind of telling me off? The one when I was moody and all... A while after I got comissioned, I think. Yep. Anyway, your words kind of stuck. One of the few reasons why I'm probably less moody?
Oh ya. You're very nice. =) Shaln't bother elaborating on this though. And your tolerance level for randomness's quite high. =) That's why it's so fun to sms random things to you. You make me smile and laugh a lot. Yeps. That's one of the biggest impact. Hmm... I really can't think of what to write. Ok... Corrections: I know but I just can't seem to put it into words. If you really want, let you read my notebook next time? Sorry darling. This's all I can write for now. =p

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