Thursday, April 07, 2005

Oversensitive, over emotional? ya, i think so

If this is growing up, i want no part of it. No matter how i try to be cheerful, something will still spoil my mood every few days..
B4 writing the bitter stuff, shall rattle on about my new obsession, love at dolphin bay or also known as hai tun wan lie. It's a chinese show on channel u, every wed, thurs and fri at 7:30pm. Thanks to gan jiel, who brought the vcd of this 2 sch, i started liking it but had no chance 2 watch the whole serial then since it is showing on tv, may as well catch it.
The first episode was so touching, i cried. Ok, mayb not cry but there were tears on my face. Zerya and Tianbian so cute as children, sighs... I still like the legend most. Quote "Since then, dolphins have been guardians of love"... So sweet... No, i'm not being sarcastic...
Then today, a perfectly normal day but guess it's just my hormones, i can get all worked up over simple issues... Shalln't mention names for obvious reasons lah...
The same old feeling that no one understands me shall pop ups again and that no matter what, i should never get close to anyone as that will only b 1 more person who can hurt me more... Yes yes, that's going 2 b all the disagreement in opinion that i shouldn't b cold, etc... But still, it's frenz that can hurt you the most, even if it's unintentional... I noe that that person has no intentions of hurting me but i'm too sensitive, i guess? Even though that person is close to me, that person can still hurt me. And I just can't tell anyone what i'm feeling cos it seems so childish but hey, accept that, it's me.
I like this one example, when Ms Ong asked us to identify our style of dealing with problems, the whole class was actually qutie shocked that i would burst and start shouting at someone, etc... Other than gloria lah... This already shows how well those around me noe me... But even those that noe me, sighs... There'll never b any1 who can fully understand me, I'm rite, aren't I? Thanks for those that try but no offence, u can only understand to such an extent. I am way weaker than you guys think, you all noe that i'm weak but how weak? When would I break? Do you noe? sighs...
Better go and stop reflecting on this negative thoughts... see? I'm still trying 2 be the "old me" but well... the keyword here is "trying" and not succeeding...

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