Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fool... Not what it seemed...

Today started quite well and had fun playing april fool jokes on the teachers. During our IT lesson, swapped with 212 and went over to their class. Turns out that Mr Teo wasn't that angry and just told us to go back to our class. He was even smiling away! *faints from shock*
Then during maths, had a new math teacher.. Wasn't intentional but we er... swapped with the other class again and some of us went for geog in 212 while some came over to our class for maths... Ms Sia found out and just told us not to pull that again and told the new math teacher what happened. He took it quite well actually..
Oh ya, before that. During lunch break, hui shi commented that i looked quite upset/moody. Didn't really realize that.. Was just daydreaming but mood was kind of bad, weird... Nothing should b bothering me, unless... it's. Nvm.
For English... the thing that really affected every1 was the trick that we played on ms ow. Shan't elaborate further but now as i think about it... I feel guilty lah. There's something that's upsetting me but I just can't say it out... Sighs... Maybe Monday, everything will be better.
But even as I write this, i think i'm getting too self-centered. All I blog about is myself... Even when my loved ones are facing problems... Guess those problems also affect my mood. I know that I've been more moody and more easily upset recently. It's not me but I can't help it. If I'm not moody then everything will just accumalate and I'll break down soon. So all those reading this, keep me in prayer, can? I just want 2 be the old me, where i laughed way more often and wrote less depressing posts...
But I'm sceptical.. My own problems aren't that bad, it's just worrying over everyone else that's taking it's toll on me cos I just care too much... Caring isn't bad but yet... Really can't pinpoint when or why the change in me occurred... If this is growing up, I'll rather remain a child 4eva.

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