Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Not again...

Quite a bit 2 blog about but due 2 time constraints, will just summarize highlights of the past few days..

HSSRP- the usual lah... listen to presentation, run awau from ex-classmates, etc... those in hpps should noe the usual sequence of events. Anyway, finally passed something to my kor and it was quite humourous watching my classmates pass him the item.
Family Carecell- Topic of the day: Forgiveness... Such a sensitive topic... It was actually just discussing the ans 2 some questions like 'Is forgiving someone easy?" and "Must we forgive others?", etc...
I shall digress on this two questions. Forgiving isn't easy and i'm not talking abt those petty things like ur friend give u cold shoulder and whether u should forgive her... I'm talking abt my past.. I noe in the bottom of my heart that forgiving isn't easy. It took me 6 yrs? But I believe that it is possible to forgive someone, just hard, very hard..
But with God in your life, nothing is impossible!
Service (Passion! Ministry)- Just needed to jump and be happy for once in the whole week. Church seems the only place other than home in which i can just forget all my problems. Anyway, the sermon... As usual, I went for altar call. Funny isn't it? how i seem 2 b able 2 relate 2 most of the sermons... Once i went up 2 the altar, there was such this need 2 cry out everything once more.. It's as if the stress & problems of the previous weeks can only be released when I go to church.. I noe that I'm too sensitive, too emotional, my virtue and my flaw. But anyway, back to the service... After crying it out, I felt so hyper.. I think Eileen can prove that... Was like jumping, jumping, jumping and still dun feel tired.. Then at dinner, was hyperactive again... oops?
Not much other than at night when I felt a bit depressed. Cos my life seem a bit too similar to previous times... History repeats itself but this is my part of my life i rather skip.. Yes pple... Feel free 2 jump 2 assumptions. Some pple already have. Thinking that my MSN nick "Dun want 2 go thru this again... It didn't turn out well the last time and it won't turn out well this time... " means that i'm lovesick.. Rite.
Anyway, the gist of today was that sammi found out that i had a handphone and so she was quite upset (to put it mildly)... Went kap and it was quite amusing... Then came home, talk 2 parents abt a certain issue... Went 2 someone's blog.. decide that there's no longer any point of tagging or defending anyone. my words r just ignored. hui shi, i learn from u. I'll stop caring about that tagboard. tag all u want, it's no longer my concern. I give up.
Yes yes, i'm getting bitter. how sad, dun u agree? I dun care. need to stop blogging liao...

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