Sunday, April 03, 2005

Cheery me? I hope...

Anyway, after friday's entry... I really broke down and cried and then just felt the urge to talk to someone so called shao... But that was after after trying 2 contact glo and huishi... Anyway, kor kinda cheered me up and parents also cheered me up so was back to normal...
Sat: Met gloria for IRS project.. went 2 MacDonalds for breakfast... Long time never eat hotcakes with sausage liao... After that, went Sentosa, Dolphin Lagoon... Debating whether or not to get tickets but in the end, just decided to get. Thank goodness... The show actually started even though there was a slight drizzle.. Had front row seats.. The dolphins so cute!!! =) After the whole show which i videotaped down, me and glo had to pick btw andersen of denmark ice cream or taking a photo with the dolphin for $10... Sigh.. the dolphin won... Just for a photo, we paid 10 bucks!! Nvm...
Went underwater world and started being lame... Saw cuttlefish on display and i immediately thot of sotong= blur... So ask glo to take picture with them.. So bad of me, rite? But she agreed cos the display said that actually cuttlefish were the most intelligent of inverbrates (is that how you spell it?)... Then saw jellyfish... so cute! white and small just swimming away and couldn't resist nicknaming it blob blob... lol
Started going on the conveyor belt and saw this fish that looked really blur, it's the big one with the eyes making it look blur... Lol.. Glo attempted to take quite a few pictures and most were quite nice actually. Went back to harbourfront for lunch and shared a bowl of ice kachang with glo... Walked around and then headed back home.
Just had enough time to bathe and get ready for church.. Service...
How do i explain? When I stepped into the chapel, I started to feel more energetic even though barely 5 min ago, I was trying not to doze off in the car.. There was such this energy that just comes into me each time I go for service...
Guess it's just the effect of not going to church for 2-3 wks and now, there's this longing inside me for that atmosphere.. During worship, still felt quite energetic then later when the mood was more serious and we just worship God, I couldn't help but cry... or at least, there were tears... Cos of these lyrics..
"You were the only one that died for me, gave your life to set me free, so i lift my voice in adoration..." that's so true.. All the troubles that seemed to be bothering me the past week, I just surrendered it up to God. The release was such something that I really needed the whole week, surrendering everything up to God. Then after that was Holy Communion then Pastor Gerald preached about finacial blessing and giving
At first, I didn't really think it applied much to me until I really begun to listen.. Especially the one about setting your priorities right...
~ Isn't it funny how it seems so hard to read one chapter of the Bible but so easy to read the whole best-selling novel?
Isn't it funny how it seems so hard to squeeze going to church into your schedule but so easy to go out with your friends at the last minute?
Isn't it funny how hard it is to memorize bible verses but so easy to repeat the lastest gossip?
Isn't it funny how you sit at the front row of a ball game but sit at the back row in church?
Isn't it funny how 50 bucks seem so big when giving it for offering but seem so small when you go shopping?
Isn't it funny how 1 hour of reading God's Word seem so long but one hour of computer games just seems so short? ~
There were more examples given but this is enough to get my point across... In my life, I know that without the camp last year, I would probably have forgotten the importance of putting God first.. There would be no fire in me to run after God, even now, I'm just trying so hard to make sure the fire doesn't die out..
That's about all for service...
After that, my day was quite normal liao. Gtg and finish hw now.. bb

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