Sunday, June 18, 2006

malaysia... once more.

Hiya. Back from a 3 day trip to Malaysia once again... Wasn't really expecting that much from the trip but as usual, kind of proven wrong.

16th Jun, Friday
Early wake-up call. -cringe- 4+ am? Left the house, met with relatives at their house, drove up to Genting with one break in between. Lunch. Walked around. Took a few rides. Rofl. Laadeedaa. Erm.. Sat on the merry-go-round with my bro and cousins? Haha. Got chased off the nice horse by the guy in charge. -sniffs- Ohh. Candy floss! Haha. The sad thing was there wasn't time for the outdoor theme park so was confined indoors. It was raining! Nice weather... Uncle asked if I wanted to walk around -in the rain-... Heehee. I wanted to but oh well... I think I'll get dragged back indoors? Drove to the hotel to check in. Had a rather late dinner before heading back to the hotel room to sleep. Ohh. Did I mention that my mum was nice enough to let me bring doggie along? Hmm. Not big doggie but the medium size one. -hugs- Yeps. Had to sleep on the floor in the sleeping bag but I'm used to it already so it wasn't that bad?

17th Jun, Saturday
Woke up at 7 plus, went down for breakfast... Oh yes, interesting name of the cafe. The hotel I stayed in was Hotel Nova and erm... the cafe was like Casanova cafe? Yeps. After breakfast, get ready to go Sunway Lagoon. Whee! Ok... Let me first state that it was my first time to Sunway Lagoon so erm... Excessive hyperness? Haha. Went there and was waiting for my uncle at the lift lobby and erm... saw this whole group of guys streaming out of the lift. Let's see. When some of them were wearing t-shirts with their school name or house name on it, it gets really obvious which school they're from. Yes, it's a school in Singapore. Which one? Go guess... Anyway, my mum had fun teasing me so ya... Good thing they walked away soon after. (Haiz. If only that was the last time I saw them...) Uhhuh. Went to sunway lagoon. -feels accomplished- Haha. Helped my dad to get the tickets before hand so didn't have to queue up. Some people shouldn't all crowd together and block the way... Laadeedaa. Let's see. Was getting hyper over the rides.. Couldn't wait to start trying out the rides but had to play with my brother and cousins first. Yayness... Ok. There's this really nice ride that I like. Dragged my mum along to try it at first. It's the one where you slide head-first down on a mat. I can't really describe it but it's fun cause there's water involved! Yeps. Won my mum. =) Then she convinced my dad to try... Let's see. Pft. I lost to my dad... Like he reached the bottom before me and he went further too. So I was like "whining" and "sulking" away as I walked away from the ride. Childish, I know. But it was fun. Played the ride twice more. Lost both times to my dad again. Haiz. 3-0. Oh yes, it's really interesting to see how people get addicted to the ride. I couldn't really see faces clearly cause I took off my specs so I recognize strangers by their clothes? Haha. To be really specific, their berms/shorts/etc... (It's a water theme park. What do you expect?) Oh well. Like... "Doesn't that pair of black bermudas look familiar?" Was highly amused myself. Rest of the rides are ok... The Python failed to meet expectations. Not thrilling enough. The other ride was ok... Hmm. It started raining so had to head to shelter. But since the rain didn't seem to stop, we decided to just rush to the shopping mall. Had late lunch. KFC. Walked around with my mum. I declare that she likes to tease me. Example: "I think I just saw some -insert name of school- guys walking around?" Like huh?! Ohh. Went to this shop with relatively nice bags... And finally bought one! Whee! -jumps up and down- Finally have a new school bag. I've been really picky... Oh well. But yes, no more sling-bag to school. -sniffs- Oh well, never mind. I like my new bag! Anyway, went to this comic shop and there was this offer on chinese books so erm... bought 4 novels? Yes, they're all in Chinese. Had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. But yes, couldn't resist. Went back to the hotel, bathe, eat dinner. Mum wanted to walk around but since everyone else was tired, only we went. We wanted to go to this specific street but wasn't too sure how to get there. Reached there anyway. 20 minutes of walking. Not bad. Browsed around. Nothing much... Wanted to buy gifts for kor and mei but nothing suitable. So sorry. Walked back to the hotel. Bought supper! -slurps- Ramly burger... Ate in the hotel room. Went to sleep...

18th Jun, Sunday
Woke up really grumpy and grounchy. Left eyelid was slightly swollen + severe lack of sleep. (Didn't sleep well the last night. Woke up a few times...) Skipped breakfast. Got woke up again. Checked out of the hotel. Drove to Malacca for lunch. Yay! Nyonya chendol. Sweetness. =) Yes, I have a sweet tooth. Drove back home, etc, etc... Oh yes. Was playing a game with my mum to keep us awake during the drive back home. A-Z list of guys' name... Haha. Amusement. Yeps. Pft. Some letters really hard to come up with names. Shall leave it at that. Yeps. Shall go to bed soon. Miss my bed and big doggie. -hugs-

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