Friday, June 09, 2006

simple things that make me smile

~Why does everything seem to remind me of the same things over and over again?~

Went to shao's house yesterday to just laze around. Played with the dogs as usual, watched Saw 2, went to her room and helped her with her jigsaw puzzle and used the computer for a while. Hmm... I did become a bit reflective at certain points in time. Don't really feel like blogging much about it right now but maybe later on in this entry. After that, went to watch "Cars" with my mum and Jonathan. Didn't really expect much from the show at first but as usual, I'm proven wrong... Though it's cliched and all, it reminded me of some things. And after that, I went a bit hyper. Was saying "Ka-ching" a lot... =)

Yesterday was just lazing at home the whole day. Bought a new chinese series a few days ago so was just watching it "marathon-style". 3-4 discs non-stop. And was really freaking myself out too. For those who've seen me hyper, imagine me more hyper by many more levels. I was erm... making random noises, criticizing the characters (as usual), venting out my frustration on whatever was nearby. Heehee... Basically, really crazy and hyper. And erm, add gushing/swooning/squealing over the characters to the picture. Oops? Haha. Me swooning and squealing is really scary. Trust me. I should know. But ya... Whee! Qing Tian and Tian Xie! Haha... Those are the names of the 2 main characters. Poor Renee. Had to put up with me for a while over the phone. Thanks. =)

Ok. I'll blog about some of the things that I thought about at shao's house. Interesting how Saw 2 can make me think of certain things. Do we only value things/people more when we know that we're about to lose them? Oh. And in her room, helping her with the jigsaw puzzle, I really enjoy such times. Simplicity. Oh well. Anyway, "Cars" also reminded me of the same thing over and over again. Sighs. I'm not really going to spell out what I was reminded of but yes... The first line in my entry sums it out, I guess.

~learning to enjoy the simple things in life...~

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