Thursday, June 15, 2006

sleepless night

This entry will probably be really confusing and the content would be highly disorganized and all over the place, so sorry in advance. Here goes...

Couldn't sleep at all last night so became really restless. (Can't believe that I can blog about not being able to sleep...) Oh well. Anyway, went to bed at around 11:20 with my mp3 player on (as usual...) and just listened to the few new songs in the player. At 11:40, realized that I was not going to doze off that soon so sent out 1 sms. Hmm. No response so I ended up amusing myself by trying to write in my diary in the dark. Sat on my nice chair and was trying to write properly and all. But since the only light source was from the lights in the corridor outside which shone through my window, it wasn't that effective. Anyway, made a list of things that I wanted to blog about...

This list came about when I was being restless and my mind started drifting and thinking about various things... Topics ranging from the realization that this blog hasn't seen a moody/angsty entry in quite some time and the reason behind that to like things that I want to get, etc... Oh well. Let's see if I can remember all 6 things that I wanted to blog about.
1) The lack of moody/angsty entries in this blog (filtering?) and the reason behind it
2) Family?
3) Things that I want to get
4-6) I rather not put it down into words for you all to read?

Shall blog a bit on the things I thought about last night before resuming the recount on the 2+ hours before I finally settled down enough to sleep. Hmm... I've realized that many a times, I just blog about interesting events in my day and all. After reading through all my blog entries yesterday, it's really interesting to see the change in mood and content of the entries. Last year was really too much angst and moodiness. This year, I'm glad it's a lot more light-hearted and all but I've realized that's only cause I think I'm filtering a lot of stuff. I either blog about the issues in really vague terms or I just avoid it totally. Normally, I would turn to my MSN space or even my private blog about issues and all but I think I've been avoiding the problem/s and all. Last night/this morning was really just me being super restless and thinking quite a bit about stuff. Ohh, this might sound weird but I just feel like blogging honestly without any filtering so ya... Just lying on my bed and listening to my mp3 player somehow triggered off something in me. I wanted to cry. I almost did too, I think. But ya... That was just weird. Haiz.

Oh yes, I shall try to find a nice blogskin and edit my profile/wishlst. But that might take a while. Considering how picky I am when it comes to blogskins. -shrugs-

Ok... Anyway, back to my recount of how I was restless and couldn't sleep. Ended up doing sit-ups and stretching exercises on my bed. Yeps. Was that bored. I wanted to write/blog at that moment but couldn't since it'll wake my parents up so resorted to doing those activities. Then still couldn't sleep. By then, should have been close to 1. Sent yet another sms. Hmm. Decided to like sleep upside-down. As in just reverse direction. Placed my pillow on the other end of the bed. Oh well, proves that I'm weird. The things I do when I can't sleep. After listening to more songs on my player and thinking of random stuff, smsed a bit and finally went to sleep. Whew. That was irritating, ok? Like from 11:20pm - 2am, wanting to sleep but just couldn't. Haiz?! Ok... -pinch myself- I'm not dreaming. I just blogged another entry on how I couldn't sleep and the things I did. And it hasn't been that long since I had a similar entry. Oh well. Pft.

Shall go and watch my nice nice show and gush/swoon/squeal over the characters? Haha. Doubt so but never mind. Just remembered that I still haven't packed my bag for the trip. Fyi, for those who don't know, I'll be going Malaysia from tomorrow morning til like Sunday night. Sighs. Not bringing my handphone so won't b able to contact me. Yeps. Haiz... I'm feeling rather sleepy now. Hmm. Maybe shouldn't watch my show and just play the piano or something? Let's see... Decide later. Time to end the blog entry. Bye! Will miss you all when I'm in malaysia. =)

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