Sunday, November 05, 2006

2 more days to go...

I have no idea what to do at this point. There's only so much that my brain will absorb. I feel guilty if I slack especially since I've been slacking so much today. Let's see. After finishing up physics cheatsheet with mei over the phone, we continued chatting for another 45 minutes or so til 12:30. After that, lazed around and read stories on fictionpress for most part of the afternoon. Once in awhile, I would read through botany as a break from fictionpress. So twisted, right? It's supposed to be studying then take a break by slacking. I slack and take a break by studying. Anyway, the rest of the evening/night was spent putting more effort into studying for botany. I've almost given up on thermodynamics already.

Ok. This is what I plan to do before I sleep. Read through thermodynamics notes once more. Skim through botany. Start reading through trigonometry notes. Oh well. Won't be sleeping before 10, i guess. Never mind. Shall aim to sleep by 11.

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