Monday, November 27, 2006

200th post

Whoa. After close to 2 years, I've finally reached the 200th post. Guess I'll use this post as a time for a reflection yet again. Even though I'm bound to start reflecting on the past a lot more when it's the end of the year/start of 2007.

This blog was created at the end of Secondary 1, after the youth camp. Things have really changed over these 2 years. Transferring from nanyang to nus high, knowing new friends, drifting away from old friends. Gaining more experiences and memories. Knowing myself better at times. Yet, even as I think that I know myself better, there are always new experiences in which my responses are totally unexpected. Think I've blogged a lot more over this past year. I feel a mild sense of accomplishment that I still maintain most of my blogs. I don't consider my livejournal as a blog though. My main blogs are this one, my MSN space and occasionally my private blog. =p I'm tempted to start reading all my entries again from each blog. But not now... Need to go for piano lesson soon.

I want to blog more about the changes between now and last time... Hmm. Ohh. Just checked my archives. Yeps, I've proof that I've been blogging more. I hit my 100th entry this year in April. And now it's only November and I've hit the 200 mark. =) Okie. That settles it. I shall blog about the difference between this semester and the previous semester. =p

Academically, I've done worse this semester for the exams but I think my CA did improve. I'm disappointed with my exam grades but I won't go beat myself up over it. Mhmm. Emotionally, I think this semester has been quite a roller-coaster ride. More eventful and a lot more emotional than the 1st semester. Although I agree that being emotional isn't that good and stuff like that, I think the past 6 months have made me realize various truths about myself. Hopefully that means that I know myself a bit better instead of being in denial. =p Haha. Spiritually.. Hmm, I've been praying more. A lot more. But still need to do my TAWG regularly. Priorities over this semester has changed quite a bit. Corrections: it hasn't changed. It's just a lot more clearer to me now. I think.

And of course, how can I forget one of the most important areas of my life? My friends. How have things changed? Erm.. The truth hurts at times so I'll do a bit of censoring and minus out some names. So I'll keep this part nameless.

Group 1 - Drifted quite a bit. I got to say I didn't expect it. I was always the naive kid, ya? Disappointed. I'm still hoping though. Things seem to be picking up for the better. Or at least my relationship with one of you's getting slightly better than last semester. But the rest of you, I don't think things will go back to the way they were. At least she's making the effort.

Group 2 - My friendship with you all is really quite unexpected. In the sense that I didn't expect to be that close with you all and going out with you all so much. It's fun to hang out with you all. And I can go crazy (or normal depending on how you look at it)... The sad thing is I'm almost always the one being bullied. >.< But yeps, I don't want to imagine life without any one of you.

Individual 1 - Most consistent friendship. Lasted longer than what people expected. It lasted longer than my own expectations. For that, I'm thankful. Got to catch up with you more though. =p Now if you'll stop being so buzy with other people. -coughs-

Individual 2 - Drifted quite a bit this past month? Why? Oh well. Hopefully things change during this holiday. But yeps, you're one friend that I don't regret knowing. Then again, I rarely regret knowing anyone. But you've taught me quite a bit, directly and indirectly. Mhmm.

Individual 3 - Thank God for you. As we both said, it was good timing that we knew each other when we did, ya? To have someone to be able to talk to openly and that we understand each other's situation. Oops. Owe you one outing. Got to meet up with you soon. Mhmm.

Hmm. These people/group of people are those who have been close/are close to me. The total number of people is 9. Quite obvious which 9...

Ok. Long enough blog entry. Ohh. -pouts- -whines- Some people are away at camp!! I miss them. And they've only just went for camp today. Kor, Mei and Nes, we are so meeting up for a move marathon, can? Please... -whines. =p

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