Friday, November 03, 2006

Prayer. Thanks.

Hmm... During the later part of lcell, had this urge to blog about what was shared and covered today. Then later, felt like blogging more about various stuff that hit me this week. Mhmm. So even though I really should go sleep soon, I felt like blogging first.

Bro Andy asked us this question, "If God was to grant you one prayer request, what would you ask for?" (Apart from wanting more prayer requests to be granted. =p) The first answer that came to mind just really shows how I have changed and yet how my priorities are still very similar. I'll be open, ya? The first answer was the good health of my friend. After giving more thought to the question, my answer changed a bit. This is what I replied, "My prayer request would be that for my friends and family to be happy and in good health." Anyway, Bro Andy continued on by saying that since that's our prayer request, that would mean it's the top on our priority list. 2nd question: "How often do you pray for that?" It was just a question for us to think about and we didn't have to share. But yes, I've changed compared to one year ago? Just talking about prayer alone, I've changed. For the better, I would like to think. I'll just briefly cover the rest of what was covered concerning prayer during lcell then I'll add my own reflections.

To have faith that our prayers will be answered. Persevere and keep on praying. Pray together with others. To have the right motives for our prayers. Approach God in prayer with a pure heart.

Honestly, I grew up only praying during service or when I'm about to have an exam and then I start panicking and praying to God. But over the course of this year and last, there's been a marked difference. Yes, I still have numerous prayer requests and most of the time, pray to God for help. But there have been also times when I pray to thank God for how He has blessed me so much. Especially this year. And one more thing about my prayer requests, they're no longer centered around me. So often, I'm asking God to help my friends in their lives and stuff like that. Even this week, during the exam period. Yeps, for those 3 in school.

Think I've covered what I want about prayer. For now. Not done blogging yet though. =p Want to blog about the various essay questions in the english exam. The questions were all so nice to write about! =) As in, I enjoy blogging about those topics and such but prefer not to do a formal essay. =p Oops? Can only remember 3 out of 5. But anyway, shall list the two questions that I was deciding between. We were supposed to write an argumentative essay on one of the questions.

1. Friends are more important than family.
2. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."

The 2nd question was what I wrote about. Obviously, I don't agree with that saying. It might apply to some people but it's rarely ever been that way for me. Words can hurt me so much. Mhmm. To those who've been around me and really know me, you should know how I'm like and what gets me up and what gets me down. Yeps. Though at times, I want to have this shield that prevents me from being hurt so easily due to my character, I won't be me if I have a shield. Got to thank someone for pointing it out a few months ago. There isn't really much I want to blog about for this question. Not really. Just that it's so not true for me?

1st question is a lot harder. My first priority used to be my family during primary school days and even to a good degree of lower secondary. But things have changed. I value my friends a lot more nowadays compared to last time. If I was given a choice to pick between family and friends, I have no idea. And that's what worries me. I was so naive last time. I used to think that because of the good relations between me and my parents, things wouldn't change when I become a teen. -coughs- As if. Things have changed. I have changed. Oh well. Enough dwelling on such issues now.

Lastly, I want to spend the rest of this entry thanking various people. Mel was constantly pointing out how cute I am during dinner and all. And I was trying to figure out why I'm so much more hyper and act cute so often nowadays. Yeps. Certain reasons came to mind. And of course, I've got to thank certain people for brightening up my life or making me realize various things which cause me to enjoy life more and stuff like that. In no particular order...

Melanie: Thank you for being someone who I can talk to in church and have dinner together with. You've helped me feel a greater sense of belonging in church. And your positive mood is contagious. Like how you being so happy to see me just brings my mood up. =) With you, I can go "crazy" and just joke around but I can also talk to you. Thank you!

Tian Cheng: You've helped me appreciate the "kid" in me more. You give me more reason why I should keep finding joy in simple things, never really knew how my joy at things could affect others positively. So more than ever, I can find the joy in seemingly simple things. And thank you for the reassurance that you give. It really helps and lifts my mood up.

Renee: It's great when I can just go hyper and keep you amused. And then after I did that for some time at the beginning of the year, you start getting more hyper. =) Thank you (for the don't know how many time) for being willing to occupy me when I'm on the bus and stuff like that. Mhmm! =) You make school so much more fun and bearable. Not even covering how you've helped me academically. Mhmm.

Ok. There are others that I want to thank like samantha, Vanessa, Isaac and the list continues... But right now, I really should go and sleep soon. So sorry if I didn't mention you in this entry or something. But yes, the past few months of this year has been really enjoyable. I thank you all for bringing out the "kid" in me even more. Especially those 3 in school and Mel.

One last thing that I want to say. To all my friends: No matter how things are, were or will be, I don't regret knowing any one of you all.

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