Monday, May 22, 2006

Long break

Didn't need to attend school from last wednesday to friday and plus the weekend, it was a relaxed 5 day break?
Went to Jurong Point with cousin and aunt to watch poseidon. Actually nothing much happened on that day.

Renee came over to my house! =) Yeps. Yayness! She helped me complete a 950 pc Disney jigsaw puzzle... Haha. Ah... The silly things that we said that totally doesn't make sense. We were extremely hyper and refused to go for lunch til we completed the puzzle so we only had lunch at 3 plus? Fyi, we finished the puzzle in 4 hours. Quite good? Erm. Wanted to watch "Ice Princess" but she had to go so we used the computer. -cough- Apparently, I have a sister. Laadeedaa... Haha.

Went to Cineleisure Orchard with Renee and Ding to watch MI:3... Yeps. Before that, had lunch and was walking around. Ohh... I like the chairs in Cineleisure! Whee! Haha. The cinemas on level 9 have some really nice chairs... Very comfortable.
-cough- Yeps. Renee and I didn't realize that we could put the arm-rest down til the end of the show so ya... Laadeedaa. Then went to take neoprints! Whee! I'm getting ego! The neoprints are nice! =) Went home, rest for an hour then went to Serene to meet Mel and Sis Jas. Yeps. Dinner followed by Lcell. Yeps.

The normal... Service. Had to skip FUEL though to celebrate cousin's birthday. Dinner, went to Raffles Marina. It's really quite peaceful to look at the ships that were docked there. And I realized I could remember the last time I was there even though it's been more than 5 years, I think... Oh. Haha. Cousin managed to persuade my mum to let me learn how to play mahjong. So was sitting there watching my relatives play while my cousin taught me the basics. Yeps.

Nothing much so I'll just fast foward. And looks like swimming is becoming part of a routine... Every Sunday. While Jonathan has proper lessons, I just swim a bit in the pool. Yeps.

Extremely hyper! Ask Renee and Sylvie. I was like a few level more hyper than normal which is kind of scary... Considering how much sleep I had. Considering that the past 5 days, I slept only at 1 or so? Got back a few exam papers today. Sadly, I was proven right that you shouldn't aim high. The higher you aim, when you fall, it hurts more. Matrices. Was expecting higher. Anyway, marks are rather balanced. English was acceptable. Math was lower than expected but Higher Chinese made up for it by being slightly better than expected. So ya... Haha. After school, went to IMM to see my cousin's wedding photo shoot. She looks pretty! Especially that last evening gown. And pity her. Had to pose so many times and the flash is really glaring. Oh well. It's once in a lifetime thing.

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