Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Tagged by Renee so here goes...

Three Names You Go By: chermaine, chermy, cherm? (Right...)
Three Parts of Your Heritage: Chinese, Thai (?), Teochew
Three Things That Scare You: losing loved ones, anger, moodswings
Three of Your Everyday Essentials: food, friends, laughter
Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now: shirt, berms, specs
Three of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists at the moment: Corinne May, don't really have any particular one..
Three of Your Favorite Songs at the moment: Rescue, There is life, At the beginning
Three Things You Want in a Relationship (other than love): trust, mutual understanding, tolerance
Three Physical Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You: smile, height, dunno
Three of Your Favourite Hobbies: Talking on the phone, reading, using the computer
Three Things You want really badly right now: darling the TY dog, new school bag, Jonathan to recover
Three Places You Want to go on Vacation: Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland
Three things you want to do before you die: Live in the countryside, have a dog as a pet, go diving!
Three people I would like to see take this quiz: sammi, hui shi, gloria

I want to do a detailed blog entry on my various "siblings"! Whee!
List of siblings (chronological order):
Hui Shi (gan jie) - Hmm. Out of all my "siblings", she's the one who influenced me the most and all and also probably the one who I'm closest to? Ya. As I wrote so many times in various places, so many things remind me of her. Haha. KFC for starters... And notebooks! Knew her since the start of Secondary 1 and now I'm in Secondary 3, hopefully, this friendship will be one that lasts. The jie-mei bond isn't that easily destroyed as various experiences have shown. After all, I've been through the most downs when it comes to her but the bond's just there... Mutual understanding?

Shao Wen (kor) - Shao... Getting bullied. =) But ya, even though I wasn't that close to you and all in nanyang, I remember that one time when you had to endure my moodiness over the phone. Sorry if that ever freaked you or disturbed you... But thanks. Anyway, miss you as much as I miss the other 2. Even the ruffling up of hair and all. And the small things such as you saying "laugh" continuously and that causing me to just laugh non-stop. Your protection of your previous anime and manga... I miss all that, kor... -hugs-

Joseph (kor) - I knew jose kor longer compared to my other siblings but he only became my kor in like Sec 1. Hmm. Primary school classmate. Was rather close to you in primary school. Talking on the phone so much that our parents started complaining. Yeps. Hmm.. But ya, you were always there to make me laugh and all. Thanks. Recently, been talking to you a lot less. I guess we're both caught up with our own stuff and all but never mind.. Thanks anyway.

Renee (mei) - Haha. Mei who bullies jie... and vice versa. Oops? Firstly, you're like the nicest of all my "siblings"? Haha.. Actually, everyone's nice but you just keep the teasing to a minimum. Besides, if you tease me, you get teased by me so ya. Anyway, one of the few who has to put with a hyper me very often. Aww. You're getting too used to me being hyper. Shall learn from kor (as in Tian Cheng)... =) Anyway, surprising how we were in the same class last year and I barely talked to you and this year, we're like always together. Haha.

Aaron (didi) - Hmm. Didi's like 6 days younger... Aww. Too bad. Anyway, he's nice to bully actually. Haha. But ya, he's nice and helps wash blob blob. In fact, he's the one who got me started on washing blob blob with soap. Oh ya, I miss the drum sticks! Playing with it is fun! And ya, didi studies harder than me. Don't get too upset over marks and all, ok? Your effort will pay off eventually.

Tian Cheng (kor) - Ohh! This is the most interesting "sibling" to blog about... And considering that I really only started talking to him last thursday? Firstly, I dare say I've influenced this kor to become more hyper and crazy? And stop thanking me. This kor is really crazy. Yeps. Doesn't really take care of himself. Tsk. Ohh. Yay! Kor is nice cause he helps me and doesn't torment me and also helps freak mei out. Haha. Rofl. Anyway, kor's probably boarding the airplane now... Hopes he takes more care of himself. Lychee Ice Blended! In fact, sugar high! Whee... Yeps. That's all for now.

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