Sunday, July 30, 2006

meeting of 3 grps....

By now, I really shouldn't be surprised that I'm always the one "bullied" when people from 2 or more groups meet... Anyway, just to make it clear. I count it as 4 groups in total. HPPS (namely sammi), NYGH (gan jie, shao and glo), NUSHS (mei and kor), church (isaac and mel). Anyway, there've been quite a few times where 2 or more groups meet and erm... it's a diaster for me? Lol. Yesterday was no exception.

Sammi with isaac and mel is normally bad enough already then those 3 were amusing themselves and started smsing kor so eventually kor came down to serene. To be really honest, it was rather entertaining to watch them. As long as I'm not the topic of discussion or what. Yeps. Anyway, there went any chance of me finishing homework at serene. Lol. But yeps. Interesting how most of the groups have no problem at all interacting with each other. -amused-

That's about it, I guess? Just felt like doing a quick post on yesterday's dinner. That's all.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Getting spoilt

Whee! Ok. I'm getting too pampered/spoilt. Heehee. Let's see. Yesterday, actually got permission to watch "The Lake House" with Mei and her family. Like, totally unexpected which made me so hyper! But yes, I was wishing I could watch and couldn't think of how I would find time to watch it and then presto! That's the nice, happy part. Then some other parts of the day, laadeedaa.

Ohh! Today! The day didn't start out all that good actually but then it got a lot better! =) Especially after 1:30pm! -bounce- Firstly, got let off early from bridging module then I became hyper. Add milo dinosaur and friends into the equation and you get... Us scarily high! And of course, there was a conclusion to the previous day so that helped a lot. Didn't think I deserved to be let off the hook that soon. So thanks! Anyway, ran with Mei and Kor around the track since I felt bad for erm... not running for 800m so she had to run. Dui bu qi. Yeps. Then later, proceed to E1-14 and just slack as usual? Ohh. Actually ordered KFC to our school.. Laadeedaa. Lol. So fun! Then later, more slacking which involved a bit of dance, lots of singing, chinese chess (?!), talking, etc... So fun! Whee! Then to top it all off, went library. Now, going to the library is more than enough. But plus the fact that I'm getting pampered and haven't gone to the library by myself for a month or even more? Heehee. So it was more like super fun! Yeps. Thanks kor. Whee! Then went home considerably later than usual but parents didn't say anything + chicken chop rice for dinner. So it's been great. I'm really blessed and for that, thanks to all those who make me feel this way. =)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

worst day in a long while

Hmm. It's been quite a while since I came so close to the verge of moodiness? Anyway, I wanted to blog about the presentation that the other group gave and how it erm... affected me. Yeps. Anyway, I apologize to you, mei, if I affected you anyway. Was kind of fascinated by how my mood just went downhill so easily and even more fascinated by how there was this really fine line between breaking down and not breaking down. Let's just say if class had ended earlier, the nearest deserted place or toilet would have been where I went. But kind of recovered soon after?
(Why am I blogging this here?!) Oh well. Doesn't matter. What I want to blog isn't suitable to be placed on most of my blogs. Maybe shall just write it out on paper. Yeps. See how.

Friday, July 21, 2006

physical day

Ok. I just deleted last night's entry since it was really short and not as detailed as I want it to be. Slight problem here though. I want to do both a recount of my day and yet blog a bit deeper (as in blog about my feelings at certain point in times and so on)... I would normally just blog but after sammi kindly burst the nice illusion I have about people not reading my blog, I'm a bit reluctant to blog? Laadeedaa... Sammi, you just had to be always that honest, didn't you? Oh well. I'll start with recounting first... Then the rest, see how. But I'll be open enough to blog about my feelings on one of my blogs that's not my private blog so it's either this one or MSN space.

Cross-country cum 2.4km yesterday. Yes, to other schools, you all will probably find it unfair but hey, I'm not really complaining. It was at east coast park anyway. Niceness. Too bad I missed the sunrise... And didn't go down to the beach. But at least the view was nice when we ran. Anyway, feels rather accomplished in the fact that I improved for 2.4km by 1 minute. =) I'll attribute only a little of that to the view. I think it's the running with my mei which helped a lot. As in, trying to keep up with her alone could improve my timing already. Yeps. I think we kind of work well together. Considering that she can start off fast but get tired easily then I'll push her and then towards the end, she'll be the one pushing me. Yeps. I must learn how to sprint the last part though. Anyway, mei, you did well. So don't care about what your mum and or bro said, okies? For those who want to know my 2.4 timing, it's 13 minutes and 40 over seconds, I think. Considering most of you all are trackers or can run well, I know that's quite bad. But hey, that's your standard. Laadeedaa.

Next part of the day. The break between 2.4km and the racial harmony games. (I'm even mentioning the break?! How detailed am I being? ziah... Too much time now to blog so ya...) Anyway, I realized that I recover rather quickly. As in, I've haven't pushed myself that much before? Ever. For 2.4km the previous years, I get back to normal within maximum 15-20 minutes? As in, I was hyper after 2.4km as in the kind of -jumps around- hyperness. And the -i can run it all over again- kind of energy. Yeps. Which is why I always regret not pushing myself harder only after the run. zaih... Laadeedaa. After that, racial harmony games. For the year 3s, it was this time where your class forms a chain with your hands then one person from the opposing team would try to drag a person away from the chain into their side of the playing field. Yeps. Yayness. Our class actually won. Hmm. We can work rather well at times, I guess. But a bit too competitive. The strategy was good. Though similar to the other class, we reinforced the human chain so good defence and even better attacking. Rough and violent though. Anyway, because we won the preliminary round, we got to advance to the finals and each level faced off by competing to see who had the best timing for the station. Basically the station was "Extreme Gourmet", fear-factor style? Urk. Wrong choice of food item. Never mind, my stomach survived. Yeps. Prize-giving, etc...

Went back to school from East Coast Park. Direct bus. Yayness. Thanks kor for finding out where the busstop was. Like walk to VS then take. Yeps. Anyway, the 11 of us who were willing to go back to practice the dance took the bus together and went back to school. Ordered canadian pizza for everyone while on the bus and er... A bit of miscalculation in timing so the delivery guy had to wait about 10 minutes for us. -thinks about 2 siblings who decided to run back to sch- (Shaln't comment.) Anyway, we were eating the pizza and being amused by topping-full pizza slices and topping-less pizza slices. Taught the rest the couples part. Ya... So scandalous, right? Oh well. At least my partner's mei. =) Haha. Decided upon stage directions and positioning too. Basically, dancing became just sitting around and listening to music after a while? Then erm... A bit too much of pondering taking place? Yeps. Anyway, went back home at around 5:45. Really should get used to it, staying in school though I don't have to. Went home, bathed. (Finally...) Then went for lcell. The bus didn't like me so took 15 minutes to come which resulted in my being late and not having time for dinner. Disclaimer: I did eat in the end, ok? But at around 9:45? Heehee. Talked to mei for a while before reaching home. Blogged for a while then went to my room and finished up a book (reading a book while using handphone light is tiring cause need to keep the display screen active...). Couldn't sleep yet so took out my diary and started writing. By now, I turned on my study light already. Blocked the light for reaching my brother though. But anyway, dad came in to check on me so wasn't in the mood to continue writing and ended up talking to sammi on the phone. =p Laadeedaa. The conversation was let's see... A bit disturbing. Oh well, talking to her always serves as a nice reality check and she can have fun dismissing any illusions I have about stuff. And let's not forget her analyzing situations for me. Yeps. So fun. Yayness. Broke a record, i think. 3 hours. Yeps.

Ah. There. End of recounting already. Shall blog about certain stuff on my msn space or should I do it here? Urk.

Fine. May as well just blog here. Anyway, something happened in the course of yesterday that made me realized something. I rather not blog about what happened but anyway, it'll be fairly obvious to those who were with me yesterday. Sammi's right. When I get involved, I get involved too deeply. Urk... I want to go more in-depth and blog about the situation itself but I just can't, not with the knowledge that people do read this blog. At least, certain people do and that's enough to stop me from elaborating.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Hiya! I shall go hyper now. Actually, I shouldn't. If not, cannot sleep. And I told mei and kor that I'm sleeping early. But pft... Can't decided what to pack for tomorrow. To shower in school or not? Laadeedaa. Why am I blogging now ah? Anyway, shall actually bring water out tomorrow. -gasps- Normally, I don't. Actually if I do, I still don't normally drink but I'll be guai tomorrow, okie? So no need to force me to drink. Yeps. Why does this seem like I'm addressing certain people? -shrugs- Heehee. Yeps. Shaln't blog anymore. But today, school was weirdly fun. Yeps. Even though my own words were thrown back at me. -pouts- Haha. There there. Gdnight. Take care. Yeps.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Today was interesting and thought-provoking.

I'll fast foward to mentoring session then. We've been doing the DISC personality test and analysing our results. I'll list some character traits of each type then you can have fun guessing what I am. (It's kind of obvious?)

D: Driven, direct, decisive, determined, dominant, etc... Basically, they're more of the leader in the group.

I: Inspiring, influencing, inducing, talkative, life of the party, etc...
Yeps. Life of the party, etc.

S: Stable, secure, shy, reluctant leader, etc...
Basically, think those people who give off security, etc.

C: control, correct, concise, compliant, etc...
It's like those who stick to the rules tightly, yeps.

Ok... I'm _ followed by _ then a bit of _. But there's one that I'm definitely not. I'll reveal that at the end. Anyway, it's quite accurate but one thing I realized is that I've not a lot of the weaknesses of the strongest personality types. Out of 7 or more weaknesses, only 2 apply to me. Disorganized, think with feelings/emotions... There was one weakness that's kind of a sore topic. More words than actions or in another form NATO (No action, talk only...) That's the weakness of -insert person- and because my mum mentioned my similarity to that person in terms of this trait, I've made a conscious effort to improve. But yes... I got a bit moodier as I realized how I have changed and how bad things were. Thanks mei. It meant quite a lot to me to have you beside me. Stopped me from being even more moody and I became happy & hyper. =) But yes, I was realizing how my two "siblings" have put in effort to make me smile when I'm down. Thanks.

Next, skipped Journalism and went for Choir instead. "We're all in this together" Anyway, it was ok... But I guess it's hard when your hyperness level is higher than most of the people there? But jiayou, okies? Especially for mei, nes and kor. We've gotten this far, let's continue persevering and doing our best. =) But yeps, the classroom time was a lot more fun?

Fyi, I'm I-S-C. Yeps.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Mood graph

It's been 4 days since I last blogged? Haiz. Been wanting to blog actually but was just too caught up with other stuff.

Anyway, as usual, I'll start off with a quick recount of the previous days. Then might blog in more detail about certain stuff?

Friday. No school and yet I found myself back in school from 12-5? Haha. But before that, went back to NYGH. -gasps- I actualy went back! (being too dramatic...) But yes, went back with Vanessa before going back to school. Had something like a sing-along session of high school musical? Before practicing the dance itself. Yeps. Very fun. And I think we drove Lux nuts. We referring to ... -drum rolls- Kor, Mei, Vanessa and myself. Yeps. Let's see. Practiced. Brainstormed on various aspects of the dance such as colour scheme, dressing, roles, etc... Fun-ness. =)

Saturday! Ohh. Watched pirates of the carribean with ... -drum rolls- same grp of people lah. =) Yeps. Had brunch at KFC before going to HMV at heeren and going a bit hyper. =p We shared a High School Musical DVD. Each one pay a bit. Haha. Yeps. Then rushed for the movie. Got hyper even before the movie started. x) Then after that, had to rush for church. (Rushing around too much...) Service was good, to be reminded of certain stuff that I've forgotten. Things that God spoke to me about before... Gave dinner a miss since I've been going out too much and was feeling a bit guilty so dinner with family.

Sunday. D&D followed by LCE. Not much that I want to blog about actually... Let's just say that day could have been better but never mind. Just various stuff combined together formed quite a bad combination.

Today. Hmm. Normal day, I guess... Oh, read through some of old blog entries again. Weirdness. Why do I keep reading the entries? Haiz. I think I know why. To remember the past. I still can't let it go. There's still this need in me to compare how things were and how things are. To look foward, that takes time. I do look foward but I do look back too. That's the problem.

Another thing... I've not been hyper enough, I think. Even right now, I'm not smiling. It takes a lot to make myself smile now. But there's one thing that almost never fails to bring a smile to my face nowadays... Let's just say the question, "How's school?" can make my whole face light up. That's good, isn't it? But at the same time, I wonder why my face doesn't light up anymore for other stuff... Pft. Enough of this mood. It's not really moodiness or depression or anything, ok... Just to set the record straight. But this weird kind of mood. Oh well. Laadeedaa. (You're right, haven't been using this expression much...)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

weird questions

Name 11 people you can think of right now in your head.
After that tag at least 5 people to do this.

1. Renee
2. Samantha
3. Tian Cheng
4. Isaac
5. Hui Shi
6. Gloria
7. Shao Wen
8. Joseph
9. Jonathan
10. Sylvie
11. Bryan

1. How did you meet 10?
> Sylvie - Hmm. From school. But she was like my neofriend on neopets since a few years ago. lol. coincidence?

2.What would you do if you never met 2
> Samantha - I'll be sad cause life wouldn't be as fun and I'll lose one person to talk on the phone with.

3.What would you do if 9 and 11 dated?
> Jonathan and Bryan?! My brother and my ex-classmate?! Age difference aside, they're both guys! -faints-

4.Do you like 7?
> Shao Wen - Yeps. One of my kors (and the one that prob bullies me the most?) =)

5.would 5 and 6 make a good couple?
> Hui Shi and Gloria? Erm. Let's see. No! For one, their gender. That aside, personality-wise, almost no way.

6.Describe 3.
> Tian Cheng. Ohh. This is fun! He's my nice kor (yes, you're nice) who gets too influenced by his meis. Lol.

7.Do you think 8 is attractive?
> Joseph. Erm?! Personally, I don't think so. (no offence...)

8.Tell me something about 2.
> Samantha - The poems that she writes are nice to read.

9.Do you know any of 4's family?
> Nope. Unless you count his "sister" - mel. =p

10.Whats 5's favourite things?
> Hui Shi - quite a few.. But for starters, writing in notebooks, gushing over cute stuff or babies. Yeps

11.What would you do if 3 confesses he/she likes you?
> Tian Cheng - I'll probably be stunned. In fact, I'll be stunned regardless who it is.

12.What language does 6 speak?
> Gloria - English, Chinese. Can't remember if there's any other language/dialect...

13.Who is 9 going out with?
> Jonathan - My bro's like not even 6 years old?!

14. How old is 8 now?
> Joseph - 15+ years

15.When was the last time you talked to 1?
> Renee - Today. (duh!) At around 5:30pm when I said "Bye". Lol.

16.What is 2's favourite band/singer?
> Samantha - Hmm. No particular favourite if I remember correctly. Various singers and bands.

17.Would you ever date 7?
> Shao Wen - Nope. She's my kor! (ah... the contradiction)

18.Would you ever date 11?
> Bryan - Nope.

19. Have you ever seen 2 naked?
> Samantha - Duh, no.

5 People whom you want to pass this on to
Tian Cheng
Hui Shi

That's all for now... Shall blog again later.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Yayness! I'm getting a bit too hyper?! Haha. Anyway, today was great. =) Skipped journalism and went for choir instead. Ohh well. It was so fun doing the dance for "We're all in this together". *coughs* sashay! *coughs* Haha. But ya... -bounces- Too bad kor and mei had to leave early. Anyway, this entry is to tell you two that I won't b online when you all reach home cause I'm be watching HSM on the other computer and that one has no internet connection. You two sleep early, ok? -pointed look at kor- Mei's been rather guai, been slping earlier than me. But that's cause I stay up to read the books I've borrowed. Let's see. Think I'll sleep relatively earlier today. Yeps. Sms me or smth. Up 2 you two. Anyway kor, you need to reteach the wildcats part. Me and vanessa could barely remember that part. But she just got it by watching the video... Where's the video? Lol. Doesn't matter. You can teach us. =) That's all. -weirdness- This entry has like become a short letter to you two. Yeps. Oh well... Saves sms, doesn't it?

Monday, July 10, 2006


Pft. Spent close to 1 hour doing weird quizzes and fixing the html codes of the results and then my internet connection went hay-wire and I couldn't publish my entry. Greatness. I shall repeat 2 quizzes only. Sighs.

You Are Snow White!
Image hosted by

Pure and trusting. You are a gentle soul who can get along with just about anyone. Everyone you meet instantly falls in love with you. How can they resist? You have a pure, lovable nature that's irresistable. Just don't trust everyone that comes across your path.
Which Disney Princess Are You?

Your a lycanthrope: a werecreature, a shifter, a werewolf. You have a strang dual-nature but you are a loyal and protective person. You thrive during in-between times: dawn and dust, when the veils of the world are thinest. You stick close to your family and friends though you often steal off on your own. You are rather mysterious and have a secret side that most don't know about.

Losing It Occasionally

You are quite a bit on the uber-excitable side. You have no probelm freaking out in public, though this does not happen TOO often. You get excited over simple things and sometimes situations can get the best of you. However, you do have -some- level of self-control over yourself. Sugar contributes to your 'condition'.
How Excitable Are You?


Water is also a bit of a bipolar element.
While necessary for life, it can take lives. Drown, you die, but drink, you live.
it's a fascinating concept.
Those of the water element are usually passive, but when angered can strike quickly. You should not be underestimated. For the most part, you may appear to be quiet and calm, but on the inside, you could be boiling.
You may have problems controlling and hiding your emotions. This is okay.
Just a tip: don't be so quick to anger. Try and control your anger. Don't be so quick to boil. Keep your cool ALL the time.
What element best decribes you?

Done with the quizzes. =) I shaln't analyse each result, can't be bothered. But I'm happy that my element's still water. =)

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Hmm... I was thinking of editing the high school musical entry but eventually, I just decided to continue blogging about friday and all in this entry instead. Yeps.

Friday was fun! To be more precise, the day became very nice and enjoyable after we finished the math bridging module. A few of us stayed back in school to practice the choreography for "We're all in this together". =) Yeps. Thank you kor for figuring out the steps and teaching us. But before that, we were singing along to the soundtrack. I think Lu Xin was surprised at how 4 of us (Kor, Mei, Vanessa and I) knew the lyrics to every single song? Really relaxing and lots of fun! Sorry to gan jie, shao, glo... Heehee. Didn't meet up with you all. Anyway, practicing the moves were fun and all. We even showed Dr Wong and Ms Flo the dance. Yeps. And took advantage of the air-con in the staffroom. =) Ohh! I get to skip Journalism to go for Choir practice this wednesday. After that, we left the school at around 4. Wow. I didn't expect to stay in school for so long. Went to Jurong Regional Library. Ah, my weekly visit to that place. =) Went a bit crazy borrowing books. -pokes kor- Haha. I really should control myself and not borrow almost every single book that looks interesting. Wanted to stay longer but had to rush home and change before going for dinner. So went home and left my house within 15 minutes. New record for me, I think. Went Macs and met up with pple from Lcell. Yeps. Then went to church for Lcell. Ohh. Power Base is nice! Comfy sofas. =) Ohh... Talked to Mei on the way home from church. We ended up singing songs from HSM over the phone?!

Anyway, saturday... Slept in til 11 or so. Then did a bit of homework and read quite a bit. After that, the inevitable dolling-up session. Haiz. My mum's enjoying herself, that's for sure. Had to attend the wedding dinner of my godma's auntie's son... Go figure that out? Haha. Anyway, left the house early so walked around Far East a bit before going to the Hyatt. Ok... The next part of my entry would tell you how "much" exposure to such a situation. Ok... Had to wear a dress and erm... a choker? But I kind of understood why when we entered the hotel. It's like WHOA! Especially when I saw the other guests and all. Think glamour and elegance all around. Didn't know anyone so just followed my mum around... Why does everyone seem to recognize me and I can't recognize them? With the sole exception of my godma and her auntie, of course. (I'm not that bad... Remembered them.) Anyway, the most common comment of the day "Ohh, your daughter so tall. She was so small when i last saw her. So pretty." Uhhuh... Right. -cringe- Anyway, my mum was jokingly asking my godma's auntie's daughter whether I could become an SQ stewardess... 0.0 Oh yes. It seems to run in their family that most of the girls are/were SQ stewardess. That tells you how tall and pretty they are. Yeps. Haha. Anyway, during dinner, I was the youngest at the table (duh!) so was being fed and everyone insisted on me eating more? Like even a stranger sitting next to me was scooping food onto my plate? Anyway, the last course was served 11 plus so reached home only at 12 plus... Then parents went to sleep and erm... took that opportunity to stay up and read. My excuse for staying up? Had to wait for my hair to dry before sleeping... Ya, right. Lol. Anyway, smsed like 3 pple and didn't really expect any replies but 2 of them replied. Anyway, finished 1 book and decided to start on another book and erm... Ended up sleeping at 3. Heehee. So much for slping soon? Heehee. Don't kill me, ok? Anyway, I woke up close to noon today so ya... More than enough sleep.

Hmm. Oh ya, I realized that there's an excessive mention of Kor and Mei in each of my blog entries? Haha. And on the bus, I kept mentioning Mei to my mum. Tsk myself. Mei, get home soon... I'm like blogging and doing other stuff while waiting for your phone call. Lol. Haha. Then can get hyper over HSM! =)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

High School Musical

Yayness! Anyway, the title's of this entry is High School Musical. Yeps. It'll seem weird if I just jump straight into gushing on about the soundtrack if I don't mention the title. Anyway, thanks Kor for the soundtrack! =) (Hmm... Been thanking you a lot for the soundtrack. Not allowed to sigh, ok? Lol) But yeps. The songs are nice! -gushes- And it's fun to sing it together with Mei!! But ya. The lyrics are of course always stuck in my head nowadays. Ohh... I must catch up to Kor and Mei. They almost memorized all the lyrics already. Haha. All 3 of us have been listening to it excessively, have we not? And the show... Hmm. The choreography's not bad. Nice to watch along with the songs. -hints- Wants to watch it again... Lol. Got to go now... Yeps.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Music. It's become more and more important to me these few years. Music not just in terms of me playing the piano but also songs...
Anyway, piano lesson started of as letting me have a try and it went on from Primary 2 til now. Hmm. At first, it was a routine to practice and get the stickers then my attitude deproved, I guess? But recently, last year, the piano became an outlet to release my emotions. Hmm. The few times that I cried while playing the piano. Ok. Just realized something freaky... I seem to be missing those times of tears. Not good. Weirdness... But now, all the memories come flooding back. Times when I could be doing something with tears just streaming now. Haiz? Back to music... Hmm. Anyway, love the fact that I have a piano I can call my own. -hugs the piano- Lol.
Next, songs... Hmm. I've already blogged about how I grew up with Disney songs. But just listening to songs in general is something I've also grown used to. Childhood days, my mum singing to me as I fall asleep. Currently, my having to listento my MP3 player before I fall asleep. Anywhere I go, I have to bring my MP3 player along... And not forgetting my having to play some songs while I'm using the computer or reading. Maybe it's cause I cannot stand prolonged silence but having music play in the background is really calming and relaxingl. That's why I always enjoyed this particular situation. Me being in my room, lying on my bed with the aircon on, reading a good book with music playing in the background. Strange how the busier I get, the more I am able to find time for such a situation. =) I think that's enough blogging for today. Ohh. I enjoy changing the songs in my MP3 player but I just realized that there's a severe lack of new songs lately. Oh well... -hints-


If I remembered correctly, my current blogskin doesn't show the title of each entry... Oh well, out of point.

Finished reading "The Tenth Circle" by Jodi Picoult today. Some memories came and "haunted" me but considering that I didn't break down or anything, that's good, right? Hmm. Anyway, was watching disc 15 & 16 of "Top of the Forbidden City". Still trying to figure out why my cheeks were a bit damp during the show... Is it because I was moved by the show or was there more to those tears? Hmm. It wasn't like I became moody or anything but rather this mood that I always can't seem to describe. It's not a positive emotion cause I can't seem to smile but it's not negative either cause I'm not crying... It's in between. But still... Haiz. I'm in this weird mood quite a lot this few days. Oh well. Never mind...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

start of something new?

Hmm. There's the urge to blog about the previous few days since it's become a habit but I've not been in the mood to blog so I think I'll make this entry really short. And I'll not elaborate on most things. Yeps.

O levels Chinese Oral. New town secondary school. Piano lesson.

Youth Day celebration. Kor. Mei. Irritation. Rising of flag. Jurong Entertainment Centre. Pizza Hut. Being bullied. Library. Accomplishment. Influence.

Nanyang funfair. Mistaken identity. Scandals. High school musical. Pasta. Meteorite. Presents. Sylvester. Dinner. Mad Jack. Issues. Island Creamery. Stoning. Waiting.

Hmm... Haven't blogged like that before. But ya, some of it makes a lot of sense while other things... you need to be there to know what I'm talking about. Lol. Never mind. Satisfied. I've blogged while not having to elaborate. Got to go to church soon for "Shout your fame". Pft. Renee can't go. -sulks-