Friday, July 21, 2006

physical day

Ok. I just deleted last night's entry since it was really short and not as detailed as I want it to be. Slight problem here though. I want to do both a recount of my day and yet blog a bit deeper (as in blog about my feelings at certain point in times and so on)... I would normally just blog but after sammi kindly burst the nice illusion I have about people not reading my blog, I'm a bit reluctant to blog? Laadeedaa... Sammi, you just had to be always that honest, didn't you? Oh well. I'll start with recounting first... Then the rest, see how. But I'll be open enough to blog about my feelings on one of my blogs that's not my private blog so it's either this one or MSN space.

Cross-country cum 2.4km yesterday. Yes, to other schools, you all will probably find it unfair but hey, I'm not really complaining. It was at east coast park anyway. Niceness. Too bad I missed the sunrise... And didn't go down to the beach. But at least the view was nice when we ran. Anyway, feels rather accomplished in the fact that I improved for 2.4km by 1 minute. =) I'll attribute only a little of that to the view. I think it's the running with my mei which helped a lot. As in, trying to keep up with her alone could improve my timing already. Yeps. I think we kind of work well together. Considering that she can start off fast but get tired easily then I'll push her and then towards the end, she'll be the one pushing me. Yeps. I must learn how to sprint the last part though. Anyway, mei, you did well. So don't care about what your mum and or bro said, okies? For those who want to know my 2.4 timing, it's 13 minutes and 40 over seconds, I think. Considering most of you all are trackers or can run well, I know that's quite bad. But hey, that's your standard. Laadeedaa.

Next part of the day. The break between 2.4km and the racial harmony games. (I'm even mentioning the break?! How detailed am I being? ziah... Too much time now to blog so ya...) Anyway, I realized that I recover rather quickly. As in, I've haven't pushed myself that much before? Ever. For 2.4km the previous years, I get back to normal within maximum 15-20 minutes? As in, I was hyper after 2.4km as in the kind of -jumps around- hyperness. And the -i can run it all over again- kind of energy. Yeps. Which is why I always regret not pushing myself harder only after the run. zaih... Laadeedaa. After that, racial harmony games. For the year 3s, it was this time where your class forms a chain with your hands then one person from the opposing team would try to drag a person away from the chain into their side of the playing field. Yeps. Yayness. Our class actually won. Hmm. We can work rather well at times, I guess. But a bit too competitive. The strategy was good. Though similar to the other class, we reinforced the human chain so good defence and even better attacking. Rough and violent though. Anyway, because we won the preliminary round, we got to advance to the finals and each level faced off by competing to see who had the best timing for the station. Basically the station was "Extreme Gourmet", fear-factor style? Urk. Wrong choice of food item. Never mind, my stomach survived. Yeps. Prize-giving, etc...

Went back to school from East Coast Park. Direct bus. Yayness. Thanks kor for finding out where the busstop was. Like walk to VS then take. Yeps. Anyway, the 11 of us who were willing to go back to practice the dance took the bus together and went back to school. Ordered canadian pizza for everyone while on the bus and er... A bit of miscalculation in timing so the delivery guy had to wait about 10 minutes for us. -thinks about 2 siblings who decided to run back to sch- (Shaln't comment.) Anyway, we were eating the pizza and being amused by topping-full pizza slices and topping-less pizza slices. Taught the rest the couples part. Ya... So scandalous, right? Oh well. At least my partner's mei. =) Haha. Decided upon stage directions and positioning too. Basically, dancing became just sitting around and listening to music after a while? Then erm... A bit too much of pondering taking place? Yeps. Anyway, went back home at around 5:45. Really should get used to it, staying in school though I don't have to. Went home, bathed. (Finally...) Then went for lcell. The bus didn't like me so took 15 minutes to come which resulted in my being late and not having time for dinner. Disclaimer: I did eat in the end, ok? But at around 9:45? Heehee. Talked to mei for a while before reaching home. Blogged for a while then went to my room and finished up a book (reading a book while using handphone light is tiring cause need to keep the display screen active...). Couldn't sleep yet so took out my diary and started writing. By now, I turned on my study light already. Blocked the light for reaching my brother though. But anyway, dad came in to check on me so wasn't in the mood to continue writing and ended up talking to sammi on the phone. =p Laadeedaa. The conversation was let's see... A bit disturbing. Oh well, talking to her always serves as a nice reality check and she can have fun dismissing any illusions I have about stuff. And let's not forget her analyzing situations for me. Yeps. So fun. Yayness. Broke a record, i think. 3 hours. Yeps.

Ah. There. End of recounting already. Shall blog about certain stuff on my msn space or should I do it here? Urk.

Fine. May as well just blog here. Anyway, something happened in the course of yesterday that made me realized something. I rather not blog about what happened but anyway, it'll be fairly obvious to those who were with me yesterday. Sammi's right. When I get involved, I get involved too deeply. Urk... I want to go more in-depth and blog about the situation itself but I just can't, not with the knowledge that people do read this blog. At least, certain people do and that's enough to stop me from elaborating.

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