Monday, July 03, 2006


Music. It's become more and more important to me these few years. Music not just in terms of me playing the piano but also songs...
Anyway, piano lesson started of as letting me have a try and it went on from Primary 2 til now. Hmm. At first, it was a routine to practice and get the stickers then my attitude deproved, I guess? But recently, last year, the piano became an outlet to release my emotions. Hmm. The few times that I cried while playing the piano. Ok. Just realized something freaky... I seem to be missing those times of tears. Not good. Weirdness... But now, all the memories come flooding back. Times when I could be doing something with tears just streaming now. Haiz? Back to music... Hmm. Anyway, love the fact that I have a piano I can call my own. -hugs the piano- Lol.
Next, songs... Hmm. I've already blogged about how I grew up with Disney songs. But just listening to songs in general is something I've also grown used to. Childhood days, my mum singing to me as I fall asleep. Currently, my having to listento my MP3 player before I fall asleep. Anywhere I go, I have to bring my MP3 player along... And not forgetting my having to play some songs while I'm using the computer or reading. Maybe it's cause I cannot stand prolonged silence but having music play in the background is really calming and relaxingl. That's why I always enjoyed this particular situation. Me being in my room, lying on my bed with the aircon on, reading a good book with music playing in the background. Strange how the busier I get, the more I am able to find time for such a situation. =) I think that's enough blogging for today. Ohh. I enjoy changing the songs in my MP3 player but I just realized that there's a severe lack of new songs lately. Oh well... -hints-

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