Sunday, July 09, 2006


Hmm... I was thinking of editing the high school musical entry but eventually, I just decided to continue blogging about friday and all in this entry instead. Yeps.

Friday was fun! To be more precise, the day became very nice and enjoyable after we finished the math bridging module. A few of us stayed back in school to practice the choreography for "We're all in this together". =) Yeps. Thank you kor for figuring out the steps and teaching us. But before that, we were singing along to the soundtrack. I think Lu Xin was surprised at how 4 of us (Kor, Mei, Vanessa and I) knew the lyrics to every single song? Really relaxing and lots of fun! Sorry to gan jie, shao, glo... Heehee. Didn't meet up with you all. Anyway, practicing the moves were fun and all. We even showed Dr Wong and Ms Flo the dance. Yeps. And took advantage of the air-con in the staffroom. =) Ohh! I get to skip Journalism to go for Choir practice this wednesday. After that, we left the school at around 4. Wow. I didn't expect to stay in school for so long. Went to Jurong Regional Library. Ah, my weekly visit to that place. =) Went a bit crazy borrowing books. -pokes kor- Haha. I really should control myself and not borrow almost every single book that looks interesting. Wanted to stay longer but had to rush home and change before going for dinner. So went home and left my house within 15 minutes. New record for me, I think. Went Macs and met up with pple from Lcell. Yeps. Then went to church for Lcell. Ohh. Power Base is nice! Comfy sofas. =) Ohh... Talked to Mei on the way home from church. We ended up singing songs from HSM over the phone?!

Anyway, saturday... Slept in til 11 or so. Then did a bit of homework and read quite a bit. After that, the inevitable dolling-up session. Haiz. My mum's enjoying herself, that's for sure. Had to attend the wedding dinner of my godma's auntie's son... Go figure that out? Haha. Anyway, left the house early so walked around Far East a bit before going to the Hyatt. Ok... The next part of my entry would tell you how "much" exposure to such a situation. Ok... Had to wear a dress and erm... a choker? But I kind of understood why when we entered the hotel. It's like WHOA! Especially when I saw the other guests and all. Think glamour and elegance all around. Didn't know anyone so just followed my mum around... Why does everyone seem to recognize me and I can't recognize them? With the sole exception of my godma and her auntie, of course. (I'm not that bad... Remembered them.) Anyway, the most common comment of the day "Ohh, your daughter so tall. She was so small when i last saw her. So pretty." Uhhuh... Right. -cringe- Anyway, my mum was jokingly asking my godma's auntie's daughter whether I could become an SQ stewardess... 0.0 Oh yes. It seems to run in their family that most of the girls are/were SQ stewardess. That tells you how tall and pretty they are. Yeps. Haha. Anyway, during dinner, I was the youngest at the table (duh!) so was being fed and everyone insisted on me eating more? Like even a stranger sitting next to me was scooping food onto my plate? Anyway, the last course was served 11 plus so reached home only at 12 plus... Then parents went to sleep and erm... took that opportunity to stay up and read. My excuse for staying up? Had to wait for my hair to dry before sleeping... Ya, right. Lol. Anyway, smsed like 3 pple and didn't really expect any replies but 2 of them replied. Anyway, finished 1 book and decided to start on another book and erm... Ended up sleeping at 3. Heehee. So much for slping soon? Heehee. Don't kill me, ok? Anyway, I woke up close to noon today so ya... More than enough sleep.

Hmm. Oh ya, I realized that there's an excessive mention of Kor and Mei in each of my blog entries? Haha. And on the bus, I kept mentioning Mei to my mum. Tsk myself. Mei, get home soon... I'm like blogging and doing other stuff while waiting for your phone call. Lol. Haha. Then can get hyper over HSM! =)

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