Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Yayness! It's the start of the holidays... Anyway, there are quite a lot of things that I want to blog about and it feels weird to blog about everything in one entry since the mood of each topic is really different. Let's start off with the first two days of the holidays. First two days referring to Monday and Tuesday. Had to wake up early for Parent-Teacher meeting. -cringe?- Ok... It wasn't as bad as what I expected. CAP of 3.75... Sighs. To be really honest, I guess I'm aiming for a CAP of 4 next semester. It means I'll have to work a lot harder and all. We shall see... But ya, there are a few subjects I'm happy about and others that I feel need improvement. After PTM was some chinese lesson to help prepare for O-levels. But we ended up just chatting away about our marks and all... After that, went with Renee, Vanessa and Tian Cheng to JE entertainment for lunch. Lunch was amusing and we ended up just sitting at the foodcourt and talking for quite a while even after we finished our food and dessert. =) Then someone had to mention something about neoprints so off we went to take neoprints. Yayness! It was funny! Anyway, we went around walking and erm... I got a bit high on Lychee Ice? So haha... Then Renee and Tian Cheng both tried a bit of the drink and let's just say Lychee Ice blended is probably the most effective drink if you want to get high? Lol. Yeps. Took the bus home and was freaking Renee out. Too bad I had to stop before them.

Tuesday. SMO. Urk. The only time I really enjoyed taking part in SMO was like in Primary 6. Miss Advance Math... Even if I was like the only girl and had to put up with erm... competitive guys? Haha. But ya... Mrs Idil really helped a lot. The preparation for the competitions and all? Ok. Back to the present. After SMO, went back home to pick up cash before going to Orchard with Aaron, Renee and Tian Cheng. Went Plaza Sing for lunch. Whee! Pizza Hut. As usual, lots of laughter? Then we talked to Wheelock Place. Though I think we shouldn't have. -cough- Some people should take more care of themself... But anyway, wandered around Borders. Went a bit high over stationery in there and was let down when I found out that they used to have Bambi 2 soundtrack in Borders but now, out of stock.. Pft. Anyway, went to Takashimaya. Kinokuniya! Whee! More stationery... Anyway, in case you're wondering, I was supposed to help buy stationery for my mum so that's why I'm kind of being crazy? Then brought Renee to Art Friends. Whee! That place is nice! And we found 0.05 black pens? Like... Cool. Because it's really, really thin... But didn't buy. Then went to Orange Julius and just sit there and relax. Then Tian Cheng met us again and we all finally went to the MRT station. Lol. It's good that Renee can still get freaked out... But no longer because of me. Now, kor can take over the job? Heehee... Laadeedaa...

Ok. Time for something erm... less happy? Ok... Got a bit worked-up/emotional/moody yesterday... But the only thing that I'm happy about was that it ended in 15 minutes or so. But ya... Guess it was just a natural reflex to seeing things like that in black and white. I don't know if I'm disappointed with you and your opinions but there are just so many things that I feel like responding to but I shall refrain from doing so. Sighs. I want to blog more about this but it's hard. Anyway, one last point to make. You contradict yourself a lot, do you realize?

Oh yes... To those "evil" people who take delight in "torturing" me, I'm "pleased" to let you know that my brother is kind of taking over all your jobs. And like erm... To get me out of bed, he started tickling me all over, non-stop for like 10 minutes? So ya... Reminds me so much of each of you all. Pft. Laadeedaa. I think I shall have to meet up with you all a lot during the holidays, if not I'll miss you all too much. Haha.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Tagged by Renee so here goes...

Three Names You Go By: chermaine, chermy, cherm? (Right...)
Three Parts of Your Heritage: Chinese, Thai (?), Teochew
Three Things That Scare You: losing loved ones, anger, moodswings
Three of Your Everyday Essentials: food, friends, laughter
Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now: shirt, berms, specs
Three of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists at the moment: Corinne May, don't really have any particular one..
Three of Your Favorite Songs at the moment: Rescue, There is life, At the beginning
Three Things You Want in a Relationship (other than love): trust, mutual understanding, tolerance
Three Physical Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You: smile, height, dunno
Three of Your Favourite Hobbies: Talking on the phone, reading, using the computer
Three Things You want really badly right now: darling the TY dog, new school bag, Jonathan to recover
Three Places You Want to go on Vacation: Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland
Three things you want to do before you die: Live in the countryside, have a dog as a pet, go diving!
Three people I would like to see take this quiz: sammi, hui shi, gloria

I want to do a detailed blog entry on my various "siblings"! Whee!
List of siblings (chronological order):
Hui Shi (gan jie) - Hmm. Out of all my "siblings", she's the one who influenced me the most and all and also probably the one who I'm closest to? Ya. As I wrote so many times in various places, so many things remind me of her. Haha. KFC for starters... And notebooks! Knew her since the start of Secondary 1 and now I'm in Secondary 3, hopefully, this friendship will be one that lasts. The jie-mei bond isn't that easily destroyed as various experiences have shown. After all, I've been through the most downs when it comes to her but the bond's just there... Mutual understanding?

Shao Wen (kor) - Shao... Getting bullied. =) But ya, even though I wasn't that close to you and all in nanyang, I remember that one time when you had to endure my moodiness over the phone. Sorry if that ever freaked you or disturbed you... But thanks. Anyway, miss you as much as I miss the other 2. Even the ruffling up of hair and all. And the small things such as you saying "laugh" continuously and that causing me to just laugh non-stop. Your protection of your previous anime and manga... I miss all that, kor... -hugs-

Joseph (kor) - I knew jose kor longer compared to my other siblings but he only became my kor in like Sec 1. Hmm. Primary school classmate. Was rather close to you in primary school. Talking on the phone so much that our parents started complaining. Yeps. Hmm.. But ya, you were always there to make me laugh and all. Thanks. Recently, been talking to you a lot less. I guess we're both caught up with our own stuff and all but never mind.. Thanks anyway.

Renee (mei) - Haha. Mei who bullies jie... and vice versa. Oops? Firstly, you're like the nicest of all my "siblings"? Haha.. Actually, everyone's nice but you just keep the teasing to a minimum. Besides, if you tease me, you get teased by me so ya. Anyway, one of the few who has to put with a hyper me very often. Aww. You're getting too used to me being hyper. Shall learn from kor (as in Tian Cheng)... =) Anyway, surprising how we were in the same class last year and I barely talked to you and this year, we're like always together. Haha.

Aaron (didi) - Hmm. Didi's like 6 days younger... Aww. Too bad. Anyway, he's nice to bully actually. Haha. But ya, he's nice and helps wash blob blob. In fact, he's the one who got me started on washing blob blob with soap. Oh ya, I miss the drum sticks! Playing with it is fun! And ya, didi studies harder than me. Don't get too upset over marks and all, ok? Your effort will pay off eventually.

Tian Cheng (kor) - Ohh! This is the most interesting "sibling" to blog about... And considering that I really only started talking to him last thursday? Firstly, I dare say I've influenced this kor to become more hyper and crazy? And stop thanking me. This kor is really crazy. Yeps. Doesn't really take care of himself. Tsk. Ohh. Yay! Kor is nice cause he helps me and doesn't torment me and also helps freak mei out. Haha. Rofl. Anyway, kor's probably boarding the airplane now... Hopes he takes more care of himself. Lychee Ice Blended! In fact, sugar high! Whee... Yeps. That's all for now.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Scandalous day? Nah...

Whee! Captain's ball is fun! I guess I enjoyed Games Day. If I wasn't playing captain's ball, I was probably talking and laughing away. I'll just blog about friday. One official game of captain's ball then after that, played a few rounds of friendly games with various people. Now it's clear why the guys were not allowed to play captain's ball. Haha. The 2 on 4 match was still tipped in the guys' favour. That tells you something, doesn't it? Oh ya, captain's ball brings back memories from the end of Sec 1 and Sec 2... Ok, time to stop thinking about the past, not when I'm blogging anyway.
After games day on friday, went out! Yayness! Haha. Anyway, a lot of unexpected things in the whole day that provide many memories that I want to keep. Yep. Ok... Time to stop being so vague. And just to check, who actually reads my blog and not just visit my tagboard? I'll like to know actually... Back to yesterday. Walked around Cineleisure and Takashimaya before having lunch. Watched X-Men3! Whee! Then neoprints. Yay! Finally another set of neoprints with sammi. I have to take more with her... Yeps. The day didn't end there but I'll stop blogging now. Haha. And yay, I got the 7th Pendragon book from Sammi! =) Thanks sammi, love you lots. (Now people, don't get jealous. Rofl...)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Journey into life

Whee! Journey into life... Get a job... Erm. Superstar?! $60000... Then pay increases... Various ups and downs in life. Gaining and losing. Have twins... Unexpected events. Retire in peace?

Haha... Laadeedaa. Did that make sense? Well, that happened to me. Haha. At Renee's house right now. Just played "Life" so ya... That's why. If you think I was referring to real life, how sad... Anyway, been at Renee's house since after school. We were just lazing around her house, using the computer, doing sudoku (!) then watched Robots while eating lunch. Pizza! Yum. =) Went back to using the computer and I was just lying on the sofa bed in the room. It is really comfortable! Haha. Then played "Life" and now I'm typing this. That's all now. Laadeedaa. This is amusing. Anyway, before lunch, I was super high and being really crazy and hyper. Example: "shushing" myself and telling myself to stop talking nonsense. Isn't that proof enough? Yay. Hmm. I think I need to go off soon so ya... -sniffs- That's all for now.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Outing - mixing of various grps...

-cough- I think everyone's coughing too much and I'm kind of affected by them? Haha. People like Renee and Hui Shi?

Anyway, got back Biology and Chemistry today. Pleased with Biology paper 2. Higher than expected. Chemistry was ... not a surprise. But it's low. Not satisfied but I already knew what kind of results I would have after I completed the paper. Ended school early and went home.

Went j8 for late lunch. Swensens! =) But didn't eat the fries there for once and didn't eat ice cream either... Rare. Oh well. Was full anyway. Stoned at the busstop to wait for gan jie, glo and shao. Erm. Ya. Then bryan and his friend, joel met us later. Joel remembers me from MEW? It was like last year. I vaguely remember him so ya... Oh well. KFC aka torture session. Laadeedaa. I really should keep my handphone with me all the time. Yeps. It's worse when some person is just sitting there and laughing away. Hmph. Joel left. Then neoprints. Rofl... Trying to convince guys to take neoprints has never been easy. And shao was also a bit reluctant to take... cos of her attire. Sighs. The uniform's bad but not that bad... Erm. The first few shots were just wasted but it got better. I knew I should have looked through the decorations of each neoprints. Hui shi... Sighs. Only noticed a certain decoration after they pointed it out to me. Then went walking around randomly before going home. Yeps. That's about it. As you can probably tell by now, I'm "cutting" out stuff and omitting certain details. Oops?

got tagged...

1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of his/her perfect lover.
2. Mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this "game" and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the SECOND time, there's no need to go this again.
5. The most important thing: HAVE FUN DOING IT! (:

1. Nice to me (and others.)
Non-egoistic (that crosses out every single guy in this world, doesn't it? lol.)
Able to tolerate me

2. Guy (duh!)

3. 8 pple... Erm. Haha. Those pple who's contributing to my very active tagboard. Hui Shi, Gloria, Shao, Isaac, Bryan, Joseph, Sammi and Aaron (even though he hardly visits.)

5. Fun? Erm... It was rather easy. Considering that -cough- I did a list like that in my notebook before. Laadeedaa. Renee and Sylvie, remember? Haha... Disclaimer: I was highly bored and needed to fill up my notebook.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Long break

Didn't need to attend school from last wednesday to friday and plus the weekend, it was a relaxed 5 day break?
Went to Jurong Point with cousin and aunt to watch poseidon. Actually nothing much happened on that day.

Renee came over to my house! =) Yeps. Yayness! She helped me complete a 950 pc Disney jigsaw puzzle... Haha. Ah... The silly things that we said that totally doesn't make sense. We were extremely hyper and refused to go for lunch til we completed the puzzle so we only had lunch at 3 plus? Fyi, we finished the puzzle in 4 hours. Quite good? Erm. Wanted to watch "Ice Princess" but she had to go so we used the computer. -cough- Apparently, I have a sister. Laadeedaa... Haha.

Went to Cineleisure Orchard with Renee and Ding to watch MI:3... Yeps. Before that, had lunch and was walking around. Ohh... I like the chairs in Cineleisure! Whee! Haha. The cinemas on level 9 have some really nice chairs... Very comfortable.
-cough- Yeps. Renee and I didn't realize that we could put the arm-rest down til the end of the show so ya... Laadeedaa. Then went to take neoprints! Whee! I'm getting ego! The neoprints are nice! =) Went home, rest for an hour then went to Serene to meet Mel and Sis Jas. Yeps. Dinner followed by Lcell. Yeps.

The normal... Service. Had to skip FUEL though to celebrate cousin's birthday. Dinner, went to Raffles Marina. It's really quite peaceful to look at the ships that were docked there. And I realized I could remember the last time I was there even though it's been more than 5 years, I think... Oh. Haha. Cousin managed to persuade my mum to let me learn how to play mahjong. So was sitting there watching my relatives play while my cousin taught me the basics. Yeps.

Nothing much so I'll just fast foward. And looks like swimming is becoming part of a routine... Every Sunday. While Jonathan has proper lessons, I just swim a bit in the pool. Yeps.

Extremely hyper! Ask Renee and Sylvie. I was like a few level more hyper than normal which is kind of scary... Considering how much sleep I had. Considering that the past 5 days, I slept only at 1 or so? Got back a few exam papers today. Sadly, I was proven right that you shouldn't aim high. The higher you aim, when you fall, it hurts more. Matrices. Was expecting higher. Anyway, marks are rather balanced. English was acceptable. Math was lower than expected but Higher Chinese made up for it by being slightly better than expected. So ya... Haha. After school, went to IMM to see my cousin's wedding photo shoot. She looks pretty! Especially that last evening gown. And pity her. Had to pose so many times and the flash is really glaring. Oh well. It's once in a lifetime thing.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Yay! Exams are over! For me, at least. To all the literature people, jia you! But then again, most of you don't read my blog..
Okie. Let's see, I've been extremely hyper and happy since I handed up the bio paper to Mr Andrew. Was getting restless in my seat while waiting to be dismissed. Came out of the hall with a large smile plastered on my face and I think Renee was being highly amused (yet again...) by me. Anyway, Renee's mum was nice enough to give me a lift to HPPS so I reached there earlier than expected. =)

Ok... Time to blog extensively about the time I spent there? Haha. Was asked about life in NUS High and considering it's a mixed school, the teachers had to make some comments. But I enjoyed chatting with the teachers and was helping Mrs Idil with some files. Quite relaxing to do such simple stuff... Laadeedaa. Then talked to Ms Tai and complained about Chinese in Chinese... Blushed quite a bit. Haha. Somehow, I can't figure out why I seem ego in front of people but when compliments are given (as in genuine ones), I don't really think it's accurate. Yeps. Then from 12 - 12:30, the teachers all had lessons so I was walking around the school and talking on the phone with sammi. Thanks sammi. =) Then continued talking with Mrs Idil and got a free cup of watermelon juice. -slurps- After that, talked to Ms Ng. Ahh. How much I miss talking to the teachers. The topics can range from the past to the present to the future... Yeps. The usual advice from teachers and all. Got chased off at around 2pm cause Ms Ng had to mark compositions. Oh well. Just in time to rush off for piano. Anyway, realized that I spent 3 hrs at HPPS. Not bad...

Piano lesson. Ah. I knew changing teacher was a good idea. =) Anyway, my teacher was understanding about the lack of practice. Whew... Oh ya. Got a task from my teacher to figure out the melody of a Jay Chou song. I feel accomplished! Figured out the song by playing around on the piano and listening to the song countless times... Yay! Shall try that for other songs as well. Maybe tomorrow? Whee! Hyperness. Anyway, here's my programme for the next few days... Go out with auntie and cousin aka piano teacher tomorrow. Thursday, slack at home and Renee's coming over. Yay! Haha. Friday's free for now... The nice thing about marking days... =) That's all for now. Whee! Laadeedaa.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sleepless night

Ack. My thoughts are all over. Before I start blogging, I'll be really random and blog a recount of last night from 10:15 til the time I fell asleep. Considering that Renee got pretty tickled and amused by it... Laadeedaa. Erm. Got chased to bed by mum so couldn't finish reading the book Mel lent me. Laid down on my bed with my MP3 player on and just tossed and turned for about 30 minutes thinking about everything under the sun. Ok, not really but was thinking about a lot of things. I'll blog about some of them later. Couldn't sleep so sent a few random messages. Turned off my MP3 player. Tossed and turned for about 20 minutes more while trying to fall asleep using various methods like counting sheeps (which didn't work...) and then start thinking of songs in my head (which brought back too much memories but worked...) and eventually fell asleep. Let's see... I can even tell how soon I dozed off cause I don't remember finishing the lyrics of "I lay my love on you"... Laadeedaa. Isn't it nice how I can blog one paragraph on something so trivial? Haha. Anyway, finally fell asleep slightly before 11:30. Pft. I was supposed to be asleep by 10:30... Bah. Overslept this morning.

Anyway, back to the main reason for blogging. Hopefully, blogging helps me get my thoughts in line and so I can doze off faster tonight... By the way, most of what I was thinking all involved relationships and all but with the various groups of people in my life. Firstly, parents. Erm. For some reason, I didn't get my mum anything for Mother's Day this year. It's like unthinkable, I know but still, don't know what got into me and all. Ya, go ahead and start "tsk-ing" me. But I'm still trying to figure out why I didn't get her anything. It's not that I forgot about Mother's Day. I did think of various gift ideas but it wasn't practical or way out of my budget. Then in the end, it's like resignation. Can't think of anything and I guessed I was too busy with other things to even make a card. Hmm. Things have changed. More than I ever expected. Ack. I just can't blog openly... Hmm. Sorry if this seems like a cliffhanger.

Ok... Time to change topic and see if it helps. Oh ya, only one more paper to go! =) Had chemistry and chinese today. Hmm. I got to admit that the comprehension passage was fun to do... The content was especially intersting and thought-provoking. The passage was on marriage. Ever wondered why you never read about life after marriage in fairytales? Think about it... There was also a line on how marriage seems to lead to the "death" of love but people still get married. The small anecdote in the passage was one of those touching recount of how the author saw an old couple taking care of each other and how that made him realize that love is found in the most common everyday thing and is not always expressed about sweet-nothings, romantic gestures, etc... (By the way, it sounds way nicer in chinese. Maybe I'll type it out one day in chinese...) Hmm. The small things in life mean so much. Not just in relationships between couples but also between people. And so for that, thanks Jeann for remembering that my last paper's tomorrow and smsing me well wishes. =)

There's one more thing that I want to blog about. It's been on my mind for close to a week and was one of the various things that I was thinking about yesterday... Ack. It's one of those topics I rather not face and don't like blogging openly about. Erm. Hope whoever actually reads my blog entry don't mind if I'm being vague. Anyway, after something took place, the situation just hit me. I've been coping with it and was getting used to it but how real and the degree of change was just a bit overwhelming. I had placed too much expectations on that and right now, I'm seriously let down. I was the one that you all were worried about, worried about how I would change in a new school. Ya, I admit I've changed but I kept my word. I didn't let go of who I am. Ironic how the situation changed because of you. Urk. I'm not making sense cause everything's too vague but if I blog in detail, it'll lead to consequences that I'm not ready to deal with yet. But no matter how the situation has changed and no matter how I'm feeling about that, at least you seem happier and you have them to be there for you so I think I'm going to let go more than ever... Reluctantly. But still, I think I got to. Unless things change and you make the first move once more...

Laadeedaa. Nope, I'm not being moody by the way. I just need to let this out... Yeps.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

My nice mei. =)

Due to the fact that both of us are extremely bored, we shall devote an entry to each other.
(I am making too many dedications.. Sighs?)

Hmm. Renee is my nice, nice mei who is always nice to me (unlike some people...) Haha. She claims I'm influencing her. Laadeedaa. Am I? Ok. Let's see. Erm... She just told me that thanks to me, she talks on the phone more! Haha. I broke her previous record and it's right now 2 hrs! Oh. I like studying on the phone with her! I actually remember stuff from those calls.

Yay! She's another person who can stand my hyperness and randomness. Trust me, she has to put up with a lot of that.. She's getting influenced by my craziness. She claims she's getting crazier too!

Ok... Shall end it now. We're just doing this cause we're bored and want to destress from Chem. And btw, we're not les.

Yesterday. (I'm running out of ideas.)

Sammi came to church yesterday! Lol. Actually, it's no longer as shocking as it would have been. Erm. Sermon was on Da Vinci Code. That's about it. FUEL was vaguely amusing. Mel, stop sabo-ing me, can? Pft. Dinner. Erm. Surprisingly lack of appetite. Was only thirsty and craving for ice cream and famous amos cookies. =) ReversO + Very Berry is nice! -slurps- Erm. Truth or dare is one of the worst games that can be played in public. -pokes the evil person who suggested playing the game ytd- Laadeedaa. Pft. The dare I had to do was erm... embarrassing. But relatively safer compared to the other options?! Like erm. Sammi and Mel, we were in public?! Pft. Laadeedaa. I think sammi enjoyed her dares though. Hmm. Sighs. I realized we like to ask questions that involve choosing the "lesser of two evils"... Like pick between ... and ... Laadeedaa. Sighs. The only nice thing I got out of yesterday was like I got to borrow one book each from sammi and mel. Thanks. =) Shall start on the books after I'm done with revision. Don't think I'm in the mood for blogging so didn't blog in detail and all. Leave a tag if you want me to edit this entry... Laadeedaa. But then again, most people only leave tags saying that I'm scandalous. Pft.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Hmm. I guess I'm feeling bad for smsing a few people last night/this morning when I couldn't sleep and disturbing you all. Sorry. People like sammi were awake and had to actually bear with me ranting... And of course, one or two others had to bear with me on MSN. So sorry. That's all.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


It's that time of mugging once more. Ack. Ok... I'm getting too critical of my writing style. Edited the introduction twice already. I shall just not bother about the style and write normally. Taking the English exam today was enough. Blogging's meant to help me settle down and just relax, not make my mind active. At least, not now...

Anyway, for those who don't know, I'm going through my mid-years now except that it isn't really a mid-year examination. My mid-year = end of years? Considering that my school operates on a 6 monthly modular system so each module ends after 6 months. But surprisingly, I'm not as stressed out now compared to when I was preparing for eoys last year. I wonder why... Before I continue, I must thank my nice mei, Renee, who studies over the phone with me for like all the subjects? Haha. We covered all the math modules, physics, bio and even english over the phone for the past few days. =) And yet another realization: Revision can actually be done effectively over the phone! Mei, we so rock! Haha. But it helps to study over the phone and go through the questions together.

Just had my first few major papers today. English, Physics, Polynomial Equations and Functions. Erm. English was ok, I guess? But I did leave some questions unanswered. Lack of time. But it shouldn't affect my marks that badly, I hope. Physics. Erm... Ok. This is the really sad part. It was an open book examination which means we could bring in one piece of A4 paper with anything we want written on it. And yet, I think I'll still fail the examination. Though someone said that I shouldn't just be aiming to pass, for physics, passing means a lot to me already. To make up for the dismal performance in physics, I did try aiming high for other modules.

Then came Polynomial Equations and Functions. Erm. I would probably get a B grade or so? But that's really falling short of my aim. I was aiming for 90% in my exam so that I can pull up my overall grade to A- but now, I really doubt it. Oh well, time to look foward to the next few exams. Matrices and Coordinate Geometry tomorrow. Though I used to think I shouldn't aim high as it'll just hurt more when you fall, I shall dare to aim high for once. Only for one math module do I care to aim for a overall 90 grade. Matrices. As long as I'm careful, I know I can achieve that. -blinks- When did I actually begin to have confidence in myself? Especially when it came to academic grades. -shrugs- We'll see how things go. All the best to everyone! =)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

That missing piece of the puzzle

Well, my current blogskin doesn't show the title of my entry which is both good and bad, I guess. This time, the title's too much of a giveaway to what I want to write about and we can't have that, can we? Considering that I have every intention of making this blog entry as vague as possible. So ya... Let's see if I can do that.

Let's see. Service. The sermon didn't really speak out to me but rather, it was the time when we were supposed to just close our eyes and listen for God's voice. This image was constantly in my mind. Then altar call. I didn't go up cause I didn't really fit into any of the groups. But in my seat, I was being touched by God. The song "Rescue". Mel or isaac, if you have that song, can send to me next time? Hmm. Realization, that I was so close to repeating the process of last year. Moodiness, depression, tears. Letting go of some things. I've never been good at letting go. Still aren't. But it's like the list just got longer. Relationships, emotions, etc...

FUEL. Erm... Sad that I had to leave half-way. Then when making my way to dinner, I was like calling up people and asking them to call with me on the phone. Thanks Renee and Glo. =) But ya. Even the wanting to talk to someone was telling. It made me realized... Oh well. Dinner. Erm... Felt out of place? Never did like eating in such an enviroment. Doesn't suit me? Anyway, after dinner, went to check out some "Hark Music Cafe". Cousin was having her ROM there. As the name implies, it's cafe with a stage. For karaoke purposes? Anyway, the whole family was just sitting there stoning. I was no exception. Hmm. Then I started thinking... Erm. Ya. The same thing that I realized just now? Ouch. It came back and hit me on the head again. So ya... Not good. Anyway, have I mentioned that it's actually relaxing to stare at the flame of a candle? Haha. Was playing with the camera in my phone and took a picture of the flame emitting blue light. =) Whee!

Sighs. I think I've still not covered what I want to but I think I rather not. Sighs. This entry doesn't make much sense, right?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Today - mood swings (?)

For a lack of a better title, I just picked "Today". Considering that this blog entry will just be about what happened so far today which isn't much really, I can't find a title to cover what I'm going to write about.

It was raining in the morning! I wanted to stand in the rain but for practical reasons and violent objections from sylvie and renee. Sighs. Assembly was in 10 minutes and besides my top is white (colour of my school uniform...)
Had my first exam paper today. Higher Chinese Paper 1. I never did consider paper 1 (english or chinese doesn't matter) as an exam so there wasn't any reason to be nervous. Hmm. I guessed I kind of went crazy and picked the one question I shouldn't have picked? For those who don't know, there are three kinds of questions for the essay.

1) Narrative
2) Exposition
3) Commenting on newspaper article.

The one kind of questions that teachers told us not to do was -insert drum roll- exposition. This round, I was trying to decide between exposition and the commenting on a newpaper article. Let's see. It was either writing on the generation gap between parents and their children or writing my opinion on the recent dialogue session between Lee Kuan Yew and those young adults. Though I had points for both topics, I was really inclined towards the exposition so erm... I kind of threw common sense out of the examination hall and did the topic that I wanted. I think it's probably going to cost me my marks but erm. I don't think I'll regret it. It was just so fun writing about that topic. When I refer to doing an exam paper as "fun", it's safe to say I'm a bit abnormal. As in even weirder than my normal self. Haha.

Ok. Anyway, after that was just lunch and 3 hour of bridging modules. Hmm. I found out my CA grade for coordinate geometry. Need to do way better for my exam paper. I want to put my marks up to above average at the very least. After that, was going home alone. Sorry sylvie, I guessed I wasn't in the mood to go West Mall and all. I was doing sudoku on the bus. *faints* Yeps. I was kind of shocked when I realized that but it was nice to just be focused on something and not stone.

Reached home and erm... slacked. Ya. I really should be mugging but I realized I mug best at night. So I'm slacking now til after dinner? But anyway, was trying to complete the sudoku puzzle. Failed. Never mind. It was still an accomplishment for me as I managed to fill it up a bit more. Anyway, started reading this story on fictionpress. Sammi, your recommendations are good. Hmm. Read "When you own the universe". Erm. What is it with me and getting so caught up in fictional stories? I constantly talk to the television screen, criticizing the characters or when reading fictionpress, I tend to empathize with the characters too much that I get a bit emotional? Oops? Thought about some things when reading the story. Erm. Ya. Why am I blogging this again? Oh ya... Cos I'm actually in the mood too for once to blog something proper. That's all for now.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


People are attracted to scandals. I guess it's fairly obvious in society and all. Look at all the media attention that celebraties get when they get into anything scandalous. And the reason behind people liking to gossip? Similar reasons, I guess. Anyway, this part of the entry was prompted by the sudden increase in tags on my tagboard ever since recently when a few of my entries became more "scandalous". At least, that must be how it seems. Hmm. I can't say that I'm happy or upset over this link between the content of my entry to the amount of people tagging. Though the number of tags is not always related to the number of visitors to a blog, I still think I'll be right if I say that people visit blogs more when the "scandal" level of the blog is nice.

Why do people visit other's blogs? Boredom? Finding information? Wanting to know what goes on? Amusement/Entertainment? Hmm. For me, I guess the blogs I visit the most often are the blogs of people who I actually care more about and I want to know what I'm missing out on in their lives or what they're thinking about, so on and so forth. Based on that, I've got to admit I don't go regularly to many people's blogs. Only those few. Hmm. You should know who you people are? I think it's fairly obvious. But anyway, the list of blogs that I go to regularly seems to have changed a bit just over these past months. Interesting...

Monday, May 01, 2006


Pft. Congrats to the first two members of ACFC. You've done your job extremely well and the damage has been done. But I've got to admit, in between the times of frustration and trying to answer all the questions from various people, I'm getting amused too. Oh well.