Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Before this, I came up with a draft of a blog entry but I just deleted it. Firstly, it isn't all that relevant now.

Anyway, I really should be doing my work but right now, nothing seems to be getting in my brain. Let's see. Only 3 physics questions and a few diagrams of cells to draw but I haven't had any progress since a few hours ago. Really tried attempting but nothing seems to work. Right now, all I want to do is to lie down on my bed and sleep but I'll get it tomorrow with all my work undone. So I'm staying up. I can't afford to not hand it and have that pull down my CA grade. No matter what I say and/do, I do still have an expectation for myself in terms of academic results.

Talking about attempts... Haiz. So many failed attempts. At least I consider them failures while others might view it differently. Hmm, interesting how I still keep on trying again and again even when I've failed so many times. Then again, I'm only referring to a specific area in life. Now if only that applied to my attitude towards studies, etc...

Monday, August 28, 2006

charity concert

I'm finally getting down to blogging about the charity concert. Yayness! =)

Okies, shall start off with a bit about the rehearsals on wednesday and friday? Actually, it was never a proper rehearsal in the sense that they didn't manage to run through the whole show but it was fun! =) At least we managed to enjoy ourselves, ya? Then on fri... -cringe- That was a weird day. After math test, then rehearsal. But cause there was quite a bit of free time in between and we had nothing to do so our minds would wander. Yeps. But yes, I just want to say "Thanks!" to you two. Mhmm. Though I wouldn't have mind being alone, it means a lot that you two came. =) Yeps, so thank you! =) And at least, we ended the day on a high note. =) -starts belting out songs from HSM-

Then, finally 26th Aug. A bit after 2 months since the idea first came about. Hmm. Started off the day really high! Ordered McDelivery to school and ate before lazing around and putting on make-up. -blank- Like hmm. Putting on make-up was rather amusing since it's been awhile since I had to put on make-up. And considering I've never put make-up on myself before.
-amused- Mhmm. Yay. Had mei and charmaine to help me. But then had to touch up a bit on my own. Then rehearsal in the auditorium again followed by the matinee (is that how you spell it?). Erm. To be honest, it wasn't that good? At in our performance. Think we were more hyper as a group on friday's rehearsal. But oh well. Then dinner followed by another 1-2hr of waiting before the final performance. Hmm. That was one roller-coaster ride of emotions again? Deja vu, hmm? Thanks mei for letting me go up to the 5th floor. =) And see, just as I said, "ask and it will be given"... Lol. But yes, I'll try my best to not run off (w/o telling you two), ok? I can't promise no matter how much i want to. Mhmm. Then the attempt to bring the hyperness level up and it worked! =) Yayness. Was jumping backstage and being really high. Yeps. Think the energy level improved a lot from the afternoon show. =) But oops, forgot my steps. To make things worse, it was the Wildcats part lah. -mei lian jian ren- Haha. It's hanyu pinyin by the way. Mhmm. Yeps. Then was so high + the fact that I got permission to stay out and celebrate. =) -bounce- Really late dinner at Macs then went home and finally managed to sleep at 1.

Then yesterday, me and mei were feeling rather bored and started looking around at blog entries by others on the charity concert. Found quite a few interesting comments. But shaln't post them. Mhmm. Sighs. It's all over.
-sniffs- I'm going to miss those fridays where we stayed back to slack/sing/dance, etc... Never mind, we shall try to continue staying back on fridays, ok? =)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

birthday! =)

Okies. Now that my birthday's over, can blog about it. Yeps. =)

Firstly, thank you to all those who've wished me happy birthday be it through MSN, sms, phone call or in person. Yeps. Yay! I shall list out the whole list of people then. Makes me feel good. Haha.

Sammi has the honour of being the first to wish me happy birthday. As I said to her, very fitting. Yeps. Then mei and didi. Thanks. =) The rest, I'll shall list the names, ok? Ding, Kor, Sylvie, Isaac, Nes, An Ren, Shao, Gloria (both my friend and my cousin), Rachel, my mum, my uncle, my father, Han Chang, Bryan (as in my senior from school), Jeann, Shu Mei, Hannah, Juztin, Nicolas, gan jie. Er... Did I miss out anyone? -blurred- I apologize if I did, ya? But thanks to everyone. Including those who went on the 10th of aug. Mhmm.

Okies. Now that I've done thanking you all for the birthday wishes, next, it's time to blog about the day itself and presents! -bounce- Let's just say the day started off in a way I never forseen. Haha. Starting referring to 12midnight. Various smses and one phone call. Then go to school and receive presents! =) I like. =) Had to sit through various 2-hr long lessons.
-yawns- Got poked a lot since someone came up with the weird logic that since it's my 15th birthday, my "family" get to poke me 15 times. Let's see. Lux, Sylvie, Ding, didi, Kor, mei and Nes. Go calculate how many pokes. But yay! Kor and didi are nice. Didn't poke me. =) went to auntie's house for delicious dinner. Whee! I like the birthday cake from N.Y.D.C Chocolate!! =) But yes, realized I cut 3 cakes this year. ohh well. There. Next, presents! Ok, I'm kind of lazy to blog in detail cause I want to go sleep soon but I'll spare a few lines.

Thank you to all those who gave me presents! Haha. I got 2 wind-chimes from different people. Yayness. Finally. So shall hang in my room. Hanged up one already. Now trying 2 figure out where to hang the other one. =) Ohh. Piglet! It's really cute and actually quite huggable. Other presents were also nice such as what my parents gave. New 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle! And also got a nice new wallet and a bag. Whee! My cousin and auntie have good taste. And as usual, various red packets. Whew. Was almost broke before that. =p Heehee. But ya, there wasn't anything that large other than the 10th aug thing but still this birthday is one of those memories I want to keep. =)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Since mei tagged me... Oh well. Here goes.

A: Sammi! =)

A: No one cause I just cleared my call history a few days ago. =p

A: Hey! Happy birthday! =) know that God is always watching over you!

A: Nope.

A: Erm. In between curly and wavy? =p

A: Charity Concert! Actually, I'm performing but still counted, right?

A: Huh?!

A: Uhhuh... (But really, quite a few words.)

A: M&M with peanut inside

A: "Nothing. Just something my friend said." in reply to my mum when she asked who I was smiling to... =p

A: Sometimes.

A: What's that? Nope.

A: No.

A: Erm. A bit early to think about it, ya?

A: Hmm. Probably to mei. But in a strictly platonic way.

A: Looking through my notes for trig viva tomorrow or doing log assignment?

A: a few. most used ones are chermy/mei/jie?

A: No?

A: Jonathan. =)

A: Mhmm.

A: Quite. But nowadays, I'm no longer such a heavy sleeper.

A: Don't even understand the question.

A: Haven't used.

A: Erm... Dozed off at my auntie's hse quite a few times?

A: No. No car what.

A: None.

1. Male friend: Kor and Isaac? -shrugs-
2. Female friend: Quite a few though. Sammi, gan jie, mei, etc...
3. Vacation: None in particular.
4. Day of the week: No particular day but most probably friday?
5. Food: now now, that's obvious, isn't it? I have a sweet tooth. =)
6. Memory: Quite a few. Today's one of them. =)

Last [Not counting family]
1. Person you saw: stranger at the void deck downstairs?
2. Talked to on the phone: Mei.
3. Hugged: Hmm. Can't seem to remember. Honestly.
4. Person you texted: MSN, sammi. Sms, kor.

1. Is: my birthday!
2. Got any plans: Finish blogging then look thru trig notes?
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: Chinese essay test.

1. Number(s): 22
2. Song: Several. Just go through my MP3 player?
3. Color: blue! my "element"'s water. =)
4. Season: Haven't been in a country with seasons but I'll like to experience spring and autumn.

1. Missing someone: Yeps.
2. Mood: Happyish + sleepy.

True or False
I am a morning person: depends.
I am a perfectionist: depends on what area of life.
I am an only child: False
I am currently in my pajamas: False
I am online 24/7: False
I am very shy around the opposite gender: depends
I can be paranoid at times: So true. -pointed look-
I currently regret something that I have done: not really.. (surprising.)
I enjoy talking on the phone: True
I have a lot to learn: True
I have a secret: True

There. All answered. Though I want to blog about today, I'll leave that for later. Shall do a bit of work and revision first. =( Haha.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

recovery time

Heehee. I'm not exercising enough self-control. Tsk myself. Even though there's chem test tomorrow, unfinished shui bi and biology flipbook, I'm still taking time to blog, read blogs, listen to music, etc. =p Oops?

Anyway, today was fascinating and it was rather interesting to observe my mood throughout the day. Actually, it's not that fascinating or interesting but rather two main areas that I find surprising. Yeps. Started off today quite well. Carry-over from yesterday's mood? =) -feels accomplished- Continued being in quite a good mood throughout math. English was average but something came to mind and brought me down one notch but recovered quite fast. =) Then followed by break and chinese and -cringe- physics. Had the test today. Ahh... At first, my mind was working and the first 3 MCQ questions were answered rather quickly then I suspect I got over-confident and ended up blanking out for the rest of the paper. Picked myself back up and focus and managed to do more of the paper. Enough to make me feel satisfied and contended. Regardless of the results. But I think I might have a chance in doing better compared to last semester. That's my aim really. Mentoring session. Talk on leadership development and we were kind of forced into picking one programme. Dang! I wanted to go for the leadership development programme but logically speaking, it would take up a lot of time next year but illogically speaking, I want it... But not too sure why and found it surprising how it took me so long to cancel out that option. ><

Lunch followed by choir practice. Whee! It's so great to see everything coming together. It's been 2 months from the time the idea first came up. Can't wait for the actual day itself. =) But yeps, first chance to practice in our attire. -laughs- Then after that, a short break before going to a classroom with the usual people (kor, mei, nes) to just relax. For once, we didn't dance and just revised chem/write/stone/practice singing... Yeps. Mhmm. It was then I realized that my mood kind of took a sudden drop. Very freaky. I couldn't place what triggered it off and it made me more disturbed. Came very close to wanting to get out of the classroom and find some nice quiet isolated corner in the school. Heehee. But ya, didn't end up doing that. So was just stoning in the classroom and talking (occasionally...) Dang. Not happy with myself during that time, could have controlled a lot better. Be it in the area of controlling the emotion or controlling what's on the surface. -shrugs-

Then after that, my mood improved a lot. =) Thanks kor (and mei)! Yeps. Mei, don't think you realize it, ya? But heehee. Waiting with you for your dad was a fun time and it made me laugh + smile. =) Then to kor. Yeps, you obviously realized and so thanks for cheering me up. But yes, I'm pleasantly surprised at how my mood can pick up so fast nowadays. But dang, it can still go down as fast as last time. Pft. But at least the frequency has decreased significantly? Yeps.

Okies. It's almost 11. Think I really should shut down the computer and all. Yeps.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

end of that kind of tiredness?

Why am I blogging so much these days? -warning signs?-

But anyway, tiredness has appeared in my title for the third consecutive time and hopefully the last. Things haven't improved that much from the last time I blogged but a few minor things have changed? For one, I feel slightly better now that I've completed quite a large part of the bio flipbook. All that's left is improving it and putting it together. So I've let myself enjoy 30 minutes of break without feeling guilty. Next, a nice shower kept me awake enough to do my work just now. =) It was pretty alarming when I started to work on "auto-mode"... Yeps. Whee! And lastly, I've decided that there was a severe need to pull myself out of that kind of tiredness. Physically, I can't do much. Emotionally and mentally, I can try. I don't want to fall back into anything remotely close to moodiness. Besides, I can't exactly infect people with hyperness if I'm tired so yes, got to pull myself out of it. Yeps. Hopefully, the next week, I get hyper enough... (Forgetting the fact that there are 2 tests coming up this week. Yeps. Of course...)

tiredness (continued)

Considering that my previous entry didn't really touch on the title much, I shall try to blog on this again. Firstly, I've been very sleepy. Exceptionally so. Last night by 9 plus, I was sleepy but since I was out, had to wait til 11 before I could sleep. There went any plans I had of staying up and doing my work. Only got out of bed at 11am today. That bad.

But now, physical well-being aside. My emotional state hasn't been that good either? -shrugs- To be honest, this week's been one of the worst week in terms of mood. Quite surprising. Considering that it was the nice long National Day break and all but my mood's been quite bad compared to the rest of this year. What's bothering me? I really don't know or don't want to know. Actually, it's more like I know but I'm in denial. Happy now that I've finally admitted that I'm in denial? =p But yes... Been trying to push the issue to the back of my head but good luck to myself for that. -shrugs- Anyway, was kind of freaked out by how my mood just changed... From being tired to the verge of crying. It was so sudden. Bah. But yes, hopefully it's just my physical tiredness that's affecting my mood. But I have my doubts about it? -attempts to be hyper- Doesn't work. Hasn't been that hyper in awhile already. Yes, a week or so without me being exceptionally hyper has become abnormal. Oh well...

Friday, August 11, 2006


I was trying to decide between tiredness or sleepiness as the title. There's a reason I chose the former. Yeps. Since sleepiness only refers to physical weariness but tiredness can refer to more than that? =p

Ok... Been really sleepy today. As usual, took awhile to drag myself out of bed. The air-con was on, that's my excuse. (No, I don't sleep with the air-con on much unless it's a hot day or something so ya, tend to laze in my bed more when the air-con's on.) =p Went to school, was rather sleepy and rested for a few minutes during mentoring session. Heehee. Interesting debate between the students and the teachers on the motion that "Science and technology has done more good than harm in today's society." Something along those lines... Yeps. Then a short break before Math bridging module. -cringe- Stupid error during the quiz. Yes mei, I know you're highly amused by it, ya? Lol. Oh well. -examines my head- A nice 1 hour lunch break which I attempted to sleep in the canteen, unsuccessfully. Never did like sleeping in school unless I'm that tired and I know my friends are around. Yeps. Then it started raining.
-pouts- Mei and nes didn't let me go out into the rain. ><>

Oh. Then the usual session of singing + dancing at our classroom. =) The people from H.O.M.E came down. Yeps. Still pleasantly surprised and very impressed by how fast they pick up the song and the dance and their attitude towards the item is really different from erm... another group of people? -cough- But was still rather sleepy which led to overall tiredness. Though I probably could have gotten hyper, decided it took too much effort so ya. It's become a routine to stay in school til 5 plus, 6 on fridays already. Lol. Good and bad? I'm looking foward to the few days before charity concert. Will be busy but think it'll be fun and memorable. =) That's all for today. Shall go off and sleep early tonight. Ohh. Interesting how I didn't blog about what I wanted to. =p

Thursday, August 10, 2006

10th august

Although I want to elaborate on my previous entry, I don't really like editing entries unless the need arises so I think I might just re-blog about it here? Then again, I might just focus on today. Ack. Thoughts all over the place... Too disorganized. Ok, I'll just try blogging about today. =p

Anyway, from where I ended off, I was getting ready to go to the library. Went to the library and as usual, went a bit crazy over books? Had to practice a lot of self-control. Especially that whole shelf of books written by Mercedes Lackey. -pointed look- Haha. Yeps. Then lunch... Urk. Don't like it when I'm eating for the sake of eating and not really enjoying food. Lack of appetite? Then the rather amusing 15 minutes of standing by a pillar at the MRT station... Must have seemed weird to those people walking by? Ok. For the next paragraph or so, I shall attempt to get my thoughts in order instead of jumping all around the place.

Interesting how MRT rides could be so eventful? I seem to be in the habit of taking long MRT rides these few days. Orchard to Jurong East via the North-South line yesterday then today, Jurong East to Pasir Ris and back. Anyway, the whole situation was really unexpected. What if... If only time could be turned back? *****. Laadeedaas. No, it's not a swear word or anything... Just a word that I rather/cannot spell out. =p Heehee. But yes, very unexpected. Just interersting (?) how the whole situation was... To be honest, interesting doesn't fit the whole situation. It's more of unexpected and alarming. "Unexpected" is being used for 4 times, that says a lot? Regrets but what's past is past, right? Hopefully. But I just need to say that even though the fact that I can have such an idea makes it more than enough for hesitation to arise, I want to state this clearly. Yes, there has to be a basis for an idea but no matter how extreme the idea is, I will not carry it out. Not today, not any other day. As I said, it'll probably be one of the biggest regrets of my life and one of the lowest points too. Yeps. Yay. Just wanted to re-affirm that, ok? =) Thanks.

Went Pasir Ris Park... Then just walk around, drink Lychee ice blended. (Too much sugar already?) 1 round of bridge only. Then frisbee playing. ^_- Yay, my catching hasn't detoriated that much? Ohh yes... I'm trying to figure out the sense in playing soccer at that particular area when there's so much space around? So yes, had to concentrate on 2 flying objects. Pft. Anyway, it was interesting attempting to eat a melted mango cake. But yes, it made the day memorable? Ohh yes, how can I forget? Playing with fire. Throwing of ice. Then making my way back home. Ahh. Good timing? Managed to catch the bus just in time... -time to insert current msn nickname- But yes... Seriously, people should remember that I'm not blind or deaf. I can see and hear, you know? But overall, amusing and slightly better than what I expected? Yeps. But very tired... Think I'll go sleep soon. That's all for now? Anyway, the mood of this entry isn't as positive as I want it to be... Too tired? But after all that's said and done, I want to say a big "THANK YOU" to all those at Pasir Ris Park today. Especially the 3 "organizers". Yeps. Thank you, I appreciate the effort. And for those who came, thanks for taking the time to go. Yeps. That's all.

national day break

Yayness, finally some time to blog. Actually, things haven't been that bad. It's just that I over-loaded myself with stuff over this break so haven't been home much which means less time in front of the computer so not that much time to blog.

Ok. Considering the schedule that I gave myself which means I have to leave the house in about 30 minutes and go to the library. Yes, go ahead and kill me for not rushing to pasir ris asap but there are other things I need to settle first, so yeps.

Anyway, the past few days have been good but could have been better? I think I'll blog in the style of just words without elaboration. Yeps.

Tuesday. McDonald breakfast. Honey! Walking around. Sugar over-load. Objective shopping. More sugar. Sports Day. House Cup. Talking. Waiting. Weirdness. Fireworks. Smses. Wednesday. Orchard. More walking around. White skirt. Drop in mood. Talking. Clothes. Bright red. Kinokuniya. Art Friend. Talking. Walking. Dinner. Today... Urk. Decision. Moodiness (?). Reluctance.

Urk... I really don't like blogging this way so I think I'll edit this entry some other time. But the library calls so yeps.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

the notebook

Whoa. My third entry of the day. Though it's not a record or anything, it's not that common for me to blog so many times in one day? At least not all on the same blog. Oh well. -shrugs-

Anyway, regarding the title of this entry. "The Notebook". Nope, this isn't going to be an entry for me to blog about notebooks and all. (Hmm, maybe I should do that?) Lol. But anyway, it's the title of a book written by Nicholas Sparks. And also the title of a movie adaptation of the book. Yeps. Just watched it today. Thanks Sylvie for lending me the disc! =) But yeps, was just watching it and enjoying the chance to relax and enjoy the show. Though there are probably a few issues that I could blog about, I'm not really in the mood to do that? Hmm. Shall just rant on about the show in general. Ohh! The sunset in the show was really nice. The whole setting... Like the house and the lake. -swoons- Lol. Bah. Can't think of anything to write. Too bad I can't do the english movie review on this. =( Never mind.

Forget it, this entry's too short. Time to lengthen the entry? Let's see... I'll just write about notebooks then? =) Whee! Let's see. The habit of writing in notebooks started in Nanyang. Gan Jie's influence. There was the bubble notebook that I wrote and doodled in during Secondary 2. Then this year, it's the multi-colour notebook. Yeps. And a smaller blank book for doodles and lyrics. Laadeedaa. Hmm. I want to blog but don't know what to blog about. Pft. So shall end this entry here... Heehee. My blogskin is nice! =) (ok... that was random.)

change of blogskin

It should be obvious that I've changed my blogskin yet again. No, it's not because of all the comments regarding my previous choice of blogskins. If it was due to that, my current blogskin won't be this one either so ya...

But yes, I like my new blogskin! =) Shall attempt to keep it for a long while. It's nice... The picture and the words! Heehee. And felt like changing all the format of the other sections to suit the feel of the blogskin so started editing my cbox and the format of my wishlist. -feels accomplished- And now, shall start blogging in a smaller font! Whee! =)

anger - unforgiveness - bitterness

I realized that it's been quite a while since I blogged about the pastor's sermon. Considering how last year I would blog in detail about the sermon but this year, don't think I've done that much. Oh well. Anyway, this sermon's rather interesting to comment on especially after I thought about it and realized certain stuff. Yeps. Anger management...

Initially, I didn't think the sermon would apply to me that much. After all, I don't really get angry often at people. And normally even if I do get angry, I keep it under control unless it's really too much. But then the more I thought about it, the more I realized how it wasn't really true. There's this one line that stands out from yesterday's sermon. Anger leads to bitterness which leads to unforgiveness... Ouch. Laadeedaa. There's still that issue I was wondering whether I've surrendered totally and well, it's better but it'll take time. And ya, was reminded of some anger directed towards a certain person which I really should let go... Oh well.

Bah. Don't like the mood of this entry. Shall have to make it more light-hearted but how? Ohh! I realized that I have like 10 Disney CDs! =) Yayness! And that doesn't even include the up-coming one that's going to be added to my collection. Whee! =) Ok. Wait. Some of it isn't really Disney but soundtracks from animated movies... Doesn't matter.

1) Disney Forever Volume 1
2) Disney Forever Volume 2
3) Disney Forever Volume 3
4) Disney Love Hits
5) Mulan soundtrack
6) Lilo and Stitch soundtrack
7) Disney Refresh!
8) Bambi 2 soundtrack
9) Anastasia soundtrack
10) Quest for Camelot soundtrack

To be precise, 9 and 10 shouldn't be counted. Yeps. But I don't care. =p Heehee. Whee! Going to have new CD added to this collection soon!

Friday, August 04, 2006

random ramblings

I do have certain things that I want to blog about but since my thoughts are not really organized and plus the fact that I want to sleep, I think I'll make this entry short.

Lol. Had to double-check what I blogged in the previous entry, actually forgot what I blog about. Yeps. Hmm... The week's been acceptable? More or less. Though there've been the usual few times of hyperness, it's not as much as before. Pft. All 4 of us are too tired, aren't we? But ya, school's enjoyable and everything went quite well. Even after biology lesson yesterday. I still wondered what would have happened if I stayed throughout the entire video on abortion. Rather interested but since I chose to leave the class, that's one thing I shaln't ever know? Yeps. Today was quite good... I would have said good but there are some things that affect it? Laadeedaa. Not very obvious, I think. Then again, those around me are perceptive... Haha. But generally, today's another one of those nice fridays. =) -feels rather accomplished- Managed to teach the people from H.O.M.E all the way to the wildcats part. Heehee. Yeps. Dang... I wanted to blog about stuff and all but this shall do for now since I still can't blog in detail here. Besides, wrote in my diary already. Gdnight

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Hmm. It amuses me when those people around me can read me so easily or know me to the extent that they can voice out what I'm thinking. Especially yesterday. Mei answered a question on my behalf and the answer was so accurate. In the sense that it's one of those answers I keep to myself and don't reveal but she could still say it out? Like. Whoa. The answer was obvious and all but the phrasing and everything. Impressive.

I've never been one for masking my feelings/opinions/etc, don't you agree? There are very few things that people don't know about... But it just struck me on how those I thought knew me well just can't seem to be able to read me nowadays. Laadeedaas. Shaln't elaborate. Was thinking of keeping this post til later but never mind. Shall just blog vaguely. Guess I began to have expectations of how well my friends could read me or understand me? Which isn't good. But I like to think they aren't that high. Considering that I still smile each time someone can voice out my opinion and all for me. Yeps. But being readable and easily understood...

Even now, I do wish that at times I could keep more to myself but it's just not me. No matter how I try, I can't. For a short period of time only... at best. Pft. Why am I blogging this again? -shrugs- Never mind. Goodnight. I really should go sleep now. Laadeedaa. Yeps.