Sunday, August 06, 2006

anger - unforgiveness - bitterness

I realized that it's been quite a while since I blogged about the pastor's sermon. Considering how last year I would blog in detail about the sermon but this year, don't think I've done that much. Oh well. Anyway, this sermon's rather interesting to comment on especially after I thought about it and realized certain stuff. Yeps. Anger management...

Initially, I didn't think the sermon would apply to me that much. After all, I don't really get angry often at people. And normally even if I do get angry, I keep it under control unless it's really too much. But then the more I thought about it, the more I realized how it wasn't really true. There's this one line that stands out from yesterday's sermon. Anger leads to bitterness which leads to unforgiveness... Ouch. Laadeedaa. There's still that issue I was wondering whether I've surrendered totally and well, it's better but it'll take time. And ya, was reminded of some anger directed towards a certain person which I really should let go... Oh well.

Bah. Don't like the mood of this entry. Shall have to make it more light-hearted but how? Ohh! I realized that I have like 10 Disney CDs! =) Yayness! And that doesn't even include the up-coming one that's going to be added to my collection. Whee! =) Ok. Wait. Some of it isn't really Disney but soundtracks from animated movies... Doesn't matter.

1) Disney Forever Volume 1
2) Disney Forever Volume 2
3) Disney Forever Volume 3
4) Disney Love Hits
5) Mulan soundtrack
6) Lilo and Stitch soundtrack
7) Disney Refresh!
8) Bambi 2 soundtrack
9) Anastasia soundtrack
10) Quest for Camelot soundtrack

To be precise, 9 and 10 shouldn't be counted. Yeps. But I don't care. =p Heehee. Whee! Going to have new CD added to this collection soon!

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