Tuesday, September 12, 2006

7 questions

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory about you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. You must post this on yours.

Doing this again. This time for kor. Mhmm.

1. You are good at pulling out random books. (whee!)
2. Pack your file and keep it that way. (Heehee. Had something else in mind but then it wouldn't work since you'll throw it back at me. Namely, ban a certain phrase.)
3. Blue! (No, actually should be multi-colour. Whee! I'm going a bit crazy now.)
4. Kor's nice!
5. Hmm. First time I was at Renee's house and you called her and I was thinking "must be that senior from YO". =p Term 2.
6. Eagle. (Ok... I give really random answers for this question.)
7. Again, I can't think of anything to ask. Since I normally ask the question once I think of it. Mhmm.

There. Haha. Those bracketed comments are amusing. -bounce- Should I do that too for mei's? Never mind. Yayness. I really should be doing work but don't want to. =p Especially a bit of the SL project report and the article on charity concert for CCA. Oops? Why can't I sign into Windows Messenger? -whines-

Whee! Random comment time. The florist at JE MRT sells Kalms bears at really expensive prices. Was walking around with sylvie today and then saw this huge bear in the display window which was $400+?! Even the minature version which has the height of an A4 paper is like $40+?! Ack. I don't want to stop blogging. Shall go on then...

Ohh. What is it with people not believing it when I tell them it's my first time at -insert activity-? For example, pool. Then yesterday, art. Trying to throw a pot. Ms Ching complimented me and asked whether it was really my first time. Uhhuh. -blinks- I'm not that good til it's perfect and all but really, it's kind of nice to be able to handle the task well enough. So ya... Just finding it interesting.

Let's see. Shall blog about today. Nothing much except that I miss mei! Pft. Never mind. Went school later since I saw no point in going early. Was kind of weird to stand alone during flag-rising since I was in the center of the line. Heehee. Then chemistry. Mei, you don't have that much to catch up but you missed a quiz. Mhmm. Break. Chinese. -cringe- Was trying to stay awake. He spent 40 minutes going through one zuo wen question. Uhhuh. Then after that, english. -bounce- For once. Too bad you missed it, mei. She was asking as to identify the title of the songs based on the lyrics and stuff. Then later, had to come up with new song lyrics for an existing tune and the lyrics were supposed to be about one of the topics we've studied so far. E.g. Persuation/Argument/Reviews, etc... Mhmm. -feels rather accomplished- Tell you more about it tomorrow or something. Lunch. A part of it was spent in a classroom and blasting music. =) Relaxing. Physics. Haha. Skip to music theory. As usual, doing and doing more theory. Mhmm. After that, went JE central with sylvie. Gave the library a miss due to time constraints. Pft. That's about it, I guess. Ok... This paragraph seems to be an account of school. Weirdness.

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